Asking Him Out

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Like our usual morning ritual, I sat at the kitchen table with Kaito and Maki and drank my coffee.

" So, did you ask him out?"

" No..."

" See Kaito I told you he couldn't-"

" But I did get his number."

" Huh?"

" Look Maki Roll! I told you Shuuichi could do it!"

"So how did that happen?"

" He put it in my phone."

" *He* put it in your phone? Like without you having to ask?"

" Yeah."

"He's actually really sweet, I like talking to him."

" What kind of stuff do you even talk about with a stripper?"

" A lot actually, he told me about his life, why he became a stripper he even told me his last name."

" If he told you all that, it prolly means he likes you bro!"

" Maybe he does..."

" Maybe I like him too..."

Kokichi's POV

I've been a stripper for almost 3 years, and I was a prostitute for even longer. And because those were the career paths I went down I don't have many regrets, well except for that one time I gave four guys head in a back alley for five thousand yen, that I do regret. But that's not the only thing I regret, I also majorly regret EVER meeting Kuzuryuu. While the money I get for stripping at his sex parties is beyond amazing, and I'll do LITERALLY anything if enough money's involved. But every time and I mean every time, I end up getting bukkaked on by at least 6 or 7 guys, so just a normal Friday for me. But wait there's more! Not only that but there's this one guy that will actually sniff cocaine out of my ass crack! Crazy right, any normal sane person would think that there's something wrong with me for doing this, their not wrong, but if you were offered 4 million yen  to have a buncha "straight" guys fuck you, you'd prolly take it.

" Kokichi, the hells wrong with you?"

" What do you mean?"

" You're actin all quiet."

" I'm fine, there's nothing wrong."

I hated the fact that he always treated me like I'm his property, or as he would call his bitch. He always made me sit on his lap, and I'm pretty sure the girl with the braids that's always around him hates it too. I dunno what her relationship is to him but she's always around, I doubt she's his girlfriend, because what girlfriend would willingly want to watch her boyfriend fuck another guy. But she always just stands in the corner...Motionless, she doesn't say or do anything...Just stands there watching. I'm gonna assume she's a part of the gang.

" If theres nothin wrong why are you so damn quiet, is your high wearin off?

" No it's not."

I was lying, it wore off about 2 hours ago. Doing drugs wasn't my favorite thing in the world, I'll do them, but only if I got paid, I'm not destroying my body with my own money, I've actually gotten that request from a few clients in the past. I'll do a few lines of coke, pop a couple pills and maybe smoke some weed but that's all I'm not doing heroin, needles scare me, no amount of money will ever make me shove a needle in me. If I wasn't already use to the smell of drugs, alcohol and sex it'd probably be overwhelming. But at this point I'm numb to it.

" You want another drink or somethin'?"

" *Sigh* No. I've had four already."

"Then what the fuck's your problem?"

" Like you care."

" If I didn't I wouldn't have asked."

"It's really....*sigh* not that important, forget it."

" Whatever."

And like that he went back to hitting his bong. I couldn't tell him what was actually wrong cuz he'd start bitching and yelling and I really didn't wanna have to hear all that. I was thinking about...Him again, Saihara. I don't understand why I can't get that guy outta my head. He was the first guy I ever gave a lap dance to and fell instantly in love with. And I somewhat hate myself for it. Two weeks ago I didn't even know this guy and now I think I love him?! I'm not in some lame ass Christmas romance movie where I fall in love with a guy I bumped into at the fucking mall. I don't believe in love at first sight, never have. So why am I feeling this way about him. He's just a client. A really cute client... with pretty yellow eyes...And he has such soft-

*vrrrrrrrr* *vrrrrrrrrrr*

I felt my phone vibrate, I took it out of my garter and checked it to see that I got a message from Saihara.

"Hi Ouma"

"Hey there cutie😘"

"What are you doing?"

"Talking to you"

"Lol, besides that."

" Oh nothin much hbu."

" Working."

" Do you ever do anything besides work."

"Not really."

" I actually wanted to ask you something."

"And what's that."

"Are you busy tomorrow?"

" Well besides work later that night, I'm free."

"Would you ... like to go on a date with me?"

"Sure! You're cute enough!"

"Wait really?!"

" Yeah! You seem like you'd be fun..."

"It's been a long time since I've been on asked out."

" So how does tomorrow at around 1 or 2 sound."

"Ooh, do you plan on treating me to lunch?"


" Funnnnnnnnn, well I'll text you my address later."


I put the phone back in my garter and couldn't help but smile.

"What are you smilin' at?"

"Nothing...It's not like you'd care."

"Ouma! Get that sexy ass over here and come get fucked by these 4 fat ass cocks!!"

I sighed before getting up off of Kuzuryuu and headed over to this little orgy that I was going to be apart of. But the entire time I just couldn't stop smiling thinking about all the places he could take me tomorrow. And if Saihara asked me on a date, that must mean he likes me. I can't believe he really did fall for a whore like me.

I'm in Love with a Stripper (Oumasai Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now