Gene Simmons #15

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"We're just friends."

"Only friends."

"Gene and I are friends."

"Just friends."


That's all you ever say. Whenever someone questions about your relationship with Gene, you'd simply say that the two of you were friends. That's it. And you never did ask Gene if he was okay with it. Besides, why would you need to do that? After all you were both friends, right?

Right. But there was something else. Something you had no knowledge of.

Gene was in love with you.

He didn't make it obvious, of course. Nor has he told you. In fact, he hasn't done anything - only kept it to himself.

However, the other band members knew. It was very clear to them. But to you?

It was the complete opposite. And Gene didn't know how much more he could take.

Just friends.

"Let go of me!" you exclaimed while laughing.

"Now why would I do that?" Gene asked, holding you tighter. "You provoked me."

"I did not." It was a joke, considering you did provoke him in a way. But you didn't want to admit it. "I didn't provoke the demon! Let go!"

"It's too late for that," he continued. "You should've thought about it before provoking the demon, Y/N."

"For the last time, I didn't do anything. Now let go of me!"

He didn't, though, and that led to more playful banter. At one point Gene picked you up bridal style, looking at you with all the love visible in his eyes.

But you didn't notice. You held onto him and smiled but didn't notice the way he looked at you. And who knows? You'd probably never will. After all the two of you were just friends.

"Gene?" you asked softly.


"Your hair."

"What about my hair?"

"It's . . ." You didn't finish your sentence. Instead you took a piece of his hair and twisted it around your finger. "I don't know."

Gene wanted to say something. But he couldn't because it was finally time for the photo session. He placed you on the floor before joining his three bandmates.

"Well that was quite a scene," Paul commented when Gene reached them.

He sighed. "Let me guess. You saw that."

Ace laughed. "We all did, curly."

"Provoking the demon," Peter added, proving Ace's point.

The bassist stayed quiet. The four of them turned to the camera, where a photographer was waiting behind it.

"Have you ever thought about telling her?" Ace asked after the photographer snapped a picture.

"Many times."

"Then you should tell her," Paul said.

Gene sighed. "I can't do that. Y/N thinks of me as a friend. She doesn't like me in that way."

"You don't know that unless you tell her," Peter spoke up.

"No," Gene mumbled. "She tells everyone that we're friends."

None of his bandmates didn't speak after that. They couldn't, anyway. The photographer was taking another photo.

But at one point the band decided not to pay attention for some reason, messing around and whatnot. And seeing this made you disapprove.

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