That Night

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Kokichi's POV

"*Long Sigh*"

I let out a long sigh before sitting down in front of my white vanity, I put my hair in a messy ponytail  and started taking out the stacks of money to count them.

"So bunny, how much ya get tonight?"

" Dunno, if I had to guess probably 40 to 600 thousand."

"Damn sis, you always get all the attention. I'm kinda jealous."

Why would anyone wanna be jealous of me me? Don't get me wrong I love my what I do, I just hate the fact that I draw most of the attention of grown ass men that probably have families, really the only good thing about them is that they spend a lot of money.

" Bunny, after work tomorrow the other girls and I are thinkin' bout do something you wanna come?"

" As much as I would looooooooooooooove to Roxie, I can't. I have 2 bachelorette parties to go to, they want me to do the whole stripper popping out of a cake thing. Next weekend promise."

" Ugh, those are the worst, I had a bachelor party last weekend and it was ughhhhhhhhh, but at least they paid well."

" By the way bun, who was that cute guy you gave a lap dance to earlier, with the blue hair."

" Ah, Miss Sexy you're so nosy! I love that about you. He was really cute though. His names Shuuichi, he's a detective."

The girls around me all oohed and giggled almost like we were all in high school.

" Is our little bunny catching feelings for some cute detective?"

Embarrassed I started to blush.

" T-that's not it! I just think he's handsome, that's all. But I definitely wouldn't mind if he came back."

"Whatever you say hun."

When I finally got to my apartment I threw my bag on the kitchen table and immediately collapsed on my couch. I was dead tired. I took my phone out to check the time.

" 4:14 in the morning... Ughhhhhhhhh."

That's probably one of the things I hate about being a stripper, the long hours, but it keeps my lights on. I'm gonna sleep so long tonight. I don't even feel like going to my bed I might just sleep on the couch. It was comfortable enough.


I just can't get that guy out my head. Shuuichi. There was something...Different about him. He wasn't like my typical customers, He made me smile, he made me laugh, I actually cared to know more about him. He was actually nice to me. I kinda wanna see him again.

Or maybe it's just wishful thinking.

Pushing those thoughts aside I close my eyes and fell asleep.

I'm in Love with a Stripper (Oumasai Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now