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Title: No happy endings.

Jisoo's POV:-

Today was the day...

The day I get married to my fiance whom I don't love and never did. What can I do? It's imo and samcheon we're talking about. They did so much for me and now I just can't bail on them. "Jisoo unnie.." I heard a low voice. I looked at the door to find Jennie just standing there. "Yeah.." I said as I slowly wiped my tears.

"UNNIE!! WHY ARE YOU CRYING?!" She said as she ran towards me to hug me. "Jennie yah! Ottoke?!" I said as I cried into her arms. "Unnie tell me what happened.." She said in a whisper. And when she said that I knew I had to spill. Or else I would be suffocated by my regrets!!

Why is life so cruel? Now when I finally know what love is and now that I finally love someone more than Oppa why can't I be with him?!

"Jen.. I don't love Junmyeon Oppa..." I said and was greeted by a small smile on Jennie's lips. 'What..?' "Unnie do you think that we thought you ever loved him?? I know, We know, The girls know that you only and truly love Tae Opaa. What are you doing Unnie?!"

"What can I do?! Imo and Samcheon always took care of Jin Oppa and me and now that they asked, for one thing, how can I ever say no to it?! And YES I do love Taehyung, I always did! But I can not l-love him.." Just then the door barges open and reveals... Junmyeon Oppa..? I was struck at my place. Did he hear what I said?! "Soo... Why did you never tell me...?" The first thing I thought he would do was come and slap me... but he just talked to me while he stood about 2 meters away from me. "Oppa..." Was the only thing I could probably think of saying.

"Jisoo.. If y-you would never b-be happy in this m-marriage... How c-can you expect that I-I or Omma and Appa would be happy?" His voice broke and a tear rolled down his cheeks. I felt so guilty. He always wanted the best for me and He was always there for me but seeing him cry for me broke my heart. "Oppa I am so sorry..." I built up the courage to speak out.

"No! Don't. Please don't... It will make it harder for me to leave you or let you go.... Jisoo..." He said. It really broke my heart seeing him cry and seeing him so vulnerable. "Jisoo go! Go! Go to Taehyung. You love him and so does he." 'WTF?!' "H-huh?" I said because of my confusion. "Jisoo it's ok... just go... I will explain mom and dad!!" He said trying to sound tough. "But before that let's prank Taehyung." He said which totally confused me.

Taehyung's POV:

Haha, time to get Jisoo back!! I entered the wedding hall and saw Jisoo on the alter with my most despised enemy - Kim Junmyeon. UGH Fvck my blood boiled to a crazy extent at the point I wanted to beat the shit out of him but then my eyes saw the other latter. FVCK!! Ok FVCKING HELL! She looked so BEAUTIFUL!! I just wanted to end my life there and there.

"OK EVERYONE SORRY TO CUT INTO THE FUN BUT I WOULD LIKE TO STOP THIS WEDDING!!" Everyone looked at me in surprise even Jisoo. "What?! Jisoo isn't happy with this wedding. Come on people!! She loves me and is marrying that monkey Jackass of a man!!" I spoke out loud to which everyone in the wedding place was in shock.

Jungkook and Lisa were wearing matching outfits that were blue. Chaeyoung and Jimin were wearing pink matching outfits. Jin Hyung and Joohyun noona were wearing blue. And Yoongi Hyung and Jennie were sorta in contrast Jennie was wearing white wherein Hyung was wearing this greyish black suit.

Jungkook ran towards me when I stopped him. Lisa slyly pulled him back. "Ok fellas, You see this wedding is forced.-" I was cut off by Jisoo. "What are you saying Tae?! I love Oppa here!" She said and I was forcing back my tears I saw that monkey's wrist tighten. 'WTF?!'

I ran to the altar and held that Monkey's collar and pulled him up on the ground. "Ok, chu end the drama, please!! Your boyfriend is getting physical." He said. 'What the... Drama? Boyfriend?! What the fvck?!' I looked at both of them in confusion. "Ok man. I got to know today that Jisoo truly loves you and not me..." He said as he slowly glanced at Jisoo and a teardrop rolled down his cheeks. "I immediately called off the wedding because I could never be happy if she was not..." He looked at me as another teardrop fell down.

Ok, I take it back this man right here is an angel and a cupid.

"Taehyung, Please take good care of Jisoo... I loved her but she didn't... Please take care of her... She is an angel!" He said as he wiped his tears away. I looked at Jisoo who was already in tears. She hugged Junmyeon I swear this time I was not Jealous I was so happy! "O-Oppa Mianhae!!" She said as she cried on his chest. "No soo... Don't it will be harder for me to leave you and let you go!" He said as he broke the hug and looked at her. He then took her hand and placed it in mine. "Man.. I owe you a treat." I said and looked at him. Everyone in the hall suddenly laughed. They all were crying a minute ago WTF?! I snaked my arms around Jisoo's shoulder. "Oh, I ain't letting this one go anywhere now." I quickly looked around to see Lisa crying on Jungkook's Chest, Chaeyoung and Jimin both crying together, Jennie noona using Hyung's suit as a handkerchief and Jin Hyung nearly in tears. I quickly winked at him before picking Jisoo up in bridal style and running out of that place.

"YAH KIM TAEHYUNG!! PLACE ME DOWN!!!!" She shrieked before looking around the place where we were. I placed her down as she started to explore the cherry blossom garden I quickly kneeled down and took out the diamond ring I have been waiting to push on her beautiful ring finger. She looked at me and covered her mouth when she saw me take out the red velvet box.

"Kim Jisoo you have made me THE happiest man alive. You made me realise what love truly is. You made me feel things I have never felt before. I am sorry for being such a Jackass before but trust me when I say this I love you and only you! You were the reason why I used to get up in the morning in the past few days and still are, Just to see this angelic face of yours. I don't want to waste any more time dating and believe me when I say this... This is the most certain I have been... Kim Jisoo, will you honour me and make me the happiest man alive by marrying me?" I said as I anticipated a yes.

"WTF?! OFC' YESSS!! YESSSS! YESS! YESSS!!" She said as she jumped up and down like a baby. I quickly slid the ring on her ring finger and pulled her into a deep deep kiss. UGH the lips I have been craving for just taste so delicious!!

We pulled out of the Kiss. "Oh babe your only Kim Taehyung's property now," I said as I rested my head in the crook of her neck. "Only yours." She said while smiling



Honestly, I feel so bad for Suho. He is my Bias in Exo. :( BUT VSOO TILL DEATH!!




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