Peter Criss #4

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A snowball hit your back. Gasping, you spun around to find Peter standing a few feet away, a smile forming upon his lips. "Peter! Was that you?"

"I'm the only one here, Y/N," he said. "Of course it was me."

"Oh, Peter." You shook your head before continuing to head back inside. However, another snowball made contact, this time with your shoulder. A third one also flew through the air but it landed on the ground behind you.

Letting out a huff, you spun around to face Peter, who was still smiling.

"I see," you said finally. "You want to start a snowball fight."

"I didn't say that," Peter told you.

"But you were implying it." You smirked and grabbed some snow off the ground, compacting it into a nice, round ball. Stepping back a bit, you studied the distance before raising your hand and aiming the snowball at Peter.

It should hit his shoulder, you thought before throwing it.

You missed.

This made him laugh.

"Shush, Catman!" You picked up some more snow and again transformed it into a snowball. Then you threw it, this time allowing it to hit Peter. You smiled in victory.

"Oh, hmm." He brushed some snow off. "That's very good, Y/N. But will you win?"

That's how it started. The snowball fight. You don't know how much you spent doing it, but you knew the fight was a long one. Both of you threw snowballs at each other while shouting and laughing. It was wonderful!

Later on you were back inside, cuddling with Peter on the couch while an old movie played on television.

"Today was great," you remarked, resting your head on his shoulder.

He wrapped an arm around you. "Y/N, it was only great because I let you win the snowball fight."

"No." You lifted your head. "You didn't let me win. I won fair and square."

"Sure you did."

"I did!"

Peter chuckled. "Okay, you did. You won the game fair and square."

You grinned at him. "I told you, Peter."

"You told me, all right, Y/N." He smiled, kissing your temple. "You told me."

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