Chapter 25

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Darryl - First-Person POV

Everyone was looking at Zak and me as we quietly conferred about what to ask Clay and George. "Should we ask about their relationship?" I asked. "No, no, no. Let's ask about George's anthropophobia." Zak suggested quickly. "You sure? What if he starts to hyperventilate or something." I chuckled and asked him. "It's fine. He'll be fine."

I and Zak looked back over at Clay, Vincent, and George and smiled. "Ready. So, George, why do you have anthropophobia? How'd you develop it?" Zak asked, clearly eager for an answer. There was a forever-lasting silence before Clay spoke up, "He's not comfortable answering that!" He leaned forward slightly and held George tighter. I don't know how I didn't notice before but George looked petrified.

"But-" Zak started, "That's enough, Zak." I cut him off; he sighed and rolled his eyes. He scoffed pretty aggressively, "Fine. Just tell us two facts about yourself or whatever." George calmed down and told us that he liked playing video games, he's about 5"5, and he's 21. Guess we're including heights and age, and we're doing 3. "Ok, now Clay." I and Zak whispered some more before settling on a question. "Clay, are you good at fighting? Like, how would you say you are at fighting with a sword?" Zak asked before I could and Clay thought for a moment.

"I'd say I'm pretty good. I couldn't beat Dave in a fight though." Dave looked at Clay and smiled slightly. Clay then told us he likes playing video games, he's 6"3, and he's 22.

Now it was time for Jacob and Dylan to ask Dave a question. They whispered behind Dylan's scarf and nodded before they turned to face Dave again. "Who's your favorite person here?" Jacob asks, smiling. Dave looked around for a second, "Zak is pretty cool." Zak smiled, "Thank you!" I put my arms around Zak, pulling him closer. Everyone chuckled at what I had done, probably finding it funny that I did that after Dave said what he said.

"I won't steal yo' girl, Darryl." Zak perked up, turning red. "I'm not a girl!" He yelled. "You act like one sometimes, Zakkie," I told him. "I- Whatever." Everyone laughed this time before we calmed. "What now?" Dave asked everyone, looking around at all of us. "I don't know. But where's Rocco?" I asked, looking around.

"Rocco!" Zak yelled. We heard the sound of scratching coming from upstairs. Zak looked at me and I looked at him. We ran upstairs and opened the door to the closet, letting Rocco run out. "How'd he get in there!? You ok, boy!?" "I dunno. Maybe it was open from one of us and he ran in and it closed behind him. He's so quiet I didn't even notice." I bent down and sat next to Zak and Rocco. "He might have been in there for a day or an hour. We won't really be able to find out because we're always opening this closet." We sat petting Rocco for a minute or so before we heard Clay yell "DAVE!"


516 words :]

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