12. - The meeting.

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Author's Pov:

The sun had set down in Sydney that night. Jisoo hated to admit that it was fun to spend a day with Taehyung. but ended up admiting so herself. Not to mention the 'roller coaster' incident that took place earlier. She was quite ashamed of herself for being a scardey - cat and quite angry for being continusly teased by Taehyung for about 2 - 3 hours about that one thing.

Taehyung on the other hand couldn't help but  smile from ear to ear. He was all happy since he finally was spending time with his best friend who he that more than that of.  He was honestly just happy to be there with her. Once Jisoo saw a chicken shop from one of the rides they sat on and she didn't give up on finally getting it. He loved the fact that she would find happiness in such small things. And the fact that she was so rich and loaded and still managed to remain compleately and truly down-to-earth. 

Jisoo was a bird who was caught by Taehyung, trying to fly away but she simply can not. 

He had caught her this time and this time there was no turning back.

Jisoo, on the other hand was having thoughts and emotions flooding all over her. It was eating her up. Her mind wasn't working straight she was so tired of all that was happening. She was fed up. Jisoo clearly fell for Taehyung once more but this time in compleate denile. Afterall she "Knew" that Taehyung only thought of her as his sister and she was already someone else's.

Jisoo was in such a mess that she never intended to create. She was a warm hearted person causing her worry about her feelings. She just didn't want to hurt anyone.  Especially Junmyeon, He was with her the whole time she was in look for love and support. He reminded her of Jin when he wasn't with her.

Jisoo knew she had to baracade her heart and feelings.

And Taehyung was just looking for a way to kick break that barrier. He knew that he had a effect on Jisoo from the very start and hence thought to use that to make her his once and for all.
He wasn't going to risk losing her this time.

Call him a brat or whatever but when Taehyung has his eyes on something he makes sure it ends up being his.

A/N: UwU I just got so dramatic and poetic there!! 😌😭😆😜

Both the lads were undeniably tired so decided the best thing to do was to 😪😴.

End of Author's POV.

Jisoo's POV:

7:30 a.m.

Today was the day we had a meeting at the dior sydney Headquaters. Yup its the dior x gucci deal. 

The meeting was at 10:00 a.m. which also meant I didn't have a lot of time. Don't get me wrong if you had your office next door it would be faster but not only is the office 1 hour from our hotel but also you have to prepare before any official and critical meeting!

I quickly started pacing up and down all over my hotel room and got dressed and ready.

I quickly started pacing up and down all over my hotel room and got dressed and ready

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