Dangerous Sex

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Shuuichi's POV

"Hey babe! I wanna try something out on you."

" You're not gonna drip hot wax on me again are you?"

" No baby... It's a little more exciting... So close your eyes."

" Alright..."

I closed my eyes and a few seconds later I felt something cold and sharp on my neck.

" You can open your yes now baby..."

I opened them to see Kokichi completely naked but he was pressing a knife up to my neck. In shock I moved back and he slowly crawled towards me.

" What the hell?!"

" Don't get your panties in a twist babe. I'm not gonna kill you... If I wanted to I would've done it a long time ago..."

" I'm gonna use this knife to cut you open and drink your blood like a vampire..."

" Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what?! You're gonna cut me open?!?!"

" Wait, lemne rephrase that. I'm not gonna cut you open just like little slits... I promise I won't hurt you *too* bad... And if I accidentally kill you, don't worry cuz I'll kill myself right after!"

" Kokichi what in the actual fuck? This is insane!"

" People make blood pacts."

" Yeah but I'm sure they don't drink the blood after!"

" How do you know?"

" Have you lost your mind?"

" Yes and Ive tasted your cum, your saliva, your tears that one time you were sad even your piss that one time I was really drunk. Now I need your blood..."

" You sound fucking crazy right now."

" I'm only crazy about you baby... Now what do you say my beloved...?"

" I say you're out of your mind."

" I promise it'll be exciting... You'll probably really like it... So... Let me suck your blood... If it makes you feel better I'll let you drink mines afterwords..."

" That doesn't make me feel better!"

" Oh stop being such a whiney pussy it's not gonna hurt that bad."


Why do I let him rope me into this kinda stuff?

" Fine..."

" Gimme your arm."

I took my clothes and I gave him my arm and he slowly traced a knife along it before he cut into my arm. It stung pretty bad but only for a second. He ran his tongue along the fresh wound, he sucked and bit at my skin.

" Mmm... Ah..."

When he let go of my arm his entire mouth was smeared with blood.

" That wasn't so bad... Was it now babe...?"

" N-no..."

" See I told you..."

He took the knife again and cut my inner thigh then went back to sucking.

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