⁓⁓Chapter 3⁓⁓

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Jisoo POV:

"I am not okay." I admittingly said.
"Then let it out chu." Oppa said. I smiled weakly at him.

"There is this guy I like but he doesn't like me-" Irene unnie cut me.
"Kim Taehyung-ssi right soo?" I nodded as a tear escaped my eye.

Unnie came near me and embraced me tightly. I leaned on her shoulder and let my guard down. "I will leave you two." Oppa said. I was more than sure he wasn't happy seeing me like this. Brother-ly insticts you can say.

"So tell me about him and you." Unnie said in a voice full of concern and curiousity.
"We were best friends since elementry and I liked him since then buthe liked this girl called - Chou Tzuyu. I felt hurt b-but all I ever wanted was for him to be happy. They started dating, She cheated on him 2 times and yet they were together. Taehyung didn't want to let go of her so easily. Todayshe broke up with him-" I stopped. Took a deep breath before continuing. 

"We were having a sleepover at jennie's. And I realised how Jennie had her boyfriend when she cried.."

"And How Chae had Jimin. And how I would never have the one and only guy I fell for.." I broke down once more. Irene unnie rubbed my back as she consoled me. God knows what I would do without her! "Jisoo did you tell him about what you feel??" Unnie asked. I shook my head signalling a no. She hummed in response. "Jisoo. I am truly proud of you today. You grew up to a fine lady. But, There comes a time when you need to stop crossing oceans for the people who wouldn't bother jump puddles for you. But if you say that he doesn't love you.. then make him realise how important you are. and even then he doesn't understand than dear its time to forget."

I nodded, Irene unnie knew how to make me feel special. She fed me the chicken and cake like a true mother. I never had a mother neither did oppa. Our parents died long ago. They both were pilots and one very unfortunate day their plane crashed. I was only 10 months old since then Our parent best friends took care of me and Oppa and made us feel as if we were their kids. They have a son named Kim Junmyeon or what I call Suho. He is a amazing friend. 

"Now sleep you little turtle. Its late and remember I and Jin love you ok? Good night Princess." Unnie said in a whisper and kissed my forhead and lifted the blanket on me.

Aish Long day!

Next day*

I woke up with the banging of pots in my room. "KiM jIsOo WaKe Up!! ItS 7:30!! YoU WiLl GeT LaTe FoR YoUr ScHoOl!!" I got up to see my brother yelling. I picked up the slipper from the floor and threw it at him and closed the door on his face. Why did Irene unnie fall in love with this idiot again? I sighed and went to get ready. I got ready and took my bag to leave the house after my breakfast. Irene unnie stopped me and told me to reflect on what she said last night I nodded and left.

 Irene unnie stopped me and told me to reflect on what she said last night I nodded and left

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I was walking when I was pulled. I looked behind to see who it was. Jennie. "WHAT?!" I yelled. "Why did you leave unnie? You know how worried we were? Especially Taehyung oppa!!" She said in a concerned voice. And here he goes giving me False hope once more. "Can we talk about this after school. My house we r late." I said in a sad tone. Jennie nodded. We went inside our school. I took the things needed from my locker and headed to my class. Music. We were Blackpink so of course we would have to perform together. 

I entered the room and sat down on my sit next to Lalice. "Unnie.." She said. "I will explain later at my house after school." I said knowing what she would ask.

Mr. Lee came in the class and announced that their was gonna be a group song test. In short we had to sing a group songand he would mark us.

"Bangtan sonyeandan!" He said. Asking the boys to come in front of the class to perform. I tried my best to avoid his gaze. But failed. We locked eyes and he had a angry type expression. I looked away when they started singing.

He started singing and I loved his deep voice it was super soothing. 

Everything about him yelled 'perfect' and that is simply why I love him. Unfortunately he doesn't reciprocate it. I respect that. I can not make him love me right? Many people would think that I am that possesive type thats wrong.All I want is that he should be loved and be happy. If he is with someone that he loves and makes him feel happy I would be the Happiest person for him. Afterall loving someone means doing anything for them right?

Mr. Lee asked Tae to do a solo song for some reason and He.. what do I say?? I am whipped. I laughed at my thought.

He had pain in his voice. I knew he sang this for her. I tried my best to not cry. And succeded.

"Blackpink!" Mr. Lee called out to us we went ahead and sand 'Sure thing'

Taehyung showed me thumbs up telling me that I did well.
I replied him with a smile.. The most fake emptiest and saddest smile I ever gave to anyone.

"Ms Jisoo please do a solo song." Mr lee asked me. I nodded and was so confused. But I decided to not mind the fact that it was weird. I sang a cover of my favouraite artist 'Akmu'

How can I love the heartbreak
When your the one I love..

I felt a tear roll down my eye.
Everyone looked at me with a confused and concerned face Jen almost got up her chair when chae pulled her down. Tae looked so sad and surprised.

I realised just then that I can no longer
move forth.

Another tear left my eye but I continued to sing. I loved it afterall.
I ignored all the blank and worried looks I was getting from the class.
Mr. Lee looked at me with pitiful eyes. He is one good teacher.

Your hand I used to hold seems to vanish.

I held myself from crying.

How can I love the Heartbreak?
When your the one I love~

Another stupid tear left my eye.
I was feeling heart wrenching pain then I remembered what unnie said and stopped myself and continued.

I finished singing and retrieved to my seat. When I recieved a message. 

Jisoo we need to talk about you. 


What for? I am fine its just the song. Its sad. 

Stop pretending!! Will talk to you later.

I sighed and just let it go.

"Now the reason why I heard a retake from Ms. Jisoo and Mr. Taehyung is that their voices compliment eachother. Hence, I would want the two of you to colab. Am I clear?" Mr. Lee said.

Great! Just Great!!

I slightly nodded.

Taehyung smirked at me and I simply glared at him!!

Thats chapter 3 y'all
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