Chapter 10 ❤

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Thanks so much for reading! This is the first chapter number ending in '0'! I'll mark each of these with a '❤'.


I can't believe I said that! I'm so stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

Vincent started hitting his forehead with the bottom of his hand. He then proceeded to cry, again. "Worst day of my life." He mumbled, then, he drifted off to sleep.

The next morning

"Mmnmmnnemm..." Vincent mumbled as he tossed and turned in bed, trying to wake himself up.

"ZAK!!" Darryl could be heard yelling from downstairs, "ZAK WAKE UP!! PLEASE WAKE UP!!" Vincent rushed downstairs, then to Darryl and Zak's side. "HE WON'T WAKE UP!! HE WON'T WAKE UP!!" Darryl repeated it 3 more times. He was shaking Zak semi-violently and yelling his name. "I-Is he breathing!?!?" Vincent asked. "YES BUT HE ISN'T WAKING UP!" Darryl yelled, clearly annoyed.

"If he's breathing he might be in a short-term coma! Stop shaking 'im!" Vincent replied to Darryl's craziness. "I just want him to be ok..." Darryl said quietly with his head resting on Zak's hand.

A long pause occurred, "You love him," Vincent said straight. "I- I do..." He said, looking up at Zak. "Then you better keep him safe and give him lots of rubber duckies on his birthday, January 17th, and hug him hundreds of times every day, and kiss his forehead to wake him up." Vincent looked down and a tear fell. "H- How do you know all these things?" Vincent paused, "He used to have a girlfriend, but they decided that they weren't enough - or right - for one another. So they broke up." Vincent sighed.

"They must be heavy sleepers," Darryl said, trying to keep the conversation happy. "Nah, they were just having sex." "LANGUAGE!" Vincent laughed wildly. Hearing Darryl yell 'language' was hilarious to him.

"Stop laughing! ... But were they actually?" Vincent laughed even harder, making it hard for him to breathe. "Yeah!" He said while hyperventilating.

"Ew." Darryl said in response, "I don't like thinking about how that works." At this point, Vincent actually couldn't breathe he was laughing so hard. "S- Stop!" "Stop what? Ugh, whatever, ya lil muffin head." Darryl said sounding annoyed. Vincent calmed his laughter and looked at Zak smiling. A silence fell between him and Darryl.

I want to be with Zak. I was to kiss him up and down and make him feel loved. I want to give him those hundreds of hugs. I want to give him those rubber duckies. I want to marry him... But I can't. I can't ruin his and Darryl's relationship already.

"Are you thinking about Zak?" Darryl said, breaking Vincent's trance. Did he read my mind!? "How'd you know?" Vincent asked, a bit confused.

"You stare a certain way and you have a certain smile when you think of him. But usually, the smile fades... Why is that?" Darryl looked at Vincent, wanting to know more.

Should I tell him? Why not?

"I usually think about how much I love him, and how much I want to be with him. My smile fades because I think about how I can't ruin your and Zak's already amazing relationship. It hurts, but I'll be ok."

Another silence. "What if we were to have a three-person relationship?" Darryl suggested, making Vincent perk up. "It's unfair to you guys. I couldn't." Vincent was on the verge of tears, almost about to start crying.

"Vincent, if Zak really did hit on you earlier, he probably likes you back." Darryl smiled. "I'm sorry Darryl, I can't." Vincent started to softly cry.

It's not fair to them. I can't. I'm so sorry you guys.

Vincent stopped crying quickly and sat with his eyes closed.


619 words

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