Taking His Virginity

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( Damn this chapter is longer then Togami's legs)

Kokichi's POV

I woke up in a really good mood that morning, I'm not sure why I just was really happy. Actually I think I know why I'm so happy, last night when I got home from work I was on the phone with Saihara for like 2 hours. Actually for the pass couple of weeks I've talked to him for hours, about nothing in particular really. I just really liked hearing his voice. Something about him makes me blush. I've also been sending him a lot of dirty pictures, he loves it and so do I

🖤 Cutie Saihara~Chan🖤

"Morning Saihara ~Chan!!"

" Morning Ouma."

" What're your plans for today?"

" I don't have any."

" Oooh! Then do you wanna come over to my

" Yeah sure, what time?"

" Maybe sometime in the afternoon."

"How does 3 sound?"

" That's fine"

" Yay😁 I'm so excited! I can't wait to see you"

" Same"

Shit! I gotta clean up my apartment! I'm not ready to have Saihara come over, my apartment looks like literal hell its so messy. Why did my dumbass not suggest later? I gotta wipe the cum stains from off my bedroom floor, change the bed sheets and pick up all the shit on my floor. Aghhhhhhhhh!! What time is it.

" Oh it's 1:03...! Great!"

Ok ok ok ok ok ok ok, stop panicking Kokichi, I have time before he comes. And if worse comes to worse I'll just throw whatever I don't clean up in the closet, problem solved! I decided to start with my room, since that's the place I REALLY want him to see... I picked up all the cum rag towels and all my dirty clothes and threw them in the washing machine. Next all the used condoms and wrappers around my bed, if I had to guess there had to be at least maybe 75 of them, what can I say I have a lot of sex. Soooooooooooooo I think my room looks pretty good. I got the stripper pole in the middle, I got the lap dance chair that's all we're really gonna need for tonight...Well that is if he doesn't have any weird ass fetish, but if he is that's fine I do all fetishes. Now where else do I need to clean?

Time Skip

*Knock* *Knock*

Oh shit! He's here! I quickly hurried off my couch and before I opened the door I grabbed a broom so it looked like I was cleaning and not taking a nap.

"Hi Ouma."

"Hey cutie, whatcha got there."

"Oh, I know you mentioned that you really like the white chocolate frappuchino from Starbucks, so I got you one. I wasn't sure what size you wanted so I got you a Venti."

" Oh my- You're just so sweet. You're probably sweeter than this coffee!"

God he looked so cute whenever he got flustered, I mean he always looked cute but his flustered face was particularly cute.

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