Chapter 13

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Sorry for not updating at all! I've been caught up with school for the past two weeks due to 3 projects and 4 tests -,- (Help me) But now that it's winter break, I can update a lot more! Hope you enjoy the long chapters ahead ;)

Also, I'd like to thank my friend Danny for reading my story.

Ok continue


"Thanks." "What's up with your voice?" Vincent asked, chuckling. "Just my morning voice I guess." "Zak, it's like 4 o'clock or something." "Oh. Then my 'after-sleep' voice." Vincent chuckled again and started digging around in the cabinets but found something pretty quickly. He went over to the couch with it and sat on the floor next to Zak's leg.

"What are you doing on your phone? You'll waste the battery." Zak asked, peeking over Darryl's shoulder to see what he was doing. "Oh, I'm looking on Google Maps for any places to get food and/or look for people. So far, I've found a few places to get food, some houses, and an apartment building not too far from here." "That's a good idea," Vincent replied with his mouth full. "By the way, if we're gonna look for more people, we need a larger house. I suggest we migrate to this one a couple of miles away." Darryl showed his phone screen to Zak and Vincent. "It has like 6 bedrooms, a full-sized kitchen, a living room 3 times the size of this one, and 6 bathrooms. It would be perfect if we were to invite more people!" Darryl smiled widely and turned off his phone, closing everything before doing so.

Zak looked down and went into deep thought, "I want to stay here though... I don't want to leave my home!" Tears were slowly streaming down his face. "Hey, hey, hey! It's ok! We don't have to go anywhere. What if we just kick out Jacob and Dylan and tell them to go next-door? There is another house about half a mile away." Zak nodded and laid down on Darryl's lap. "It's ok. We don't have to leave. Maybe all of us, not including Jacob and Dylan, can live here while the rest of them live in the two next-door houses! That sounds like a good idea, right?" Darryl looked down at Zak and smiled.

He nodded, "Are you guys gonna go look now?" "Oh, yeah!" Vincent got up and put his bowl in the sink (he had cereal btw). "C'mon, Darryl!" He motioned for Darryl and he got up quickly. He kissed Zak's forehead and went over to the front door where he put on his shoes and walked out with Vincent.


What should I do now? I don't have much to do. It's not like I can watch TV. I guess I could go see what Jacob and Dylan are doing.

Zak got off the couch and limped over and up the stairs. He went to the couple's bedroom and knocked on the door, quickly getting a response. "Who is it!?" Zak could hear the sounds of someone putting on a belt and pants, "It's Zak! Also, were you two having sex or something!? 'Cause I can hear you putting on your pants!" "Yeah! We were! Give me a sec!" "Mkay!"

5 minutes later

"Hey!" Jacob exclaimed, opening the door. "Hey. I was wondering if you wanted to play a board game or something? I'm bored." "Sure! Lemme go get Dylan." Jacob closed the door and Zak headed down the stairs and into the living room where he went through a pile of board games that hadn't been touched in a few years. This should be fine. He picked up a game called "Candy Land" and walked over to the coffee table where he set it down and waited on the couch silently.

Another 5 minutes later


Darryl and Vincent we now walking pretty much aimlessly down roads, marking down where they were going and the turns they were making by telling them to each other and remembering both. A few minutes later the two came across a white house with dark gray shudders? Darryl and Vincent looked at each other and shrugged. "Might as well go knock," Vincent said, walking up to the front door and raising his arm to knock. He hesitated but eventually knocked slowly and loudly.

Darryl's Thoughts rq: I wonder if anyone is actually here. It looks to be well kept, so I doubt it isn't abandoned. ... The hell!?

The curtain of a window had fallen and was swaying quickly. "Vince! Look!" Darryl pointed at the window, turning Vincent's confused face into a fearful one. "I- It's fine! We'll be ok!" He said. Darryl held onto Vincent's arm, making him roll his eyes, "It's fine, Darryl! Let go!" Vincent shook his arm to get Darryl off and knocked on the door again.

The two boys heard someone pick up a sword from the inside before the door swung open and a tall man wearing a white mask held out his sword. "Who are you? What do you want?" He asked, probably a bit frightened. He had nothing to be scared of though, after all, Vincent is 5"9 and Darryl is 5"11. "Hi! My name is Darryl and this is Vincent!" Darryl smiled a friendly smile and the man lowered his sword slightly.

"We actually live with other people and we decided that we'd look for more in hopes that we could make new friends!" Darryl smiled weakly and put his arm on Vincent's shoulder, leaning on him. "Hey, get off my shoulder!" Vincent pushed Darryl off and crossed his arms, "Do you wanna be friends?" The man lowered his sword and scanned the duo, "You two seem pretty harmless I guess. GEORGE! NICK! DAVE! C'MERE FOR A SEC!" He yelled.

3 people all come rushing down the stairs, a boy with a bandana practically jumping all the way down, a boy in white clout goggles skipping steps, and a boy with a diamond pin in the top-middle of his shirt. The 'bandana boy' giggled, "Hi!"


1080 words including the author's notes

Sorry I won't be able to count the words in the author's notes :/

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