Eric Carr #2

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You were invited to a birthday party.

At first you were a little hesitant, not knowing whether you should go or not. You've had a rough week lately so you didn't want to interact with very many people, to be honest. There was a lot of people at work.

But it turned out that the party will be small, and so you made the decision to go. A few days prior you bought a gift for your friend and wrapped it up. Now it was in the passenger seat of your car as you backed out of the driveway.

What you thought would be a simple birthday party. However, you had no idea what will happen later that day.

The party started at seven. You were one of the early guests. At the door your friend Lena greeted you happily before letting you inside. "I'm glad you made it, Y/N! There's food and drinks in the kitchen, so please help yourself."

"Thanks." You smiled and walked away, making sure you put your gift with the other presents. Then, feeling hungry, you went into the kitchen.

Everything was great. In the living room, music was playing from a record player, and so a few people were dancing to do it. Though on the other hand, you were one of those who didn't. You didn't feel like dancing that much, so instead you sat down on the couch (after a long time of walking around) and listened to the music.

While doing this, you looked around until your eyes landed on him, making your body freeze.

He's cute, you realized. Beautiful.

Both of you stared at each other, not bothering to do anything. What could you do? Walk over and say hi? Probably. But you were both mesmerized by each other, and even grew shy, so how could you even do anything?

Finally one of you took action, that being the attractive stranger. He made his way toward you and eventually took the empty seat next to you. "Hi."

The music wasn't loud, so you were able to hear him. Your cheeks grew hot but you smiled nevertheless. "Hi."

"I'm Paul," he introduced. "Paul Caravello. But if you want, you can call me Eric, too."

You tilted your head slightly. "Eric?"

He nodded. "Mmm-hmm."

"Is that your nickname or something?"

"No. It's my stage name."

You blinked, taking a moment to comprehend his words. "Your what?"

"My stage name," he repeated, then smiled. "I just became part of a band. I'm a drummer."

"Really?" you asked. "That's amazing. I've never met a drummer before."

His smile remained. "Well now you have."

You grinned. "Now I have."

The two of you ended up talking for a long time. Well until more people began entering the living room - that's when it got loud due to all the voices and such. At one point you could barely hear what Eric was saying, and this led to him asking if you wanted to go somewhere else.

And the next thing you knew, you were standing outside, on the back porch. The backyard was huge, filled with green grass and tall trees that stood in the distance. Soon a breeze came along to rustle the trees' leaves.

"It's nice out here," you mumbled, leaning against the porch's railing.

Eric joined you. "It is."

You sighed. "Sometimes it's fun to go to parties, but there are times when you need to be alone, you know? Like spend time outside and just . . . get away."

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