unwanted honesty

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Chapter 14

I returned from my jog at 7 a.m. and my children were still fast asleep. I took a shower first and finished everything else, then went to wake them up. Left them bathing to go back their lunch boxes, when I was done with that I debated with myself about calling Rendani because I didn't want to seem jealous by waking them up ( I was green with envy) but I called anyway because Shudu didn't have clothes here.
" Morning, I was literally just about to call you"
She said
Me" I need her clothes for today, or should I just bring her over?"
Rendani" I'll come fetch her, need to speak with you anyway"
" I'll see you now"
Me" Okay"
They both came to the kitchen, I poured some juice and gave them their breakfast. Shudu looked so confused but my son knows better, he just eats what is on the table.
" It's a baby carrots, grapes, boiled eggs, strawberries and blackberries"
I said then took one carrot and ate it just to show her nothing will happen.
" close eyes and eat"
My son said to his sister and I roared with laughter. They both giggled, there was a knock on the door.
Me" Eat, ndiyeza"
I went to the door, Rendani was standing, she is so beautiful. I never get used to her beauty.
" Come in, they are in the kitchen. I think your daughter thinks I'm trying to kill her"
She looked confused, I lead her to the kitchen. She kissed the both of them then looked at their plates.
Rendani" I see what you mean"
She spoke to her daughter in TshiVenda, while my son was almost done with his food.
"I think she is just used to the traditional cereal for breakfast. She says she likes everything but the carrot"
Rendani said and I smiled, she gave Shudu her clothes then they both ran out of the kitchen.
Me" I didn't have milk"
Rendani" I don't think anyone will persecute you for not having milk"
Me" Did she at least enjoy the sleep over?"
Rendani" That's what she was saying, she is ready to move in with you"
" Khathu showed me your instagram reels, you are the fun mom, I can't even dance"
Me" Hahaha well at least they have you to cook for them"
Rendani" Hahaha true, I wanted to ask if your parents would mind if I book myself in a hotel or they will arrange accommodation?"
Me" My parents?"
Rendani" Yea, I don't want to inconvenience anyone, I don't mind a hotel"
Me" I am so confused; not to be rude but what are you on about?"
Rendani" Khathu said the bridal shower is this weekend and he booked the flights for today"
" Or he got the dates wrong?"
Me" You are coming with me?"
Rendani" Yes"
"I thought you knew"
Me" I didn't"
" I don't get why you are coming with me"
Rendani" We are sisters by marriage, I'm an extension of our husband. So yes, I am coming with you"
" So accommodation?"
I wondered if she was kind or she was just raised to have tolerance when it comes to things like these.
Me" I have a house"
"Will you excuse me? I have to go to my room and scream"


I missed my city! The minute we landed, I was so happy, when I saw Thandile and Siba holding a board written "S'khathi sodakwa" I squealed and ran to them.
" Molweni eBhayi!!!!!!"
We shared a group a hug.
Siba" Ndaaaa"
Me" Hahaha stop this!"
We hugged again
Thandile" Welcome to heaven, at least you are away from those people"
I wanted to laugh
" You remember Rendani? Khathu's first wife?"
Siba was wheezing and I was fighting myself to not laugh.
Thandile" I meant it in a good way"
" I'm Thandile and that's Siba, we don't usually speak shit about other women"
Rendani" Okay"
There was some awkward silence as we walked out of the airport.
Thandile" I imagined to find your keys, so you can drive your own car"
Me" Yes!!! So glad I never listened to Khathu about selling that car"
Thandile" We booked a table for 7 p.m. at our usual place, we will see you later and we are looking forward to getting to know you better Rendani"
We hugged again and then they left.
" Should I drop you off at my place or you tagging along to my parents place?"
I asked her as we were leaving the airport.
Rendani" Your house"
When we got to my place it was clean, everything was exactly like I left it, my plants were doing well.
Me" Make yourself at home, I'm sure Ntlaka filled the fridge. Uber eats on my second phone it charges directly to Khathu's card in case you want something else"
I changed my shoes then I left for my parents house.

I didn't realize how much I missed everyone until I was around them. I took my parents grocery shopping, then hang out with the family some more.
" I will come visit on Sunday with Rendani. I don't think I'll come here ngomso"
I said before getting up to hug them.
Tata" Yi mpelesi yakho?"
Me" Long story, ndaku hlebela Sunday"
I finally left after they tried to convince me to stay a little longer. I went through my phone and there was nothing from Khathu. Absolutely nothing. I switched off my phone to charge it, I went inside the house and Rendani was on the phone, think she was busy with work. I signalled that I'm back and went to take a shower, I walked around naked because I couldn't figure out what to wear. I did my make up, then my hair and I finally decided to weather denim shorts, a white oversized boyfriend shirt and a metallic ankle strap stiletto. I switched on my phone to ask if I'm picking up anyone.
Thandile" We taking an uber"
Me" Add me to your stop"
Thandile" Are you done?"
Me" Yes, I'll eat at the restaurant"
Thandile" okay, siyeza"
I took my bag and threw in everything I'll need. Rendani was watching t.v. by the time I got out of the room.

" You aren't dressed"
That's the first thing I said and she looked up from the t.v.
Rendani" I'm staying in"
Me" That's rude, but okay, I'll see you tomorrow"
Rendani" Tomorrow?"
Me" Yea, I'll sleep over at Ntlaka's place"
" I'm yet to figure out why you tagged along"
Rendani" It's not a good idea to sleep out"
My phone rang it was Thandile, that meant they were outside.
Me" See you tomorrow"

I had so much fun, we ended up going dancing after supper. Club hopped until 3 a.m. that's when we all decided to retire.
" Where are we?"
We were in Walmer which means closer to my house
Ntlaka" Your place or mine?"
Me" Mine is closer. We just have to be quiet since Rendani is probably sleeping"
Siba" Tshomi, honestly, how are things there?"
Me" I am not sure"
" Khathu and I are not the same anymore, they are happy though. Ingathi I made him realize that she is the love of his love"
Thandile" Bullshit, Khathu loves you"
Ntlaka" Even she knows it, women always know. They are at their best because you are pushing him away and as you said she is used to this so she was taught how to deal with this"
Siba" No one is that strong"
Me" Now I'm sober again. I like Rendani, she loves my son and I am okay with that. Khathu and I we will find our way back to each other"
Thandile" Communicate with your husband"
Me" Non of you are married, so your advice doesn't matter"
Siba" Chiiile your marriage doesn't inspire confidence but go off"
Me" Low blow"
Siba" Facts though, you are complaining to everyone about Khathu instead of going to Khathu and telling him your issues"
Thandile" Don't drag her like that"
Ntlaka" It's the alcohol"
"Let's get an uber and go"
Siba" We can but I told kudala, take a break from that whole set up and put yourself first. No men is worth you being this miserable, Rendani will never be you and you'll never be her and that's okay. You are an amazing human being Xolisa, and if this marriage isn't working out then divorce him. You are miserable and you deserve so much more than what you are settling for"
" Look at you! Don't dim your light for indoda"

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