A Little Bit of Dominance...

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Kokichi's POV


Shuuichi and I were just sitting on the couch cuddling , watching his favorite show, law and order when outta nowhere he just started kissing me, and it was just a couple little kisses it's full on making out like he's shoving his tongue down my throat, it's actually pretty hot. I pulled away to say something and he started to bite my neck.

" Ah... Calm down babe... Stop being so thirsty for me... Fuck...That feels good..."

He whispered something very closely into my ear.

" I'm so horny for you right now..."

" I could tell... I can feel your cock pressing up against me..."

He pushed me back on to the couch and pinned my arms up against my head as he leaned down to continue making out with me. He had a surprisingly strong grip.


Without breaking the kiss or letting go of my arms he spread my legs open and started dry humping me making sure that our cocks were rubbing together through our boxers. I ended up wrapping my legs around him. It felt soooooooooooo good but he knows how much I hate when he teases me, I'm the only one allowed to be a tease. He pulled away again so that he could leave his marks all across my neck.

"A-ah...Shuuichi... Stop t-teasing me and just fill me up with your big juicy cock already... I desperately need you inside me..."

"Shhhhhhhhh... I'll get to that... So just be a good boy and wait patiently..."

He used his free hand to slowly pull my boxers down below my hips. He did the same to his own and he want back to rubbing our cocks together, it felt so much better now that we didn't have underwear in our way. He also started to bite my nipple, and that felt good too.

" Y-you're terrible... Teasing your terribly aroused boyfriend like this... Treating me like your little toy... Do you plan on fucking me or just teasing me all day...?"

" I told you we will.... I just want to have a little fun with you before we do it..."

"P-put your hand around my neck..."

" W-what..."

" I want you to choke me a little... It'll turn me on..."

" Are you sure?"

" Do it...Do it now..."

Doing what I asked he tightly pressed his hand up against my throat and I was right it did turn me on. It felt so good having him dominate me like this, sometimes I need a break from telling Shuuichi how I want him to fuck me, and he isn't really that bad at being dominant.

" Turn over..."

" Sure thing baby."

He let go of my arms and I turned over he then pinned my arms against my back. He started to tease my hole by only touching it with his tip, I just wanted him to fuck me already.

" Baby... I need your cock... Just plunge it in me..."

" You're going to have to do better then that..."

" I need you to punish me... I've been a very bad boy..."

" I need more..."

" Stop making me stroke your ego."

" Do you want my dick or not?"

" Of course I do. Don't ask me such a stupid question like that."

" If you want it then act like you do..."

" Now... How bad do you want it...?"

" Very badly..."

He then spanked me, hard.

" Ah!"

" I know you liked that... How much do you want me to spank you..."

" U-until my ass is all red and there's a handprint on it..."

I shouldn't have told him that I wanted him to make my ass red cuz he didn't hold back with it, I knew with how hard he spanking me that I would have lovely bruises on my ass.

" I think I've played with you enough..."

He finally shoved his entire dick in me and he wasn't holding back, the second he was comfortable in there he started fucking me with reckless abandon. My arms were slightly starting to hurt from the way he was holding them, but compared to other positions I've been fucked in this one was the tamest.

" Y-yeah...Like that... W-why do you fuck me so good...?"

" Because... I'm your boyfriend... I know exactly how you wanna be pleasured...

Well yeah he is right. He didn't seem like he was gonna slow down either, which is fine I don't want him to ever stop, I just wish that we could fuck forever. He just kept pounding into me harder and faster. I could feel myself starting to drool, usually whenever we have rough ass sex like this I lose all control of my body.

" Haaaaaaa...Ahhhhh...S-shit... Don't...Ever...S-stop..."

" Haaa... I don't...Plan on stopping... Until...Nnn... We both cum..."

" Maybe I don't...Want you to stop after we cum..."

" Of course you wanna make a mess of the hotel couch..."

I've said it before and I'll say it again. We're on vacation and I'm tryna have as much wild sex with my beloved as much as possible before I have to go back to whoring myself out to other men. I just wanna be his whore for the entire month, is that too much to ask for!

"More...Give it to me more... Make me scream your name when I cum..."

" You always scream my name..."

" I know... But I want you to make me scream so loud that we alert people...

He actually started fucking me so hard that I started sliding off the couch but that didn't stop our aggressive love making, we actually ended up on the floor. My body started to feel hotter which is always a sign of when I'm getting closer to cumming.

" B-baby... I'm gonna cum...You're gonna make me c-cum...!"

" Good... I am too... I'm gonna fill you up to your maximum capacity..."

He let go of my arms and he put his hand against my throat again chocking me harder this time, at the same time he was sloppily kissing me and jerking me off. God... He was making me feel so damn good...

"Mmmm...! Mmmmm...!"

I moaned into his mouth as I came all over the couch if this was our couch back at home Shuuichi would be so mad. It wasn't long before he also came.

" Don't pull out... I want you to keep fucking me again and again and again and again... Make a mess out of my ass..."

He almost immediately went back to thrusting in and out of me.

" We don't have anything else to do today... So why not have sex all day..."

We're so lewd...

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