Valentine's Day

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Maki's POV

"Maki wake up!"

I slowly cracked my eyes open and saw Kaito standing there with a plate of food.

" What's so important that you had to wake me up?"

" It's valentine's day!"

" Like I said what's so important?"

" I made you breakfast!"

" Is that right?"

" Yeah look!"

On the plate there was a heart shaped omelet, toast bacon and a strawberry smoothie.

" Do you like it?"

" Yeah, thanks. That's really sweet of you."

" That's not all I did for you, I got you roses! And I'm gonna take you out to dinner!"

" Why?"

" Cuz why not? It's Valentine's Day! And I love you, do I have to have a reason to take my girlfriend out?"

" *Sigh* I guess not."

" So will you let me take you out?"

" Yeah sure."

" This is why you're the best!"

He sat on the bed next to me and put his arms around me.

" The things I do for love..."

Shuuichi's POV

" *Yawn* Kokichi- Huh?"

I woke up and strangely he wasn't there next to me, everyday when I woke up Kokichi was always there laying on me. I mean he does get home late so maybe he just fell asleep on the couch. I saw a purple sticky note on his pillow, it read " Follow the rose petals" The rose petals? What does that me-

" Oh."

I turned over to see rose petals in the shape of arrow on the ground.

" When did he have time to do this?"

The arrow was pointing towards the bathroom, I got up and followed it into the bathroom. There was a box of chocolates on the sink. There was another arrow pointing towards his walk in closet. I walked in and saw a card sitting on his vanity. It said " I do and always will love you my beloved💜 love your precious little slut.

" I told him to stop calling himself that."

I picked up the card and saw another arrow pointing towards the kitchen and living room. Why is he sending my on a scavenger hunt? I walked out and saw petals scattered everywhere, but he was nowhere to be found, I noticed that on the fridge there was a note that said "Open the bottom left cabinet." Odd but I'll do it. I opened it and he popped out.

" Boo!"

" Ah!"

Startled I fell to the ground, he crawled out and sat on my legs.

" Nishishi, I scared you didn't I?"

" Yeah!"

" Sorry sweetie, couldn't resist."

" As an apology I'll give you a kiss."

He leaned in and loudly kissed me. When he pulled away he put his hand on my cheek.

" Did you like the little surprises I prepared for you?"

" Yeah it was different."

" Those aren't the only things I got you..."

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