Gene Simmons #11

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His eyes were on you.

Your eyes were on him.

Pretty soon you broke eye contact by turning your attention back to Felicity, a friend of yours. She was drumming her fingers against the table nervously. "Is something wrong?"

"Do you think he'll be here?" she asked, biting her lip.


"You know who."

Silence. You took a moment to think about her words. Then it occurred to you: she was waiting for the guy she met a few days prior. She talked about him a lot and tonight they agreed on meeting at the club. But there hasn't been a sign of him. Not yet.

"Don't worry," you said. "He'll be here. I just know it."

Felicity smiled before gazing at the stage, where they were performing. You did the same thing only to meet his eyes once again.

They were new.

KISS, the band's name was. You've never heard of them before but you could tell they were starting out. Tonight they were performing a gig at a local club. You never been to any clubs before so tonight was the first time you went to one. Felicity wanted you to come with her.

"Do you think they'll make it?" she asked, watching them on stage.

"Yeah," you answered. "I think they can."

She pursed her lips.

You took a sip of water, then looked around the club. There were a lot of people out tonight. After all it was a Friday. You noticed a nearby girl inspecting her fingernails, appearing uninterested in the band.

"He's looking at you," Felicity said.

Startled, you glanced at her, then at the stage again, realizing that she was right. He was looking at you, and you felt your face grow hot.

All four members wore makeup. White face paint. They were different from the bands you've seen and heard of. They were unique, and tonight they've piqued your interest.

"Oh, look who's here." Felicity waved a guy over, obviously the one she had been waiting for. He arrived at the table and sat down, greeting you two.

The three of you talked, however, it was hard for you to pay attention. Your eyes kept wandering back to the band.

Eventually they finished their gig. Biting your lip, you watched as they began to leave the stage, suddenly wanting to go over there. But you couldn't. No way.

You let out a sigh. To be honest you wanted to meet him. It was clear that you were both interested in each other - after all you kept making eye contact! But nothing was going to happen. After all there was a high possibility that you'll never see each other again.

So tonight was the only night you'll see him.

Disappointed, you turned back to Felicity and the guy, whose name you had forgotten. Yet for the past couple of minutes, you became bored. Sure, you wanted to be there for Felicity, but there were a lot of things occupying your mind. And you weren't really in the greatest of moods either.

That is until he showed up.

You didn't think he'd come back, especially after performing a gig. But he did, and it didn't take long for him to notice you in the crowd.

And that's when he beckoned you with his finger.

You turned to Felicity, said a few words to her, then got up. A small smile entered his face when you reached him. "Hi. Do you want to get out of here?"

"What about the others?" you questioned, referring to the band.

"They'll be fine," he said.

"Okay then."

The two of you left the club. It was dark outside, signaling that it was nighttime. You walked for a bit, then stopped to look at each other. No one else was in the parking lot.

"I'm Gene," he introduced.

"Y/N." You smiled. "Are you starting out?"

"Yes. We've already played a couple of shows, so this isn't our first one." He paused. "Did you like it?"

"I loved it."


You nodded.

Gene studied you for a moment. You looked at him, taking note of the makeup he wore. The black design was unique - you've never seen anything like it.

"Then maybe you should attend more of our shows," he said, breaking the silence.

"And perhaps a concert?" you asked.

"When we get that far."

"You'll get that far."

"Well when we do, then you and I can celebrate."

A smile came upon your lips. "What makes you think I'll be there to celebrate?"

"You said you'd attend our concert," he reminded you. "When we have one."

"Oh, right," you said. "I forgot."

Gene opened his mouth to speak but before he could, a voice did instead. "Gene! You better come quick!"

He sighed. "I have to go."

But you were already rummaging through your purse. You pulled out a small piece of paper, scribbling your phone number on it with a pen. "Here you go. Call me when you have the date of your next show."

"But what if I want to call you for a date?" he questioned, taking the paper.

That's when your cheeks grew hot. "You can do that, too."

He smiled.


"In a minute, Paul!" Gene turned to you. "I'll see you around, Y/N."

"Bye, Gene," you said with a grin.

And with that, he left. You did, too.

However, you were unaware of what was in store for you.

You had no idea what the future was going to bring.

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