some small talk

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Dedicated to Siyomaliza and ZimkithaAdams ❤❤❤

Chapter 23

You don't really know what comes next, like there is no guideline for what comes next. Khathu officially moved out 3 month ago, we were done and it was has been the worst thing that has ever happened to me. I cried, I felt like I was losing my mind because I fought so hard for my marriage and it all failed.
Muhali said, I had a huge smile on my face. I was sad about Khathu and I, but I really don't had to pull through for my son. I took him to therapy as everyone else had suggested and turns out he was suffering from ptsd. We have been good, he has been good and Khathu called his sons everyday but him and I just never spoke. It was okay though.
"What's wrong?"
Khathu's older brother passed away two days ago, and we sadly had to go to Venda. Our separation didn't matter because we were still married. Now my children and I are on the way to his parents house. There's no way I will be going to our old house first.
Thili" He doesn't like it here"
Me" Baby you were born here, plus Shudu is here. You'll have fun"
Thili" Mom, can we not stay too long?"
Me" I love you guys but Dad needs you to stop being mean"
"I promise you it will be fun, just sad for us adults"
Thili" Okay"
Tough crowd I tell you, yet the minute they saw their grandfather all the doubts were gone. They saw the other children too, and all the doubts were gone.
Me" Tata, niright kodwa?"
I asked him, I mean his son just died.
" We are getting there, still in shock"
He said, we made small talk until I saw my estranged husband walk in. He looked really sad, and that just broke my heart. Khathu and his brother were close, I didn't like him because he called me a slut but all of that didn't matter now.
"He is not okay, let me give you some space to talk"
He walked away but thank God my phone rang before Khathu could get to me. It was my mother;

She asked
Me" We just got here, your grandchildren have disappeared"
Mom" Have you seen him?"
Me" Ewe"
"I am not ready to see him"
Mom" You will, it's been 3 months, your children will probably want to stay longer just to spend time with him"
Me" So I should go to the house?"
Mom" That's up to you"
Me" This is when you meddle in Mom, I need you to meddle in my business"
Mom" Andifuni"
"We will get there the day before the funeral"
Me" Thank you"
" I have to go, I am actually wearing sweatpants. Need to change into a dress before anyone's notices"
Mom" Hahaha uzintloni kanene"
" Call me later"
Me" Will do"

After a long ass day I actually decided to go back to our house. The strange thing about today, there was no Rendani or Shudu. I gave my Spidermonkey's a bath then they were off to bed. I had wine, just as I was about to sit down there was a knock on my door.
" Okay"
I shouted, I knew it was Khathu. The minute I opened the door, my senses walked out. I was ready to open my legs for him and let bygones be bygones. He looked good, he always looks good but I think I missed him so much that I am seeing him in a completely different light. That's what we call being horny.
"Can I come in?"
He asked and I nodded, he looked at me and I realized I am supposed to move out of the way.
"They are already sleeping"
I said, he moved my hand then walked in.
Khathu" Muhali isn't, he promised to stay up"
Me" Okay"
Khathu" I'll just go give him a hug then go"
I just nodded, he left me there. I walked to the fridge to drink the wine from the bottle and then went back to my glass. He stayed in that room for what felt like an hour, they were giggling and I was a bit curious about what was happening but also happy that they finally got to see their father.


I opened my eyes and my whoring husband was looking at me with a huge grin on his face.
Khathu" How much wine did you have?"
Me" Why are you still here?"
Khathu" Probably because this is my house"
"Obvious reasons aside, Muhali had a lot to tell me. So I've been busy with that"
Me" Okay"
Khathu" Thank you for coming"
Me" I am not here for you"
Khathu" You know I don't have the energy to argue with you. I could try but it's not worth it"
Me" Okay baby"
Khathu" Was it easy for you to walk away from me? I have so many questions as to why you find it so easy to walk in and out of this union"
Me" You cheated on me"
" That isn't some small thing Khathu because you of all people know what that will do to me. You knew it would break me and you did it anyway"
Khathu" I didn't cheat on you"
"I know you by now, and whatever I say to you doesn't matter because you've made up your mind. So what's next?"
Me" I go back to PE after the funeral"
Khathu" That's not what I mean and you know it"
" Are you divorcing me?"
Me" I don't know"
Khathu" You'll have to wait"
" I have things that I'm dealing with and I don't think I can handle you leaving me. So wait. Please"
Me" You can sleep here"
Khathu" Nah, I have to go"
" I'll come by tomorrow morning to fetch them"
We stared at each other, I wondered if he was okay because he loved his brother but most of all I was wondering if he has moved on.
Me" Okay"
Khathu" It's good to see you again Xolisa"
I smiled at him then nodded
Me" Yea, it's good to see you too Mr Rambali"

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