Breaking Into A House Just To Fuck

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( So I just finished binge watching Dexter on Netflix and got inspired by a scene and wrote this. Side note, Miu is a mixture between Deb and Masuka, try to prove me wrong I dare you.)

Kokichi's POV

"Kokichi! We shouldn't do this! Breaking and entering is illegal!"

" Oh please, what're you gonna do? Arrest me?"

" I'm really not trying to have us both arrested on our honeymoon! Especially when we're in a different country."

" Yeah yeah, I know I know we can't get caught."

I pulled out my needles and stuck them into the lock, I jiggled them around until the door slowly creaked open. I grabbed Shuuichi's hand and pulled him into the dark house.

" How did you...?"

" I never told you? I know how to lock pick! It really came in handy when I lived on the streets."

I casually strolled over to the fridge and opened it.

" Ooh! Tequila. You want some?"

" We really shouldn't be touching anything, in fact we really shouldn't be in here!"

" You're tense as fuck, just take a couple shots."

I opened a buncha cabinets trying to find shot glasses.

" Who in the ever loving fuck doesn't have shot glasses? *Sigh* coffee mugs will have to do..."

I poured the tequila into the coffee cups and passed it to him and we both drank them. I'll be honest, I'm kinda tipsy as fuck right now, this is probably why I thought breaking into a house just so we can fuck was a good idea, but to be fair Shuuichi never stopped me so who's fault is 

" Kokichi...! Let's just leave! Can't we just go and have sex in our hotel?"

" No."

" But why?"

" Cuz, you know how much I love fucking in places where we could get caught."

" We're gonna get in trouble."

I came over and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"But you know how much I love trouble... So why don't we have a little fun and fuck in somebody else's bed... Or on the couch."

" F-fine... But let's just make this quick... The people that live here might come back."

" I love it when you get all nervous... It's super fucking sexy... Just like the rest of you..."

I grabbed his hand again and led him throughout the house pointing out things we should fuck on or in like on the washing machine, in the bathtub even on top of the dining table. In the end we just settled on having sex in a bed. As soon as we got in the bedroom I closed the door behind me.

" Kokichi... Are you sure I can't talk you out of this?"

" Just shut the fuck up and make out with me..."

I jumped into his arms and wrapped my arms around his neck as we sloppily made out.


Shuuichi carried me over to the bed and without breaking the kiss we fell back on to the bed, I could feel his hands slowly trying to unbutton my pants, we rolled around for a little bit until he pulled away.

" Why'd you stop...?"

" I gotta take your pants off..."

He took my pants off before doing the same to himself.

" What about our underwear..."

" I want to do this first..."

He pinned my arms to the bed and started to grind his clothed hard on against mine, I couldn't help but let out a few breathy moans it felt so good.


" I just want you to hurry up and use that beast between your legs..."

" I thought you wanted us to hurry this up..."

" I do... But we have to get harder first..."

After doing that for awhile he finally pulled my underwear down to my ankles, then he pulled his own down, he pulled me closer to the edge of the bed and spread my legs open.

" I want you to fuck me so hard we break whoever's bed this is..."

" I'll do whatever you want..."

Then he started roughly fucking me.

" Ah...Ah y-yes... F-fuck me like that..."

" You want me to go harder...?"

" You know me way too well..."

He flipped me over and started pulling my hair as he went harder and faster I started digging my nails into the bed sheets. The bed was creaking so much, It's always what I love to hear.

" Don't....Stop... Don't stop... Don't ever stop..."

" Y-you fuck me so good...!"

" I could fuck you even better...."

" How exactly could you fuck me any better then you alre-"

Shutting me up very quickly he got on the bed and pushed me back and he was basically fucking me into the headboard, not only that but the bed was slamming really hard into the wall so much so that I'm pretty sure the paint started chipping. I started full on screaming, I tried to bury my head in the pillows to try to mask the moaning but it really wasn't helping. 

"Ah...! Ah...! Yes yes!! Fuck me more!"

" Ha...Ah... K-Kokichi... B-be quiet... Or people are going to hear us."

" Make me..."

Shuuichi stopped pulling my hair and he covered my mouth, Which really didn't stop me from moaning. 

" Kokichi... I'm getting so close..."

" I am too... Make a mess out of this bed..."

He grabbed my waist and laid back on the bed putting me in the reverse cowgirl position, he grabbed my hips and moved me up and down hard until I ended up cumming all over the sheets and pillows. We fucked for a little longer until Shuuichi came. When we both finished and caught our breath I got off of him and laid next to him.

" *Pant* *Pant* Holy shit... That was like four positions... How did I get so lucky marrying a sex god...?"

" *Pant* Can...We please leave now...?"

" Nope not yet!"

" Why not?"

" I want some jewelry."

" Kokichi! We can't steal!"

" *You* might not be able to... But I have no problem doing it!"

As I got off the bed my knees kinda buckled a little, I put my pants back on then I walked over to the dresser and opened what looked like a jewelry box.

" Ooh... Look Shu-Shu! A tiara! I'm most definitely taking this."

I put it on my head and grabbed a whole bunch of expensive looking gold necklaces, bracelets, rings and shoved them into my purse I even found a Rolex that I'm gonna give to Shuuichi.

" Kokichi... You have no idea how wrong this is."

" Stop being such a party pooper. Put your pants back on then we can leave."

He did what I told him to do and we left the room before we left the house something caught my eye. 

" Liquor cabinet!"

I went over, opened it and shoved as much alcohol as I could in my purse.

" Now we can leave."

" Finally."

I linked my arm with Shuuichi's and we left the house. Kinda feel bad for whoever has to clean our cum up, but it's their fault for making their house so easy to break into.

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