««Chapter 4»»

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Jisoo's POV:

After school, I was trying to avoid the 3 faces that were expecting answers from me.. But I guess I failed in that.  We walked to my home with silence all the way.

When we reached Unnie (Irene) was looking at me with a confused face.
"Unnie, I am going to my room with my friends. You now why.." I said and she just nodded.

When we reached my room Jennie and chaeng layed down on my bed with me sitting on it and Lali sat down at the couch.
"Ok so.. where do I start?" I asked. "I don't know all I know is we need answers." Jennie said. "Fine, you know how on the day of the sleepover we were watching the movie and how jimin was comforting chaeng and how yoongi oppa was comforting you? I have also liked someone.." I said and took a pause. the girls started squealing.

 "who doesn't like me.." I added. the girls expressions that were happy a second were now sad, concerned and frowns. "Kim Taehyung.. My best friend and the only guy I fell for..  Seeing him so hurt and seeing him love someone who isn't me, hurts.." I continued as a tear rolled down my eye. Rosie came and embraced me in her hug. Jennie started rubbing my back. And Lisa was looking down at the grownd while sitting upright. 

"Thats why I left otherwise I would have been a crying mess and you guys would have a tough time." I said as I chuckled making the girls smile. Then Irene unnie came in with snacks in a tray. She placed the tray in the middle of the bed. "You told them?" I nodded she then smiled and left the room.

"Unnie why didn't you tell us this before?" Lisa asked. "I didn't want to trouble you three." I said as Jennie got up and announced. " I have to yoongi and I have a date today." I nodded "Me too sowwy unnie." Chae said doing an aegyo. I chuckled and nodded. "Minnie is coming from thailand to meet me so I need to go to the airport." Lisa said with a hint of excitement in her voice. "Thats great. Off you go now." I said. Then she left too. Just when I was about to sleep from the tiredness My phone rang.




(Latics = Taehyung & Bold = Jisoo)

Yo sooya when do we meet for the song collab?

I dont know but probably not today..

Why? Is there a problem?

No.. Just not feeling well. Just a mild headache. Ya know?

I am coming to your place.

NO!! I mean No I just wanna rest.

If that is the case then fine. Take care. Anneyong.

Yeah thanks. Anneyong.

I quickly ended the call before it got worse.

Taehyung's POV:

There is something very very wrong with Jisoo.. First, she starts crying in the music session. Then she avoids me and now She is being all weird on the phone.. I get it she is sick but she usually greets me with a 'nyeongan'. A word that she made.
What is with her. I just shrugged off my thoughts.

Jisoo POV:

I was having way too much on my plate. So I decided to sleep to calm down and to relax my eyes from all the crying.

Taehyung's POV:

I tried to get the thought off my head but I couldn't help but think why was she acting this way. I took my bag and car keys and headed to Jisoo's home luckily I had a spare key that Jin hyung gave me just incase.

I opened the main door of Jisoo's house to find no one at her place. I walked upstaiers to Jisoo's room to find her sleeping like a bear all cuddled up in her blanket. As soon as I looked at her my heart felt all cozy and soft. She really is one of a kind. I walked to her bed and sat on the corner of it and started caressing her hair and cheeks. I studied her facial structure and damn.. she resembled a goddess. Her beautiful eyes, Chubby cheeks, Pointy nose and lastly her coral tinted heart shaped lips. 

Sometimes I have to admit that she is way more prettier than my ex. I have to admit her future husband will be on lucky guy. I started rubbing my hands on her jawline and cheeks when she must've felt it and pulled my hand causing me to lay down beside her. I was taken aback by her actions but ngl it felt nice she was quite cold for some reason. I turned around to face her. She was slightly pouting which was super cute. She might be cold thats why wanted a hug. I quickly wrapped my long hands around her waist and she came closer to my chest. I didn't pull her or anything she just pulled herself in? 

I could clearly feel her breathing on my chest which made my breath hitch a little. I knew I was all red and blushing. But I shrugged it off. It felt really warm and cozy. I took the strand of her hair that was covering her beautiful face and placed it behind her ear. And once more studied a beautiful face. I had this warm feeling inside of me that I didn't have with Tzuyu too. I didn't know what it was hence I shrugged it off. Before I knew it I drifted off to my dreamland alongside the beautiful woman laying beside me.

1 hour later:
Jisoo's POV:

I felt really warm unlike before. It was a very warm feeling I slightly opened my eyes to see the most handsome man in my opinion hugging me... Kim Taehyung! He was sleeping and looked even more handsome than he looks usually. He looked peaceful and he looked like a bear which I found super cute. I tried to move a little when he pulled me towards his chest. He was pouting? I found it really, really adorable!! But soon I realised that Our faces were inches apart. If anyone of us dared to move you know what would happen.. 

Flustered was an understatement of what I was feeling. I dont know how my hands found their way to his hair and started brushing it when he slightly opened his eyes. we stared at each other for about a minute. "Like what you see?" He asked in a flirtious tone as a smirk found it way to his lips. I was very red by now so i just 'hmmp-ed' and got up from the bed.


Yo yo wassup?

 A new update y'all!! I wanted this chapter to be as sweet as possible!

Did you find it sweet and cute? 

Anyway vote and comment!!

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