Chapter 20 ❤

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Clay - First-Person POV

I ran down the hallway, down the stairs, and out the front door where I saw George running down the street. Why didn't he put on shoes!? He's basically wearing f*cking thigh-highs! I put my sword in its holster that was on my back and started sprinting towards George. "George! Wait!" I'm so glad this is all grass. I started to catch up with him and soon enough I was about 7 feet behind him, still maintaining a sprint. "George, please!" I was running out of breath at this point and couldn't maintain my sprint as well as before. I could tell George was running out of breath as well so I tried to keep going to a distance I could grab him at.

About half a minute later I was able to grab George and pull him to me. Breaking down into tears, I fell to my knees. "I'm so sorry, George! I'm so sorry..." George fell to his knees as well and hugged me. "I- It's ok, Clay." Looking up at him, I tackled George and hugged him. "Ow, Clay, that hurt," George muttered. "Sorry." I stood up and held my hand out for George to grab. He took my hand and I pulled him up to my side. "If you want you can get on my back - You're not wearing any shoes." George nodded and I kneeled so he could get on my back.

Hehehehe height difference

By now it was getting dark so I had to hurry. We were 3/4 of a mile away from the house and I don't think sprinting or jogging are the best ideas. So, pretty much, we wouldn't be home for about 15 minutes. Poggers.

Time skip - 10 minutes

We were almost home by now and my legs were exhausted. I could hear George breathing softly, probably sleeping. I wouldn't be surprised if he were, considering he hasn't said a word since we started walking back.

Time skip again - 5 minutes

Finally, we're back home. I wonder what everyone is doing...? I opened the front door to see Vincent, pacing back and forth in the living room. He looked up at me and George and ran over to us. "I heard what happened - Are you guys ok!?" He looked so worried. He almost looked as if he'd been crying. "Hey, hey, hey... We're ok! Were you crying?" I put my right hand on Vincent's shoulder and looked him in the eyes. "Can we just go upstairs or something?" He asked. His eyes were filling with tears.

How could I not realize how much he cares about me and George? I feel bad for not realizing earlier. Even if I've only known him for a few hours or so.

"Sure. I'll follow you up." Vincent nodded and we went upstairs and into our bedroom. I put George down on the bed and went around to the other side where I and Vincent laid down. Vincent snuggled up against my side and I put my arm around him, falling asleep almost instantly.


514 words

Sorry this was a bit short! I just wanted to get something out before I got to work on those other chapters I said I'd work on.

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