Paul Stanley #7

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F/C = Favorite color

E/C = Eye color

Paul didn't think he'd be so much in love.

But seeing you now, well, he knew it was true. He was definitely in love with you.

Did you know that? No. You didn't. That was the thing.

You had no idea that Paul Stanley was in love with you. So that being said, you acted as though you were friends. Nothing more. A romantic relationship was not on your to-do list, and for awhile that's how it has been.

Until tonight.

Paul watched you twirl in front of him, showing off your new (f/c) dress. He smiled after making eye contact, liking how beautiful you looked tonight.

Like always.

"You're beautiful," he said.

A smile entered your face. "Thank you, Paul."

But did it mean anything to you? Did it give you some sort of hint? Yes and no. You liked it whenever Paul commented on your appearance whether it was beautiful, gorgeous, stunning, etc. However, you were completely oblivious to Paul's feelings for you, so no, it didn't give you a hint that Paul liked you more than a friend. And it probably never will.

"Well I'm off. I might be out late so none of you better not do anything hectic." You chuckled before blowing a kiss. "Bye, Paul."

"Bye, Y/N." He wanted to tell you to have a good time but by then you were already walking down the hallway. Sighing, he closed the door.

Unlike you, Paul's bandmates knew his feelings for you. It was that obvious. They would sometimes catch him look at you longingly. He never did try to hide it. Despite doing this, he was never able to get you to notice the way he looked at you. Ever. You didn't know.

Numerous times his bandmates tried to convince him to admit his feelings to you, though he refused every time. He could do that but what would be the outcome? What would be your reaction? How will it affect your friendship?

The answers were unknown, and Paul didn't really want to find out. It could be good or bad. Good meaning that you liked him, too. Bad meaning that your friendship could be ruined or some other, and Paul didn't want to lose what you both had.

He lied down on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. Perhaps now was the time to go to sleep. Besides, there wasn't anything else to do. So why not?

But he was only able to sleep for a few hours.

The slam of a door woke him up along with muffled noises. Paul furrowed his brow as he listened to the ongoing sounds from the next room. He knew it wasn't any of his bandmates; Gene and Peter's rooms were across the hall and Ace's was next to his. But an extremely tired Ace went straight to bed after they got their rooms, so it obviously wasn't him.

Unless . . .


Paul got out of bed to see what the commotion was about. When he stepped into the bright hallway, he found it completely empty. No sign of anyone. He went to your room.

"Y/N?" he asked, knocking gently.

The door opened immediately after, revealing you with tear stained cheeks. Paul frowned at the sight.

You silently threw your arms around him, your body shaking as you cried. He was taken aback by this but he hugged you tightly.

It was a major change to see you like this. Just several hours ago you were all happy and excited for your date. Now you were upset, though the reason was unknown. Paul didn't know what caused your mood to change but he figured something happened. Something bad.

"What's wrong?" he questioned "What happened?"

By that time you had already calmed down. Taking a deep breath, you let go of Paul and led him into the room. Once he closed the door, you spoke. "My date was a jerk."

Now you were angry.

"I thought he was the sweetest man I've ever met but tonight he showed his true colors. Everything was fine at first until the middle of dinner when he started being rude to the waiter. Then, after dinner, we went to see a movie but he was also rude to everyone there, too. He even walked out in the middle of it!"

You were pacing back and forth now, blowing off steam. Paul sat in a chair quietly, listening to every word.

"I thought the movie was good so I stayed to the very end. When I left the theater, there he was on the streets with some woman! I approached him and at first he acted like he didn't know who I was so once I told him, he got mad and began telling me how I ruined our date, even though I clearly didn't . . ."

A pause.

"Oh, it was terrible. My date was a disaster." You sat down on the edge of the bed, staring at the carpet. A couple of seconds passed and Paul ended up sitting next to you.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that, Y/N," he said softly.

You rested his head against his shoulder. "I wish I met someone like you. You're so much better than the man I went out with tonight."

"Maybe we could go out one night, then."

His words surprised you. "What?"

He let out a breath. "I know this isn't the right time to say this but I kept it inside for so long, I have to say it now."

You lifted your head to look at him. "What is it?"

"I'm in love with you," he admitted. "You're so beautiful, kind, and overall amazing that I couldn't help but fall in love with you and your personality. Everything about you is wonderful and I just . . . I love you, Y/N. So much. And I know you don't feel the same way but I wanted you to know that. I couldn't keep it a secret forever."

Your (e/c) eyes gleamed as you looked at him, a smile gracing your lips. You leaned in to kiss him. "I love you, too, Paul. But I didn't know how to tell you. I thought you didn't feel the same way so I had no idea that you actually did."

Paul took one of your hands and kissed your knuckles. "Well I do. And if you want, we can . . . well, you know . . ."

You grinned. "Yes. Yes, I'd love to go on a date with you."

Smiling, Paul leaned in for another kiss, which you happily gave him.

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