Ace Frehley #14

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What can mend a broken heart?

Is it love? Is it friendship? Is it spending hours crying over the reason why your heart is broken?

Who knows. But you didn't know you would experience a broken heart so soon.

He was the cause of it. Your ex-boyfriend. The sweetest boyfriend, even though the way he broke up with you was rather harsh. He dumped you just like that. No explanation, no goodbye.

And it was on the telephone.

He didn't go to your house and say it in person. Instead he called and told you he wanted to break up. That was it.

So after the phone call, you cried.

Who can blame you? The whole thing was sudden. After all both of you had been dating for two years. Everyone knew how much you were in love with each other. Everyone.

And now they'll know that the two of you were no longer a couple.

But that can wait. Who needed to know? Besides, you wanted to cry your eyes out before you faced anyone. Let it all out so you don't have to bawl in front of them whenever they mention your ex-boyfriend's name. Why? Because you didn't want to do that. Especially when it comes to Ace.

You never cried in front of him before. Ever. And so the last thing you wanted to do was to start crying in his presence.

So with that being said, you spent the last couple of weeks avoiding the band and whoever else. You've told a few friends about your break-up but that was about it. Ace wasn't one of them.

But apparently you didn't have to tell him. It was very clear that someone had told him - whoever it was, you didn't know. But they told him everything.

And now, unbeknownst to you, he was planning to cheer you up.

Taking a deep breath, Ace knocked on the door. It took you awhile to answer it but once you did, he frowned. You didn't look happy at all.

Instead you were sad. Your hair was messy. Your eyes were red and watery. You also kept sniffling. And all of that lead to one thing: you've been crying.

"Y/N," Ace said.

"Hi, Space Ace," you mumbled. "Come in."

He opened his mouth, but you turned around and walked away. Sighing, he went inside and closed the door behind him. "Y/N?"

"In here."

He followed your voice to the living room, where you were currently lying on the couch with a bunch of blankets.

"So what brings you here?" you asked. The T.V. was on but you barely paid attention to it now that your friend was here.

"I was told what happened," Ace explained. "What you've been through. And I wanted to cheer you up."

"You're so sweet, Ace." You gave him a little smile. "But you don't have to do that. I'm okay."

"Are you? Because it looks like you're still sad." He walked toward the couch. "I just want to make you happy, Y/N."

You looked at him, then the television. "And uh, what are you cheering me up with?"

"Oh, you'll find out. You just have to get dressed and come with me."

His words made you think for a moment. Afterwards you shook your head. "No. I think I'm good here."

Ace sighed. "Y/N."

"I'm fine, Ace. Really." You attempted a smile, though it was clearly fake. And Ace saw this.

He kneeled down in front of the couch, taking your hands in his. "Just do this for me, Y/N. I want to see you happy. Please?"

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