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Shuuichi's POV

" Ouma come on, I have to go to work."

" No, I wanna spend the entire day with you naked in bed..."

I've been dating Ouma for about a month and a few weeks. And I've learned a few things from being with him, he really likes cuddling, like a lot, every and any chance he got he would always latch himself on to me, which was fine I really didn't mind in fact I thought it was really cute. He was really cute. He also got really sleepy after we had sex, like 5 minutes after, but it was only if we were doing it in the bed. He's also a really heavy sleeper, it was surprising since he was so small, there have been times where I had to go to the bathroom but couldn't because he was attached to me. He also gave me a key to his apartment, because I've been spending a lot of time over there with him.

" I'll be back later."

" But I don't want you to leave, I want you all to myself, I'm selfish."

" I promise when I'm done with work I'll be back and we can spend the rest of the day cuddling."

"By that point I'll wanna do more then just cuddle with you..."

" At least gimme kissy."

I jokingly rolled my eyes and kissed my sleepy little boyfriend, he looked so cute when his hair was a mess.

"Go back to sleep, you're probably tired."

" Considering how long you spent railing my ass last night, I am tired... But I'm also a little sore... Which is always a sign of good sex..."

" I'll miss you baby."

I got out the bed and started to put my underwear and pants on.

" I know, I'll miss you too."

" Maybe I'll send you some dirty pictures to keep you entertained during your boring ass job!"

" You send them to me regardless."

" I know! But don't lie and say you don't like them."

" It is a little awkward when I'm in the middle of investigating something and I get 3 half naked pictures of you, in a row by the way. Do you know how uncomfortable it is giving my partner an excuse as to why I'm staring at my phone and blushing?"

"Yeahhhhh but you're obviously turned on enough to rush over to my apartment and just fuck me right there on the kitchen floor... You've done it about 8 times..."

I can't deny that I love having sex with Ouma, I really do, and I love every part of his body, I just don't appreciate the amount of dick pics I get from him in a day. I can deal with 1 or 2 but not 7 every hour, and I'm sure the longer we keep dating the more he'll probably increase the amount he sends me.

" Before you go give me another kiss."

" You are so dependent on my kisses aren't you?"

" Of course I am! Now that I've had them I can't live without them."

" So give me another one!"

After I finished putting my clothes on I kissed Ouma one more time.

"Don't be surprised if I'm naked when you get back!"

" You always are."

I walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen to put my shoes on.

" I love you baby!"

" I love you too."

I then left his apartment to go to work.

Kokichi's POV

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