An Entire Day Dedicated to...Fucking

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Kokichi's POV

"Hey hun. Why don't we spend the entire day doing nothing more but having sex!"

" But why?"

" Cuz why not!"

" C'mon let's do it outside!"

" O-outside?!"

" Well not outside outside but like on the balcony."

I didn't even wait for his reply I just started stripping my clothes off.

" C'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon!"

I grabbed his hand and pulled him out on to the balcony, I immediately pulled him into a kiss once we were out there.

" Kokichi, why?"

" Why not babe? You've never wanted to fuck outside...?"

" W-well maybe a little..."

" I thought so you pervert..."

" Well! You are a little perverted but I still love you! Now take your clothes off already! I'm getting impatient."

He just kinda sighed and slowly stripped, I love how sometimes he can get really shy before we have sex, it's so cute!

" Don't look at me like that. You already know that we've done it in much bolder places then this. We're on a balcony on the top floor...Nobody's gonna see us... Soooooooo.... Let's just do it... You fuck me... Maybe I fuck you..."

I bent over the railing and teasingly shook my ass at him.

" Come and get this bussy daddy..."

I felt him place his hand on my thigh and then he ran his hand up until he squeezed my ass.

"Ah.. I love when you grab my ass like that..."

" A-are you sure that this rail will be able to hold our weight?"

" I think so. I'm pretty sure this is made of marble and that's pretty strong right? And if it isn't at least we'll die together!"

" D-don't say that... You'll make me nervous."

" Don't be so nervous baby... Just have your way with me..."

He grabbed my waist and kinda forcefully entered me, I'm not complaining but he usually goes in slowly.

" F-fuck me harder...I don't wanna walk tomorrow..."

" I can't be too rough... You still need your energy for when you fuck me..."

" I know honey... But that doesn't mean I still don't want it hard..."

" You want it hard? I'll give it to you as hard as you want..."

Instantly, he grabbed my hair tightly and pulled me upwards so that I was pressed up against him, he wrapped his arm around my waist and continued to ram his thick cock deep inside me. I was actually quite impressed with how with how dominate Shuuichi was becoming, I liked it a little bit more then his shy, passive side.

" Ahhh...S-Shuuichi...! Don't stop... D-don't ever stop fucking me...!"

Still tightly holding my hair he leaned down and started to suck and bite on my neck, and it was right on my sensitive spot, whenever he sucks on that spot it makes me quiver and want him more.

" Haa...Nnnnnn...Kokichi...Y-you feel incredible...I still can't get over it..."

I loved hearing the sounds that he made every time he slid his dick in and out of me, to this day I'm still impressed with how good he's getting especially considering that I'm the only person he's ever slept with. Now I just gotta teach him how to deepthroat.

" I love it...When you fuck me like the slut I am..."

"Kokichi...I'm getting close..."

" I am too baby... Plunge your cock into me deeper so that I cum all over this railing..."

We started making out as I used one of my hands to vigorously jerk out, Shuuichi swatted my hand away and pumped my cock for me I couldn't resist moaning into his mouth. While we were still making out I came, he kept stroking until I was fully finished cumming, I second after I stopped I felt something hot quickly fill me up and then drip on to the back of my thighs. When we finally pulled away I couldn't help but breathe heavily. He pulled out and let go of my hair and waist.

" Your...Turn..."

" Huh?"

I grabbed his hand and pulled him over to the glass table and then pushed him back on to it. I grabbed both of his legs and pushed them behind his head before sticking my dick in him.

" Ah...! K-Kokichi...! You're-"

Before he even had time to finish his sentence I thrusted in and out of him forcefully.

" Haa...Ah... God you feel so good, so nice and tight... But I told you... I wanted to spend the entire day fucking... And that's what we're gonna do..."

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