Gene Simmons #13

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Can Gene have doubts? Who knows. But one day he did, believe it or not.

It was during a tour that started, right before a concert. Due to being an assistant, you were traveling with the band. Usually it was the same things that happened during this time, however, today was different.

"Y/N, do you know where my hairbrush is?" Paul asked. "I can't find it."

You looked up from Ace's costume, which you were fixing. "You actually brush your hair?"

Paul gave you a look, and you chuckled. "I'm sorry. I don't know where it is. Have you searched the counter?"

"Yes, but I haven't seen . . . never mind, I found it."

You gazed down at Ace's costume again only to frown. What exactly did Ace do to it? Seeing how much you had to repair made you shook your head. Yet you still continued to fix it.

About twenty minutes later you were finally finished. When you gave it to Ace, you wanted to ask what he had done but he was so happy that you decided not to say anything. He thanked you and rushed off with it.

And right after he left, someone showed up, that being a roadie. His name was Hudson, and he helped with setting the equipment and whatnot on stage. To tell the truth, he was a new roadie. He joined the crew at the beginning of the tour.

"Hey Y/N," he greeted.

"Oh, hey Hudson," you said. "What are you doing back here?"

He smiled. "I was wondering if you could help me out with something. It has to do with some of the equipment I need to handle."

You frowned. "Aren't there other people who can help you?"

"Yes, but everyone seems to be busy, you know? No one wants to pay attention to the new roadie around here." Hudson chuckled.

"Oh," you said. "Well in that case, I'll help you, then."


The two of you handled the equipment, which consisted of moving it around. Hudson would often shake his head at times, saying that it didn't look right whenever you both moved it.

"I think it has to be over there." He gestured toward the opposite side of the stage.

"All the way over there?" you asked.

"Yeah. Just bear with me, Y/N. We need to move this bad boy."

You laughed before attempting to move the equipment around with him. Eventually you reached the opposite side of the stage, where you finally set it down.

"There," Hudson said, stepping back to look at it. "It looks groovy there."

"Very groovy," you commented with a laugh.

He smiled.

Afterwards you started having a conversation with him. It included a lot of messing around and laughter. It was nice being with Hudson - he was very sweet and outgoing. Funny, too. You liked him.

However, things changed when Hudson had done something unexpected. The two of you had been talking but at one point silence fell between you both. That's when you took the moment to look at each other. But it was also the moment when Hudson leaned in as an attempt to kiss you. His lips was about to touch yours right when you realized what he was doing - and stopped him. "Hudson, I--"

"Y/N?" someone interrupted.

Startled, you looked over to find Gene, who stood not too far away. His makeup was fully done and he was staring at you with an unreadable expression on his face.

"Gene, hey." You smiled. "This is Hudson. He's a new roadie."

Gene glanced at him but didn't say anything. Hudson glanced between the two of you, silently learning what was going on even though no words were spoken. He cleared his throat, rubbing the back of his neck.

"You're dating him, aren't you?" he asked softly.

You nodded. "Yeah, he's my boyfriend."

He sighed. "I'm sorry. I should've asked. I . . . I should probably go."

You opened your mouth to speak, but before you could, he rushed off. Once he was gone, you sighed and walked toward Gene. "Hey."

No words came from him, and you automatically knew why. You sighed. "Gene, we didn't kiss."

"Don't worry, Y/N. I get it," Gene said sarcastically.

"I'm telling the truth," you defended. "I just told him I had a boyfriend. And that's you."

Instead of responding, he walked away, making you follow after him. "Gene, you're being dramatic!"

This made him stop and turn around to face you. "I'm being dramatic? You just kissed another man."

"We didn't kiss," you explained. "Honestly we didn't. Nothing happened. And I'm telling the truth."

Gene stared at you for a moment, then walked away again. You followed him all the way toward the dressing room. And during this, you were starting to fume. "So I'm guessing it's okay for you to go around with other women?"

He halted again. "Y/N, I haven't been with any woman since we've started dating. Only you. But don't put this on me. I saw you and Henry."

"Hudson," you corrected. He shrugged. "I hardly know him, Gene, and I was just beginning to. But we didn't kiss. Seriously."

Silence. Gene didn't say anything at first, nor did he looked at you, so you were unable to see his reaction.

Finally he spoke. "Y/N, do you love me?"

You blinked. "What?"

"Do you love me?"

"Of course I love you, Gene. I love you so much. You know that." You bit your lip. "Why would you ask that?"

He sighed. "It's just that I've been wondering if I was good enough."

You stared at him, surprised. Good enough? You didn't expect him to say something like that. Knowing Gene, he wouldn't even think that. Or at least that's what you thought. "I don't understand. Good enough?"

"I've been thinking about it a lot. Ever since Hudson started working as a roadie here. You've been together a lot lately and so I . . ." Gene's voice trailed off.

You waited for him to continue. He didn't. That's when you made the decision to speak. "I get what you're saying. But Gene, I love you, and nothing will change that. No one will change that. I care about you. And you are good enough."

Gene didn't speak. You walked closer to him. "I love you."

"Do you?" he asked.

"Yes," you responded. "Now kiss me?"

He did. And it was a short, sweet kiss.

"I love you, too," he mumbled before kissing you again. You smiled against it.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, followed by a voice.

"Hey Gene, do you know where I put my--" Paul stopped talking. His voice made you and Gene break apart before looking at him. "I'm sorry. I'll come back later."

He left after that. You gazed at Gene. "What is he looking for?"

"I have no idea," he answered. His lips met yours once more.

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