Double Date

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Maki's POV

I don't like going out for dates with Kaito, I'd rather we just stay at home and sit on the couch and watch Netflix, but no he'd rather take me places. So when he asked to have a double date with Shuuichi and his boyfriend I said no and I kept saying no every time he asked. But it's three weeks later and here we are.

" Shuuichi baby! Open your mouth!"

" Why?"

" So I can feed you stupid! Now open!"

" A-alright."

Shuuichi opend his mouth and Ouma started to feed him. They hadn't even been dating for 5 months and they were already uncomfortably close, they shared food and drinks and kissed often for long periods of time, it's weird but whatever.

"Wait, sweetie you got a somethin- Here lemme get it for you."

He picked up the napkin and wiped the crumbs off Shuuichi's mouth, he blushed and they kissed again.

" Hey Maki! Open your-"


"Oh c'mon! You know you want to!"

"No I don't."

"Maki-Roll! Open up!"

Kaito kept motioning the fork towards me as I kept refusing to open my mouth. To make him happy I slowly opened my mouth.

" See! Now was that so hard?"

Yes, yes it was.

"Harukawa-Chan I'm curious, how long have you two been dating?"

" 3 and a half years."

"Wow, such a long time! I hope Shuuichi and I stay together that long! Don't you think so too sweetness?"

" Yeah."

And they kissed again, they're so gross.

" I wanna ask you something else."

" What?"

" How many times a week do you two have sex?"

I spit out my drink when he asked that.

" Not answering."

" Why not? Shuuichi and I have sex alllllllll the time, sometimes twice a day..."

From complete embarrassment my face started to heat up.

" Fine then if you won't answer then I'll just ask Momota-Chan."

" Don't answer it."

" But I-"

I immediately glared at him.

" Why so embarrassed Harukawa-Chan? You don't preform so well in bed...?"

I had to restrain myself from jumping across the table and beating the HELL out of him. I tightly gripped the fork I was holding. Don't attack him, don't attack him. Keep it together Maki.

" I'm going to the bathroom."

I got up and quickly headed to the bathroom. I soon as I was in there I slammed my fist on the sink.

" That...Little...Fucker!!"

Shuuichi's POV

" Guess I touched a nerve. But now that she's gone... Momota-Chan! Tell me, how many times do you two have sex...?"

"Not as much as I want..."

" Well when you do it is she good?"

" She's good."

" Well if you ever get tired of her I know some fine ass strippers who wouldn't mind having fun with you..."

" I-I love Maki, I would never cheat on her, and besides if she ever found out she'd kill me."

" If you say so..."

" By the way, why is she so grouchy? She always looks a little agitated whenever my sweetheart and I kiss, are you not showing enough affection...?"

" I try, she just never wants me to kiss or hold her in public."

" Why not? I love it when Shuuichi kisses me or holds me... Or does other unmentionable things to me..."

" Kokichi..."

I slightly elbowed him as to tell him to not talk about the intimate moments we have in our bed, I know he's fine talking about it but to me it's a little embarrassing, I just don't want all my friends to know about our sex life.

" What? You don't want me to tell him about the incredibly mind blowing sex we have? Right, I forgot that my cuddle bear is so shy...But I like that in him."

" But I will say one thing... He has amazing stamina..."

Right then Maki came back and sat down. She seemed slightly calmer. It actually shocked me that Kaito put his arm around her and she didn't fight him on it in fact she put her head on his shoulder.

" So tell me Harukawa-Chan, why are you so jealous?"

" Jealous?"

" I see the way you glare at us whenever we kiss.... Look you're cute you really are...But jealously is not your color sweetheart."

"Why would I be jealous? I'm happy with Kaito."

"Are you? Then why don't you give him a cute nickname? He gave you one so it's only right that you give him one."

" They're stupid."

"  Are they? Or are you just too emotionless to ever come up with one..."

Maki was getting visibly angry, I don't know how long Kokichi has before she attacks him, I should probably defuse the situation before something happens.

" Kokichi... It's fine... D-don't worry about it."

He looked up at me before taking a sip of our shared drink and resting his head on my shoulder.

" Fine, anything for you my beloved, I'll be quiet."

I could tell she let out a sigh of relief and unclenched her fist. I think I just prevented a travesty. But why was he being so hostile...?

Maki's POV

When we got back I home threw my bag on the couch and sat down next to it.

" That was terrible, I severely regret doing that."

" C'mon it wasn't *That* bad."

" Yes it was, the food was mediocre at best and I really don't like Ouma. At all."

" Why not?"

" He's an asshole."

" Is that the only reason."

" No, but I don't feel like listing them all."

" Come gimme a hug."

" Why?"

" Cuz I want a hug from my girlfriend! So c'mere, or I'm gonna give you a hug!"

" N-no... I-"

But he wasn't listening, before I could finish my sentence he was already on the couch hugging me,I could feel his face nuzzling into my hair. Slowly I wrapped my arms around him, Kaito's hugs were really...Warm and I really liked cuddling with him.

" I love you Maki, like a lot, you mean the world to me, no the universe!"

" You...Really mean that...?"

" Of course!"

" I love you too."

" Now gimme a kiss!"

I rolled my eyes and kissed him on the cheek.

" I never said on my cheek."

"*Sigh* You're an idiot."

" But you're my idiot..."

After finishing that sentence I pulled him in closer so that I could kiss him.

I'm in Love with a Stripper (Oumasai Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now