Peter Criss #17

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There were too many words to describe a KISS show. You loved every single minute of it.

But there was one part you loved the most. And it all started when the lights went out, making the venue go dark and quiet, but only for a moment. Then a spotlight came on - and there he was.


He was sitting in the middle of the stage, a microphone in hand. People cheered at the sight of him, quieting down but still cheering when he started to sing.

"Beth, I hear you calling. But I can't come home right now. Me and the boys are playing, and we just can't find the sound . . ."

His performance completely mesmerized you. It was enthralling. Your eyes stayed on him the whole time while listening to him sing. Of course, you loved the others; they were amazing. But Peter?

He was perfect. You liked everything about him: his drumming, his makeup, his singing. Everything. He was so perfect.

"Just a few more hours, and I'll be right home to you. I think I hear them calling. Oh, Beth, what can I do?  Beth, what can I do?"

He got up, microphone still in hand - and roses in the other. One by one they disappeared into the audience whenever he threw them - except one. You noticed this when he walked along the stage, a single rose in hand. The sight made you curious. Why didn't he throw it? Why did he keep it?

Your questions were soon answered. Peter ended up standing in front of you, with him on stage and you in the front row.

You blinked. He was a lot closer now, and you couldn't believe it. Your heart raced when you looked at him. His eyes met yours as he handed you the rose. You took it, and he smiled, making you do the same.

It was a perfect moment.

When he walked away, you gazed at the flower, unable to believe what happened. Did he really give it to you?

The answer was yes, and you couldn't help but smile.

"Beth, I know you're lonely, and I hope you'll be all right. 'Cause me and the boys will be playing all night . . ."

The song ended. Peter bowed, and that's when everyone clapped and cheered. You smiled while holding the rose to your chest.

What a wonderful night.

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