Ace Frehley #6

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You got into the taxi quickly, not wanting to spend another minute out in the rain. Closing the door, you let out a breath and set your umbrella into your lap.

"Where to, miss?" the taxi driver asked.

Before you could reply, the car door opened and someone took the empty spot next to you.

"Where to, sir?"

You looked to your left to see who the mystery person was. A guy, you realized, with shoulder-length dark hair and brown eyes. Beautiful was the first word that came to mind.

He's so handsome.

"The Grand Mikaelson Hotel," you both said in unison. This made you look at each other in surprise. Yet you were somewhat amused.

"So you're going to the same hotel," the beautiful stranger said when the taxi started moving. His wet hair stuck to his forehead as a result of being soaked. You were the same way, too. After all the rain was pouring outside. Hard.

"That's right," you confirmed with a smile.

He did the same. "What's your name?"


"That's lovely. I'm Ace."

Ace. That name fitted perfectly for a cute stranger like him. You wondered what he was in the city for and why he was out in such rainy weather. But you didn't ask, for those two things had been answered when Ace started talking again.

"I wanted to take my chance and roam the city for awhile. I didn't think it would rain, though." He hummed a bit. "Sometimes when you travel everywhere to do something, you just want to take a break from what you're doing and just . . . enjoy it."

It became clear that Ace was being mysterious about what he did. This made you grow curious. "What do you do, Ace?"

A smile graced his lips. "That's a secret, Y/N."

Ace was obviously messing with you.

"So what do you do?" he asked, now redirecting the question toward you. "What are you here for?"

"Well . . ." You stopped for a second, soon deciding to do what he did. Be mysterious. "I have a job that sometimes require me to travel. I take in the sights, capture people's appearances, that sort of thing."

"Hmm." Ace went into thought. "You're a photographer?"

Your mouth dropped open. How did he guess so quickly? "Yes. How did you . . ."

"Know?" He smiled. "I just guessed. But now that I think about it, I might've seen your name in a magazine once."

"Wow. Really?" You couldn't believe it.

"Of course. You take pictures of nature, too, right?"

You nodded. "Yes. Not only do I take pictures of nature and such, I also take some of famous people, you know? Actors, bands . . . my job is great."

"Maybe you should take my picture, Y/N," Ace said softly, his smile still visible.

"I would love to," you told him. This made him smile even more.

The two of you had a conversation that lasted until you arrived at the hotel. The taxi driver stopped by the entrance, announcing your arrival.

You immediately began taking out some money to pay the man but Ace was already giving him some change. He then looked at you. "Don't worry. I got you covered, Y/N."

"Oh," you said, blushing. "Thanks."

"No problem." His eyes landed on the umbrella on your lap. "May I borrow your umbrella?"

Despite slowing down a bit, the rain poured continuously outside. You could hear the raindrops pound again the roof of the car. "Sure."

Ace took the umbrella after you handed it to him. He stepped out, opened up the umbrella, and rushed to your side of the vehicle. Your door opened. "Right this way, miss."

You laughed, getting out of the taxi. Ace closed your door and, under the umbrella, you both hurried to the hotel's front doors.

Once you reached it, Ace closed the umbrella and together you walked inside.

"That was something," you remarked, glancing at him.

"It was," he agreed.

"Ace!" a voice called. It belonged to a guy who had makeup on. Or rather makeup that resembled a cat. His face was painted white and he had black whiskers on his cheeks. "There you are. It took you long enough to get here. We've been waiting for you."

"I thought we weren't doing anything, Peter," Ace said.

"Something came up so we have to be at this place." Peter rubbed the back of his neck. "I can't remember but uh, yeah."

"Oh." Ace blinked. "Okay."

"You have to go?" you asked, unintentionally startling them.

"Apparently so," Ace answered. "Hopefully the rain will stop by then. Or at least slow down more."

You narrowed your eyes. "Are you part of something, Ace?"

"Oh, didn't I tell you?" He grinned. "I'm in a band."

You stared at him, your mouth agape. What?

Ace chuckled a bit. "I'll see you around, Y/N. Maybe we can have dinner together one night."

"I-I'd love that," you stammered. A band? You met a member of a band?

"Okay. I'll let you know." He winked before walking off with Peter, leaving you in the middle of the lobby, still recovering from your shock.

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