Chapter 9

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1 hour later - The group collected their things and they walked back


Darryl woke up and breathed heavily so he could sit up. Sitting up, he moved the covers and instantly remembered what happened last night. "Embarrassing," Darryl muttered. He stood up and stretched before going to the door.

Where is Zak? He was here last night... Maybe he's downstairs.

"Zak?" Darryl said, walking down the stairs. "What the hell...?" He said quietly. Darryl looked at his watch, 7:30. "Maybe they went out to look for something. They have their weapons, clearly." Darryl said as the wall near the door, where the weapons are usually kept, came into focus. Darryl noticed that the two had started making pancakes, yum. So, Darryl continued making them from what they started and finished within 15 minutes.

That smells amazing! They'll love it! Should I make more? In case they found someone? Sure.

Darryl then proceeded to double the number of pancakes he already made and set it down on the table. Darryl then decided to head upstairs and change, considering he was in his clothes from yesterday.

Half an hour later


Darryl jumped at the sound of the front door opening and lots of voices. Darryl ran down the stairs to greet Zak and the others. "Zak! Vincent! You're ok!" He yelled, running straight for Zak. Vincent winked at Zak and he rolled his eyes. Jacob and Dylan looked at each other and then to Vincent, and then to Zak and Darryl, probably confused. "Didn't you say you were dating?" Jacob said to Vincent and Zak. "You WHAT!?" Darryl looked angry. "Uh.. hehe well, ya see, uh Darryl, uhm- ZAK SAID IT!" Vincent pointed at Zak. "YOU WHAT!?" Darryl yelled. "Uhm... Darryyy I uh. I said it because... VINCENT IS IN LOVE WITH ME!" Zak pointed at Vincent. "HE'S WHAT!?" Darryl seemed even MORE pissed.

"Uh- We're gonna go, uh, upstairs to where you guys told us to." "Ok! Be right there!" Vincent said worriedly. "Ok!" Jacob said. "Explain. Now." Vincent and Zak looked at each other, giving one another the 'do we tell him?' look. "Why are you guys looking at each other like you have something to tell me?" "We do." The two said together.

The 'Explanation...'

"So yeah," Vincent said, finishing the explanation. Darryl looked up slowly, "Do you love me, Vincent?" He asked. Vincent paused... "Darryl, I've loved Zak since we were in 9th grade. I'm sorry." They sat in silence once more. "W-What?" Zak said.

Darryl's thoughts: He looks like he's just seen a ghost...

"I think I'm gonna pass out," Zak stated before he fell back onto the couch they had moved over to. "ZAK!" Darryl and Vincent said together.

"What happened!?" Jacob said, running down the stairs with Dylan following closely behind him. "Zak passed out!" Darryl yelled. "Go over there, Dyl!" Jacob yelled.

The two were confused until Darryl realized that Dylan was signing. 'I went to medical school' he said. "Please tell me if he's ok!" Dylan nodded his head. He pushed through and put his right hand over Zak's heart and his left under Zak's nose. 'He's ok.' Dylan signed. "Thank goodness! He's ok Vincent!"

"How do you know!?" "Dylan was using sign language! I learned some simple sign language in case of emergency." Vincent shook his head violently, holding it.

'Tell him to stop.' Dylan signed. "Stop Vincent. Dylan said it's bad." Vincent stopped and started sobbing. "This is my fault!" He said. "No, it's not your fault Vince! He'll be ok! Just wait." Darryl re-assured Vincent and he sat up, "I'm sniff sorry sniff." "It's ok Vince. It's ok."


600 words (rounded to from 599)

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