16 - Dinner..

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Since what happened yesterday.. I have drowned myself in work. I just need more work to get Jisoo off my mind. Dang it I had denied it all my life that I would never fall in love and when I did it.. It was my Best friend and now she is getting married.

For some reason I know that god has some serious grudges with me.. I mean Jisoo is getting married to that hIdEoUs MoNkEy!! I mean he doesn't deserve her. I can't stand seeing her being all lovey - dovey with him. She is only supposed to be in my arms and not in his.. Not in any other man's only mine.

Too late..

I was just working in my office when my cabin's Telephone rang. I picked it up. "Sir you have someone on the call for you. He says his name is name is Suho." The receptionist said.

Ugh the monkey.

"Yeah pass it on." I said unbothered. Then the call connected.

Suho: Hey Man.

Taehyung: Hey. [serious tone]

Suho: So basically Jisoo wanted to talk to you I'll just pass the phone to her.

My hear̥t skipped a beat when I heard her name.

Jisoo: Hey Tae..

Taehyung: What? [cold]

Jisoo: So Basically Suho and I are leaving tomorrow so I was wondering if you wanted to come to Suho's home for dinner ? His address is *********************.

Taehyung: he has a home here in Sydney?

Jisoo: Yeah.

Taehyung: Sorry got too much work. Happy journey Jisoo-ssi.

I said and hung the call. 

Heh she is going tomorrow. Going from Sydney. Going from my life and what else do I say?

I did not reject her offer I just said no cuz everytime I would see her with Suho my heart would contrate in pain. I can not hurt myself anymore. Urgh!! LOVE ALWAYS HAS TO BE THIS  BITTER!!!

I ruffled my hair in frustration!! But then I got to the conclusion that it was best if  I visited her once before she leaves. Leaves me.

I looked down at the notepad in which I wrote down her address while we were on the phone.

****************** street.. Huh?

"OK FINE I'LL GO!" I Yelled and got up from my seat took my coat and bag and left the cabin. "Mrs. Wilson I am taking half day have some important work to take care of." I said as I faced Mrs Wilson, a old lady who works here idk why. "Sure Mr. Kim. Don't worry sir you will get her at the end. You both are made for each other."

What the..

"It's ok Ms. Kim [Jisoo] will be the one to realise or maybe she  already did, She's denying." She said and gave me a small smile. I have no idea where she heard that or got to know all that stuff but something about it gave me ressurance. I smiled nodded and left.

7:00 p.m

Jisoo's Pov: 

Suho was in the living room watching the football match while I was in the Kitchen preparing dinner. I really hope Taehyung shows up. He was very upset on the call, I hope he is okay and I hope he is fine. Dang it my life has turned so miserabble and I can't even fix it!! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME!! I ruffled my hair in frustration and cooked the steak and salad and kept it on the dining table.

Just then the doorbell rang.

I went and opened the door and was greeted by Taehyung holding a bouquet of chrasanthymums and white lilies wit a bottle of red wine.

He didn't even greet me and just walked in through the door and shook hands with Suho.

'WTF is wrong with that man?!'

I went and settled down beside Suho and Taehyung was sitting opposite to the both of us.

"So let's begin?" Suho asked. Taehyung and I nodded our heads in agreement.

"So, I wanted to thank you for taking care of Jisoo, here, you see she is a lil bean and is really insecure. She needs someone to protect her at all times." Suho said.

'What the heck?! I dont need anyone to protect me!! I am a respectable and independent woman!'

"I would disagree on that. Jisoo is quite independant herself. She is respectable and really brave. If I was with her instead of you I wouldn't worry for a bit about her." Taehyung said in his infamous cold tone.

'Tae.. Dang it his small small things make my heart flutter.'

There was awkward silence around the room until Suho spoke.

"So Jisoo and I are leaving tomorow. We are having our wedding a little earler than planed." Suho said and smiled at me and I gave him a small forced smile.

"Congrats." Was all Taehyung said. 'Something for sure is wrong with him.' He got up and shook hands with Suho and glanced at me before returning his glances back at Suho. "I'll be going." Tae said and wore his coat. "Oh ok. Remember to attend our wedding. You're invited." Suho said.

"I am really sorry but I won't be able to. I have loadsa work.." He looked at me and looked away. "Sorry."

"Aw come on mate! What kind of friend doen't go to their friend's wedding?" Suho obliged.

"Me" That's it he said that and left I ran behind him holding his coat from the night before.

"TAEHYUNG!" I screamed and ran to him. He looked behind and stopped in his tracks.

"Y-Your coat." I said and gave him his coat.

"Anything else?" He said in his cold tone.

"T-Tae please I have to say something cuz' we both know yesterday you did not see the fat opera singer." I said already at the verge of crying.

"Is there anything left to say now Jisoo?" Taehyung asked.

"Tae I really wish one day I could tell you why I am doing this marriage.." I said compleately ignoring his statement.

"TELL ME THEN!!" He shouted.


"You can't can you? I am sorry Jisoo but I have meetings that I have to attend tomorrow morning! And once more Congrats. I hope can treat you better than I could." He said and left without turning back and looking at me.

And there I lay crying hugging my body and the cold concreate floor.

'He lied.. He had no schedules for the next 3 weeks.. Why Tae... I wish I could tell you how much I still love you..'





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