Meeting Shuuichi's Family

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Kokichi's POV

" Shuuichi... I love you and you know this. But do you really wanna introduce me to your family...?"

" Of course, you're my boyfriend. And you mean so much to me."

" Yeah... But will they like me? We haven't even really been dating for very long."

" It doesn't matter to me if they don't, I like you and that's all that matters."

" Ok..."

Still holding my hand Shuuichi rang the doorbell and a little while a woman opens the door, she seemed a older then Shuuichi so I assume it's his mom. She looks...Loving.

" Shuuichi! It's so good to see you."

" Hi mom."

She reaches out and gives her son a tight hug, she pulled away and looked at me.

" Ah, you must be Ouma! Shuuichi talks about you all the time."

" Does he now?"

I squeezed his hand tightly,

" Well come in. You two must be cold."

Basically dragging me by my hand we walked into the dining room, where there was quite a few more of Shuuichi's family members.

" Kokichi, this is my mom, my dad, my aunt, my uncle and my cousins."

"N-nice to meet you all..."


" And that's my sister, Kiyomi..."

" You have a have a sister? You never told me."

" Of course he hasn't. Let's just say Shu-Shu and I haven't been close since middle school..."

Why hasn't Shuuichi told me that he has a sister? Up until now I thought he was the only child like me. I mean she looks just like him, same hair color and same eye color, so she can't be adopted. Well whatever the reason doesn't really matter I guess. Nervously I sat down at the table and Shuuichi sat down next to me. As long as they don't ask what my job is I'll be fine.

" Ouma. What do you do for work?"


" W-well...I...Um...I'm a stripper..."

They all immediately stared at me shocked, him almost choked on her damn wine, I bet she regrets asking me that. They all just stared at me in silence, that was until his sister said something.

"Wait wait wait wait, you're dating a stripper? I never took you for that kinda guy."

" What's that supposed to mean?"

" It means I never thought *you* would go to a strip club."

" I-I didn't plan on going there, it was for my birthday."

" Oh? But you clearly did plan to keep going back there and got real close with a stripper."

" But if you wanna fuck a stripper whatever."

" Kiyomi!"

" What mom? Can't you tell, they're obviously having sex!"

" That isn't the point, what the two of them do in their alone time isn't our business."

Without warning his mom instantly changes the subject.

" S-so Kiyomi, how's work?"

" The same as always I guess, I don't know what you want me to say I perform autopsies for a living."

Autopsies? Shuuichi leaned in closer to me to whisper something.

" *Whispering*  She's a forensic pathologist."

I guess the whole detective thing kinda really does run in the family.

" Shuuichi, what about you?"

" Its fine, a little stressful."

" What's so stressful about sitting around all day?"

" Its not like you'd know Kiyomi."

" What?"

" My job is stressful too, I cut open dead bodies everyday, compared to what I do your job is a cake walk."

" Well if it's so easy why don't you do it for me!"

" B-babe calm down..."

I've never seen Shuuichi this mad before, infact I've never seen him mad at all, in the few short months we've been together he's never gotten mad at me once.

" What's your problem with me Shuuichi? Anytime I talk you seem to get agitated."

" What's my problem? My problem is you outed me!"

" Oh my- You're still mad at me about that?! We were 13! How was I suppose to know that simply saying " my brother doesn't like girls." Was outing you."

" I wanted to come out on my own, at my own time when I was ready."

" For the past 7 years I've done nothing but apologize to you. How many times do I have to keep saying it? I'm really sorry. Can you just please forgive me?"

" Why should I?"

" Because I'm your sister and you love me."

"...Do I...?"

" * Sigh* You might not but I do love you your my brother, and if I would've known how hard you would've taken it I would've never said it. But Shuuichi I really am sorry, and I don't blame you if you hate me."


" I don't hate you..."

" Really?"

" I can't hate you, well I can I just don't."

" Like you said you're my sister, and I do care about you... I'm just mad at you."

" Understandable."

" But I guess I can forgive you... But it might take awhile for us to get close again."

" I'll take it."

" Come give me a hug."

"N-no... We really don't."

" Yeah we do! Come here Shu-Shu! Actually I'll come to you."

She got up from her chair and came over to us immediately hugging Shuuichi. I'm not jealous of his family... I swear I'm not... Ok maybe I am, but just a little bit. But I'm glad he made up with h is sister, even though a half hour ago I didn't even know he had a damn sister.

Time Skip

Well after we left Shuuichi's parents house he took me back home.

" I'm glad you made up with your sister and all and not to downplay the situation and all, but I don't think they like me."

" What makes you think that?"

" You saw the way they all looked at me when I said I was a stipper."

" How much you wanna bet they're probably all thinking that you could much better."

Without a word he put his hand on my cheek.

" I don't want anyone better then you..."

" Is that right...?"

I grabbed his hand that was on my cheek and started to lick his palm.

" I'm glad that you want me... Cuz I want you too... Like right now..."

" Then why don't  we go to bedroom..."

" Or...We could just do it on the couch right behind us..."

Instantly he pushed me back on to the couch.

" Couch it is then..."

I'm in Love with a Stripper (Oumasai Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now