Gene Simmons #8

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The two of you shared a sweet kiss. He pressed his forehead against yours afterwards, breathing heavily as a result.

"We . . . we can't keep doing this," you whispered, catching your breath. "Brantley and I . . . we're on a break."

"Yeah. I'm sure you are," Gene said before kissing you.

As usual you returned the kiss, however, you broke it soon after. "But it's true. And I love him."

Sighing, Gene stepped back and sat down in a nearby chair. You watched him put on the rest of his makeup. "If you love him, Y/N, then why don't you go to him, then? Why are you with me right now?"

"Because," you started, but didn't finish it. You had to take the time to consider his words.

Why were you with him?

Because you and Brantley weren't together at the moment. It was his idea. The two of you had been arguing nonstop nowadays, and your relationship wasn't working out at that time. So Brantley suggested that both of you should take a break.

But that was months ago.

During this break, you were desperate for love and affection one night, and well, you went to Gene. You kissed him after a concert, marking the beginning of what the two of you had now. Both of you saw each other often, which led to teasing from the others. They knew what was going on, no matter how many times you denied it. And now, as you watched Gene, you began to wonder.

Did you love Brantley like you said?

Or was it something you just keep telling yourself because of your break?

Did you love him? Or did you love Gene?

You approached the guitarist. His makeup was nearly done now and he continued to apply it without speaking. You rubbed your forehead. "I'm sorry, Gene. I'm unsure about my feelings right now. I thought I . . ."

"You thought what?" he asked, looking at you.

You opened your mouth but then closed it, unable to finish your sentence. Gene sighed and turned back to the mirror.

"It has to be one of us, Y/N," he said. "It's either him or me. I don't know how you feel about me but I know one thing for sure that you're apparently still in love with him, aren't you?"


"Aren't you?" he repeated.

"Y-yeah," you responded. "Yeah, I am."

At that moment Gene appeared to be hurt, but that expression left as fast as it came. He applied his lipstick, then stood up. "The show starts in ten minutes. You can watch but you don't have to."

"Now why would I not watch?" you questioned.

Gene didn't answer. You didn't expect him to. Without another word, he walked out of the dressing room.

In the audience, you watched the band perform. But so many things were going through your mind that you hardly paid any attention most of the time. You tried to, though, even if Gene and Brantley occupied your mind.

Who was it going to be? You and Brantley were on a relationship break, although it lasted longer than you thought it would be. You haven't spoken to him in a long time. And during this "break," you got closer to Gene and your friendship had turned into something more than that. Much more. You didn't think you'd fall in love with a rockstar.

Were you and Gene even a thing? Were you still with Brantley? What was even going on? Why was everything complicated now?

While thinking about these questions and trying to come up with answers, you made eye contact with Gene. This lasted for a few seconds until he broke it.

To be honest, you had no clue how badly you wanted him. How badly you wanted to be with him. Until that night.

Once the concert was over, you had to wait awhile before going backstage. The venue was extremely crowded, meaning people were moving all over the place, which wasn't surprising. But once you were able to, you didn't hesitate in going back there.

Biting your lip, you thought about what to say to Gene, that is if he was willing to talk to you. The way he acted before the concert wasn't a good sign but maybe since the concert ended, he would be a little different. Or something like that.

The boys greeted you but Gene was silent. Leave it to Gene to be like that. Him and his moods. You were getting a little annoyed because you wanted to talk to him, and the fact that he probably knew that frustrated you. Nevertheless you followed him into his dressing room.

"We need to talk," you told him, arriving at the door.

"I don't think there's anything we need to talk about," he said. "You chose Brantley. So why don't you go to him?"

You sighed. "Gene, why don't you understand? Why won't you listen?"

"What's there to understand? You're still in love with your boyfriend who you haven't communicated with in months. And during your break or whatever it is, you decided to come to me and pretend you love me when you clearly don't." He sighed. "So, yes, I don't understand, Y/N. I don't understand what you're doing nor what your intentions are. You made me fall in love with you . . . but you don't seem to feel the same way."

Your mouth dropped open. You had to take the time to process Gene's words.

Gene is in love with you?

"This whole time?" you asked, staring at him.

He nodded. "What was I supposed to do, Y/N? We spent a lot of time together these past few months, and I just . . . fell in love with you."


"Gene, I-I don't know what to say," you stated. That was the truth. You really didn't. How were you supposed to respond to something you didn't expect? Of course, you knew falling in love can happen but to make Gene Simmons, aka the Demon, of KISS to feel that way? You didn't expect it.

"You don't have to say anything," he told you. "But I'll ask you this one last time, and I won't ever bring it up again."

You waited.

"Is it Brantley or me?"

Instead of providing an answer, you kissed him. Gene was surprised at first but then returned it, wrapping his arms around your waist.

"I want you," you whispered after it ended. "I want only you."

The two of you kissed again, passionately this time. At that moment you didn't think about Brantley. You didn't think about anyone or anything. All you did was focus on what was currently taking place, which was the kisses you were sharing with Gene. Nothing else.

"I'm going to break up with him," you said after stopping for air. "I don't think we're together anymore so honestly it probably doesn't even matter but I need to do it."

Gene cupped your face, giving you a short, gentle kiss. "Okay, Y/N."

You smiled. "Okay."

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