Because of love

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Chapter 10

Motherhood is not easy, at all but I was doing fine, actually better than fine. I was getting the hang it, I had a lady staying with us helping out with Thili. Khathu would video call us and some weekends he would spend with us. And with Thili being 4 months old, I was supposed to take him to see Khathu's family. Before that I needed to meet up with my friends.
Ntlaka" She's here!!!"
She gave me a hug, then Siba got up too and they gave me a group hug.
Me" I missed you!!! Yhuuu! First of let me congratulate Ntlaka, I hope your app grows and you make money from it"
Ntlaka" Hahaha thank you baby"
"Where is my husband?"
Siba" We wanted to see him"
Me" Ouch, he is with his nanny. Practicing for when I go back to work full time"
Siba" Are you ready for your trip?"
Before I answered Thandile arrived, she hugged me then sat down.
Thandile" How's everyone? Sorry I'm late"
Me" I am visiting Khathu and I need you all to come through nge weekend. There's a ceremony for Thili so I want you all there, my parents will come too but y'all will make the drama bearable"
Siba" We will take your car and just fill up"
I laughed because I'd never do that.
Me" Hahaha nice try"
Thandile" Hahaha, I almost thought you'd say yes"
Me" You can take it but then no drinking and driving, Ntlaka drives first, then Siba because she never sleeps and then Thandile will drive the rest of the way"
" Have a safe trip"
Thandile" We are not your children but thank you for the car"
" So accommodation?"
Ntlaka" Haha sumhoya, we will sort that out"
Me" No, I'm sure Khathu will"
" Let me go pump so we can drink, I'll have a glass of white wine with a shot of vodka"
Siba" I thought you were breast feeding"
Me" I am, that's why I'm pumping now so he can have clean milk"
Siba" Your love for alcohol is admirable"
We all laughed, the rest of the lunch banter and bad relationship advice.

My parents, Thili and I were fetch from the airport but Khathu's brother Munei. He is the one that said Thandile and I behaved like sluts, so I automatically dislike him.
Dad" Ithini lento ka Khuthu?"
Me" He had to work"
Dad" I'm sure maintaining two women is expensive"
I wanted to laugh but I decided against it, my mother however did laugh.
Dad" Suhleka, ndim ncamile uXolisa"
" Thili! Akeva unyoko"
Me" I thought you like Khathu"
Dad" I do but not for you. He is an amazing young man but not for you"
Me" I love him"
Dad" We know, we are trapped in this car and it's 41 degrees outside. Bawo! Uzala kuzi sokolisa. Khasapha umzukulwana wam"
I noticed he was just disappointed at the whole thing.
Me" Tata please don't give him a hard time this weekend"
Dad" I love you and my grandson way too much to embarrass you"

However Khathu's family choose violence, they didn't want us there and they were not hiding it. They kept on speaking TshiVenda to us and my parents just flat out ignored them.
Dad" Uzotshatela kula manyala Xolisa?"
I wanted to die, however I also needed to rise above this. My mother suggested we go grab an early supper and return when Khathu is there. We got a cab and left, not bothering to tell them where we off to but we took our luggage too. My phone rang and it was Thandile.
" A road trip to there would take us roughly a day and 10 hours"
She said, I wasn't sure if she is lying or what.
Me" That's a lot"
Thandile" Definitely, babe we will cover our flights and you hire a car is that fine?"
Me" Yea, I'll do it now"
" I can't wait to see you guys"
Thandile" We will probably get there around 7 p.m."
"I love you Zethu"
Me" I love you too babes, will message you everything"
I told my parents about what we just discussed.
Dad" Two cars, I'll book us into a hotel. Andino gezelwa ingathi andina mali nonko, azange uKhathu not a single person from our home treated him bad. Yet his family disrespected us ingathi sizi kaka nje zabantu"

Khathu  came to get us, he spoke to my father first. Then his father spoke to my mother, things seemed okay. Khathu's father apologized for his wife's behavior, I didn't reply because this was all a glimpse of my life as Khathu's wife and I'm not sure if I liked what I saw.
" Babe"
It was just the two of us, we were in his car. My parents and Thili were inside the house.
Khathu" What's wrong?"
Me" Your mother hates me, and she doesn't even know me. This is not normal and I'm freaking out"
Khathu" She will get used to you"
" The other issue is that they are still shocked that you were pregnant and gave birth before Rendani"
Me" None of these things are my fault"
" Are they showing any of this disappointment kuwe or its just for me?"
Khathu" I spoke to my mother"
Me" I don't know if I can be with your mother the entire month"
Khathu" You are here for me, I love you and I just need you to trust me"
Me" I love you too, I am choosing to trust in that love"
Khathu" Tonight I'll come visit you"
Me" Hahaha babe, we haven't had sex since I've had Thili. I thought you were losing interest in me"
Khathu" First of all; I'm never losing any interest, you can forget about that and that boy snatched my soul. All I want to do is kiss and hold him, so sex became less important"
" But tonight, we are going back to our old ways"
Me" Blindfold and handcuffs?"
Khathu" Anything you want"
I leaned in for a kiss, I love this man and I know he loves me just as much.
" I missed us"
I said and he put his hand on my thighs then squeezed them.
Khathu" I've been fascinated by you since the day I met you. I have been yours since then, I'd always come back for, we can have a do over and I'd still choose to fall in love with you. I know how you feel about being my second wife and I respect that, in PE it was just us in our own bubble and now everyone seems to have an opinion about our relationship. If you are not ready for marriage then okay, if you still want to think of it, take all the time you need. Just don't leave me Xolisa, I don't remember what my life was like before you and I don't even want to because you are everything I have ever wanted and more. All those doubts you have, I hope you never doubt that I love you and our son"
He kissed my forehead then fiddled in his glove compartment, he took out a small red box.
" That's Cartier!"
I said and he laughed.
Khathu" Oh my Xhosa queen hahaha"
I hit his shoulder and we both laughed.
Khathu" Will you marry me?"

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