Peter Criss #14

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Requested by thatotomegirl23

Peter had been coming home late for the past couple of days. He explained that it was because of the band's upcoming album, that they had to stay at the studio later than usual in order to work on it. And you believed him.

But while talking on the phone with Paul one night, you found out that Peter only told half the truth. There were days when they had to stay at the studio late but there were also days when Peter left slightly early.

Many thoughts went through your mind after you heard that. Questions, to be specific. Why would he say something like that if it wasn't exactly true? And what was he doing instead? You couldn't help but wonder.

There was probably just something he had to do, you thought. That's all.

About an hour later Peter came home. You were in the living room by this time, watching a movie on television, meaning that you didn't hear the front door open. But you did hear him in the kitchen, where a crashing sound was made, followed by his voice.

That caught your attention. "Peter?"

Silence. He didn't answer. Frowning, you decided to get up and see what was going on.

It turned out that Peter had dropped something. But what, you didn't know, for he had just cleaned it up when you entered the kitchen. "Peter?"

Hearing your voice, he looked over and smiled. "Oh, hey, Y/N."

"What was that noise?"

"Just something I dropped. That's all." He made his way toward you, later wrapping his arms around you and pulling your body closer to his. "How was your day?"

"It was good. And yours?"

He smiled and kissed you. "Great."


"By the way, Paul called," you said. "He said you have to be at the studio extra early tomorrow. Since you left the studio early today, he didn't have the chance to tell you."

"Oh," Peter said. "Well then I'm glad he called."

Although his words wasn't what you expected, you didn't stay on the subject any longer, because something caught your attention by that time. Two bags and a . . . box pet carrier?

You blinked. "Peter, what's that?"

"What?" he asked innocently. He knew what you were referring to.

"It looks like a pet carrier."

"It does?"

You opened your mouth, wanting to say something again. But then you decided against it, and sighed instead. "I'm going back."

"Okay." Peter kissed your forehead before letting you go. Once you left the kitchen, he turned to the box pet carrier, where a small meow escaped from. Even a few scratching sounds were heard. This made him walk toward the counter. "It's all right. I'll let you out, okay?"

The movie didn't last long after you went back to the living room, considering it came on more than an hour ago. You turned off the T.V. with a yawn once it was over, ready to go to bed.

But you didn't.

When you reached your shared bedroom, the door was closed and you could hear Peter speaking in a soft and gentle voice. He was obviously talking to someone. But who?

You knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Peter wasn't the only one in the room, you realized, and the sight made you gasp. He was sitting on the floor with a kitten! A girl kitten who had white, tan, and black spots. A calico. She was moving about in the room, looking around curiously.

"Peter, what . . ." your voice trailed off. You didn't bother finishing what you were going to say.

He smiled. "Surprise."

You grinned, joining him and the kitten on the floor.  You both watched as she explored the room, sniffing at everything she found.

"Y/N," Peter started. You looked at him. "I want to say that I haven't been honest with you these past couple of days. I didn't always stay at the studio late."

"I know," you said. "Paul told me."

"But you don't know the reason behind it."

You pursed your lips before glancing over at the kitten, who was currently sniffing the closet doors. "Are you sure about that?"

Peter smiled again. "I thought it would be nice to add someone to our household."

The corners of your mouth turned upward. "Well I like this someone."

After her exploration, the kitten returned. She sniffed you, and then Peter, who picked her up gently. "What should we name her?"

"It's a girl?" you asked.

He nodded.

"Hmm." You thought for a moment. "How about Misty?"

"Misty?" He paused. "I like that."

You moved closer to him and petted Misty. She began to purr. "Welcome to your new home, Misty."

"Your new home," Peter said softly. He handed the kitten over, and you held her as he pulled you even more closer to him. "Welcome home, Misty."

She meowed.

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