Ace Frehley #17

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"Hey, Spaceman," you said.

"Hey, gorgeous." Ace lifted his head and puckered his lips for a kiss. You leaned down to give him one.

"What are you doing?" you asked, sitting across from him.

"Well I was about to paint my nails." He picked up a bottle of black nail polish before setting it back down.

"Oh." You paused for a moment, then spoke again. "Can I do it?"

"Paint my nails for me?"


"Sure, why not?" Ace laid his hands on the table. With a smile, you took the bottle of nail polish and opened it.

Silence fell as you began painting his nails. You did it very carefully. After all you wanted them to be perfect. And while you were occupied, Ace stayed still the whole time, not uttering a single word.

Once you finished one hand, you moved on to the other and did it all over again. Though occasionally you would look up at your boyfriend and smile. He did the same every time.

"There. All done," you said finally, twisting the cap back onto the bottle.

"Thank you." Ace looked at his nails for a minute, then smiled. "You did great. Maybe I should let you do this more."



You wanted to say more. But before you could, he grabbed the bottle. "Now can I do yours?"

His question caught you off guard. "What?"

"Paint your nails," he explained. "Or do you not want me to?"

You stared at him. Ace painting your nails? You didn't think something like that would happen. But it did - he just asked you.

"No, go ahead." You grinned before laying your hands on the table. And from there, Ace started to paint.


"Oh, they're perfect!" you exclaimed, studying your nails. "I like them."

"Really?" he questioned.


He smiled. "Come here."

You stood up and walked toward him. Without a word, he pulled you to his lap, pressing a kiss to your cheek.

"What was that for?" you inquired.

"Just a little thank you." Ace grinned before giving you another kiss, only this time it was on your lips. You deepened it while wrapping your arms around his neck.

The kiss turned out to be longer than intended. But even when it ended, you both kissed again and again until you decided to stop.

"Maybe we should do that again," you said.

"What? Kiss?" He puckered his lips.

Smiling, you shook your head. "No. I meant painting each other's nails. We should do that again one day. You know."

"Oh, yeah." Ace grinned. "Sure."

"And then I can do your Spaceman makeup."

"Mmmm. Now I don't know about that, Y/N." He smirked. "I think you should leave that to me."

You frowned. "Are you telling me I can't do it?"

"I never said that."

"But you were implying it."

Ace tilted his head slightly as he looked at you for a second. Then a  smile entered his face. "All right. We'll see."

"What does that mean?" you asked in a joking manner.

"It means maybe." He tapped your nose playfully. "Can I get another kiss?"

"Hmm. I don't know. You said I wouldn't be able to do your makeup correctly . . ."

"I'm sorry." He pouted. "I'll let you do my makeup. Now please?"

You let out a sigh, knowing you couldn't say no. So with that in mind, you leaned in and pressed your mouth against his.

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