when did you get here?

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Chapter 8

Part of growing up is also learning which battles are worth fighting. I think I learned this one the most difficult way but I am however grateful that I learned it. Khathu and I have now been together for 3 years, it hasn't been easy but I won't lie there were times when I lost my mind and just wanted him gone and most of the time I wanted him to spend more time with me. I haven't seen him in two months, I decided to put my pride aside and call him.
" Khathu"
He was probably surprised since we fought the last time he called me.
" I miss you, that's all"
I never imagined myself being like this for indoda.
Khathu" I miss you too"
" Did you sleep?"
Me" I did, I'm on my way to lunch with Ntlaka"
Khathu" Lisa"
Me" I am okay"
A year ago his plan was to get me pregnant then we get engaged. All we did was have sex but my womb wasn't vibing with us, then without even trying the wife got pregnant and well, our engagement plans took a back seat. That's what we have been fighting about, at this point I was an official side chick.
Khathu" You are not okay though"
" Please come here"
Me" No"
" I meant what I said, focus on your family"
Khathu" You think I stopped loving you because you gave me back to her? Or because you rejected my proposal? I still love you Lisa and I know things stopped being like before but every relationship goes through a phase"
Me" Are you purposely forgetting what you said?"
" Or it doesn't matter anymore?"
Khathu" I also said I love you!"
Me" Khathu you said; she knows about us and that's why I was okay with this but you were lying. You lied and that changed everything"
Khathu" Just come here and we will talk"
Me" No, I can't be your dirty little secret anymore"
Khathu" What do you mean?"
Me" I am done. I love you but I can't do this anymore"
I never went to join Ntlaka just went home and cried, I even decided to walk from home the following day. My friends promised to come visit me after work but I told them not to, I just needed to be alone. My phone rang and it was my Dad, I ignored him because I didn't want him to know I'm not okay. He called me three more times before giving up, my mother followed and I ignored her too then switched my phone off.

A knock on the door while you sleeping sounds like it's also part of the dream until someone shouts your name then you jump up.
" Ndiyeza!!"
I ran to the door and I was shocked to see him standing there.
Khathu" You are mine, you promised to love me and I promised to always put you first. I love you!"
He then kissed me, pulled me closer and held my waist.
" I love you!".
He said, he pulled down my pyjama pants then slammed inside of me.
"You are mine"
I nodded. When he came, I couldn't help that feeling, that small feeling like that's all I was to him. The girl he fucks, just like that I was crying again.
Me" Please go"
Khathu" No, talk to me"
Me" You don't owe me anything"
Khathu" I know that"
"However you are also wrong, I couldn't tell her that I was taking a second wife after she just found out we are having a baby"
Me" You've been with me for 3 years! My
Whole family knows about you"
Khathu" My father knows about you, now my uncles do too"
" We will get married when the baby is a year old. I will pay your lobola now"
Me" But I dumped you"
Khathu" How rude of you"
"I hate it when you cry because of me"
Me" Then stop hurting me"
"You should go"
Khathu" Not when you are like this"
Me" Okay"
He ran me a bath, then went to cook for me. We sat in silence, I was really having a meltdown because of a man. He was determine to sleep over and I didn't stop him. We just cuddled all night.

" My stomach hurts"
I said to him and he got up to get me some water.
Khathu" I'll go to the chemist"
I started groaning and it was hard not to cry because my stomach has  been painful all morning but now it just got worse.
" Let's go"
He said and I didn't want to go anywhere because I was in pain.
Khathu" We need to go, I have to take you to the hospital"

" She's my fiance"
That's what he said to the nurse in the E.R and I wanted to smack him but my body my in a world of it's own. The doctor came in to examine me and I was already in tears.
" She is giving birth and if we don't move now, we will lose both of them"
I screamed when she said that and Khathu was busy explaining how me being pregnant was impossible and also how we just had sex yesterday.
Dr" I need you to sign a few things and I will do my best to save your child and wife"

To be continued.....

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