Gene Simmons #17

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It's Gene's birthday! <3


"Happy birthday," you said, approaching the bed. "Now get up."

Gene mumbled something indistinctly before turning on his side, his back facing you.

"I said get up, Gene." You made your way to the other side of the bed, ready to wake him up. But before you could make a move, he grabbed your hand and pulled you to the bed. You landed right next to him.

"Now is that a way to treat me?" he asked, wrapping an arm around you. He nuzzled your neck.

You ignored him. "This is not acceptable. I told you to get up, not go back to sleep."

"Can't I just sleep for a few more minutes?"

"The last time you said that, you slept for nearly two more hours."

"I was tired from the concert. You know that."

You let out a sigh, silently giving in. Gene held you tighter, whispering a thank you in your ear before brushing his lips against your skin. Soft and slow.

"Why can't we stay here all day?" His voice was gentle. Every time he acted like this made you go weak. He was so sweet, so gentle, nothing like what he showed to the public.

"Well you have to eat some cake sometime," you said before facing him. "If you want it."

That caught his attention. You knew it would. That man had a sweet tooth.

"All right," he mumbled. "I'll get up."

"I knew you would." You kissed his forehead, then sat up. "Maybe we can watch a movie. A horror movie, perhaps? There's going to be one on television tonight. "

He raised his eyebrows. That wasn't something he expected to hear from you. "A horror movie?"

"Or we don't have to. Whatever you want."

"I thought you don't like horror movies."

"I can handle it."

He thought for a moment. As he did this, you decided to get on top of him, leaning down to kiss his jaw. Then you took one of his hands, pressing soft kisses on his knuckles before intertwining your fingers with his.

Gene looked at you. Love and admiration was very clear in his eyes. He caressed your cheek with his free hand. "Okay, we'll watch it."

"Great," you said, smiling.

"But you owe me," he continued.

Your smile disappeared. "Owe you?"

"For interrupting my sleep."

"Oh, Gene, stop." You let go of his hand, then got off of him. "I need to go check on the cake."

"All right," he said. "But are you sure about the movie?"

You smiled and kissed his cheek. "I'm sure."


"Oh!" You jumped slightly, watching another scary scene of the movie. Not wanting to see it anymore, you buried your face into Gene's shoulder.

You ended up doing this several times throughout the movie. There were some scary parts you were able to handle but the others? Well . . . they were too scary to watch. So you often hid your face into Gene's shoulder whenever the scenes popped up. In fact, you even held onto his arm sometimes.

Okay, so maybe you did that a lot. But still.

When the film was finally over, you were relieved.

"Well that was a good movie," Gene commented.

"Yeah, it was." You didn't want him to know that you didn't enjoy it as much as he did. But he probably already knew that.

"The movie didn't scare you, did it?" he questioned.

"Of course not," you answered.

"Are you sure?"

You sighed. "Maybe a little. But enough of that. We still haven't had any cake."

"You're right." He paused. "My cake."

A smile appeared on your face. "Yeah, your cake."

Gene smirked as he stood up from the couch. He didn't have to tell you what he was going to do; you already knew.

But while following him to the kitchen, you heard a loud sound that made you jump. You looked around but didn't see anything. "Gene?"

"In here!"

You hurried to the kitchen. "Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?" he asked, taking out the birthday cake.

"That sound. I think it came from outside."

"Oh. I didn't hear anything." He took out the plates and utensils. "Maybe it's about to rain."

"Are you sure? It didn't sound like rain."

"Well if it's not, then it was probably nothing. But I'll protect you." Gene wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close to him. "I'm right here."

With a sigh, you hugged him. "Happy birthday, Gene. I love you."

"I love you, too." He kissed you softly. "Now can we have some of that cake? It looks really good."

You grinned. "Definitely."

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