Reuniting With An Old Friend

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Shuuichi's POV

" Morning Shuuichi! It's another beautiful day paradise!"

" Good morning Kokichi."

Kokichi got out of bed and walked downstairs and opened the mini fridge, he then grabbed a bottle vodka, unscrewed the cap and started drinking it!

"Kokichi its 10 in the morning why are you drinking straight vodka?"

" Cuz we're on vacation baby. Who cares if I drink a little at 10 in the morning?"

" Baby I care!"

" But why?"

" Because I don't want you to become an alcoholic."

" I'm not an alcoholic. I can quit when I want."

" That's what an alcoholic would say."

" Alright alright, I won't drink until later."

" Happy now?"

" Extremely."

" So cutie, whatcha wanna do today?"

" Its up to you, It doesn't matter what we do."

Kokichi made it a habit that on vacation we have to do something different and new everyday. If that's what he wants I'll go along with it.

" Well whatever we'll figure it out as we go."

" Let's go take a shower!"


" Obviously! We're a couple, we always take showers together."

" Maybe I'll even blow you a little... Depends on how long it takes before the alcohol kicks in..."

He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the bathroom. Once we were both in there we stripped and then got in. We mostly made out, well that was until some of the alcohol set in and he insisted on sucking my dick.


"M-more... I want more of you..."

Then he just stopped and grabbed my waist pulling me closer to him.

" W-why'd you stop...?"

" Cuz... I'm a tease... I gotta leave you craving me sometimes...But don't worry... I plan on riding you like a cowgirl later..."

He bit his lip as he ran his hand across my body.

" God...I wanna fuck you so bad right now... But I can't I have to restrain myself."

After finishing our shower we both got dressed and left our room. Kokichi actually insisted that went to Starbucks, so we did, and honestly I was kinda in the mood for coffee. Like usual he order a vanilla bean creme frappuchino. Holding hands we walked along the beach.

" I love this! I'm glad we get to spend this amount of time together."

" I am too. This is a nice vacation so far."

" Isn't it? Maybe we should just stay here."

" What do you mean?"

" I mean let's just live out the rest of our lives here. Together."

" But our apartment, my friends, our jobs."

" I have a solution to that! I'll just whore myself like usual!"

" I don't even like when you do that at home."

" I know I know. You want me all to you yourself."

" Oooooooooooh Shuuichi?"

" Huh?"

I turned around to see who called me.

" Angie? Hey Angie!"

It's been awhile since I've seen her. Actually I haven't seen her since graduation. She skipped over to us.

" What are you doing here?"

" Atua said he wanted to go on a vacation."

" Atua..."

Kokichi glanced over at me and whispered something to me.

" *Whispering* What the hell is that?"

" It's like the God of her island. Don't ask it's a long story."

Without warning she got really close to Kokichi and explained him closely.

"Whoa hun, back a little I barely know you."

" Who's this?"

" Ah this is my boyfriend Kokichi Ouma."


"So are you here alone?"

" Noooooope! I'm here with- Where are those two?"

Those two? Who is she talking about. Just when I thought that I saw two other familiar faces.

" Nyeh...Nyeh... Heavy..."

I saw Himiko struggling to carry an umbrella that was bigger then her.

" Himiko! I'll help you!"

Tenko grabbed the umbrella from her and with one hair she carried it over her shoulder, the other she used to hold Himiko's hand. It's actually amazing that they're still together. It took two full years until Himiko finally accepted Tenko's confessions. She was really trying.

" Nyeh? Oh It's you Shuuichi."

" Hi Himiko. Hi Tenko. It's really good to see all of you again."

I glanced over at Kokichi who was quietly sipping his drink and staring at the ground, I could tell he was feeling a little uncomfortable. He also slightly tugged on my hand. He wanted to leave.

" How are you Shuuichi? You should be grateful I'm asking a degenerate male like you."

" I'm alright I guess, I'm just trying to relax a little bit a get rid of all the stress of work."

" Who's this with you? Your boyfriend?"

" Yeah he is."

Angie looked at her phone and gasped.

" Himiko! Tenko! If we keep chatting like this we'll miss the hula hoop contest!"

" Dammit, you're right."

" Sorry we can't stay longer Shuuichi, but it was truly nice to see you again."

" It was nice to see you guys again too."

And with that the three of them ran off. Kokichi and I continued walking.

" So you went to school with them?"

" For 3 years yeah."

" You have a lot of unique friends, I kinda like that."

" If you think they're interesting then you haven't met all of them."

" It must be really nice to have friends..."

I sighed and sipped his drink again he stared off into the distance at the ocean. I stopped and leaned down to kiss him.

" Now... Didn't you say that you wanted to do something fun today."

" I did... But I also said that I was gonna ride you like a cowgirl... So what do you wanna do...?"

" It's up to you..."

" Let's go do something fun first... We'll get to the fucking later... No c'mon baby I'm in the mood for a margarita."

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