Call Jerry Springer!!!

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Chapter 21

The highs and lows of life are known to many but sana! I have experienced the most shocking side of love. I didn't know love and life until Khathu had a stroke and I had to look after him and our children alone.
* 6 months after the accident that's when Khathu started showing improvement. 2 months before that, my friends reminded me that help is not always a sign of weakness. So I worked on Khathu during the day, helped with the exercises and speech therapy. His mother looked after the kids, and my mother would take them on weekends.

* Khathu started speaking again, not like before but he tried though. We did exercises in the pool, he was actually pushing himself too. And that made things easier for me.

* Rendani came around 11 Months after Khathu's accident. That's 11 months that he has been here in PE and she has never set foot. Yet when she finally did, she didn't stay. Just dropped off Shudu and went back to Venda.

* It took Khathu a year to actually go back to himself again.


" Mom!!!! I need toilet paper!!!!"
I really need to get Thili away from me before I kill him. I gave Muhali the toilet paper and watched him stumble his way to the toilet, he is so lazy because he is a year now and he still walks like he is drunk. And can't speak. Not a single word, I got him checked out but there was nothing physically wrong with him.
Me" I worry that he will be someone's husband one day"
Siba" Hahaha he will probably stop being a slob, you are his mother, there's no way he won't learn to change his ways. It's for the survival of his family"
We all laughed
Ntlaka" Hahaha you almost had me"
Me" Sikho your wife is being a bitch again!!!"
I forgot to mention that today is Muhali's first but we decided instead of throwing a party, we can just have our family here and have a small party. Rendani and Shudu were also here.
Sikho" It's the pregnancy hormones"
Me" Hahaha whatever!"
Ntlaka" So do you guys just eat from restaurants qha? Like we have always been curious"
Khathu giggled and I gave him a death stare.
Khathu" Hahaha I'm on your side"
Me" We actually eat home cooked meal, Khathu hasn't cooked in a while because he was sick. So we have been eating whatever his mother makes or whatever you guys bring for us. Sometimes we get food at Spar or Woolies, the only embarrassing thing is that the ladies at Woolies know my children and I"
Ntlaka" I almost died izolo when I saw Thili and Muhali eating what looked like scrambled eggs. I was shocked to find out it's actually chicken nuggets"
Everyone laughed
Khathu" They actually like it when she cooks yaz"
Me" Hahaha why are you saying it like that? Like you are afraid of them"
Thandile" Because your children will die of food poisoning"
Me" Hahaha Wes you tasted my food just yesterday"
Wes" That was a hot dog!"
Me" Rude! Let me go check up on the kids"
They were all outside, the others were swimming and Muhali was seated next to Rendani with his head on her lap. I walked over to them, she looked up and smiled.
" He is tired"
She said, I was really curious about why she came back. And mother in law was distant from her, which was weird since Rendani is her favorite daughter. She loves Rendani more than she loves her own daughter. Khathu? He didn't say anything about her return but just spoke to her like nothing happened but he hasn't went to Venda since. He just works from home, then takes walks to fetch Thili and Muhali from school.
Me" Are you fine apha? You could join the adults you know?"
Rendani" I need to be around the innocent people"
Me" Are you okay Rendani?"
Rendani" Yes"
" We will talk, just not now"
Me" About your affair?"
She giggled
Rendani" What affair?"
Me" Hahaha never mind, I'll wait for you"
Rendani" For what it's worth, I didn't have an affair"
"Go back to your friends, I will look after them"
Me" Should I at least dish up for you?"
Rendani" You cooked?"
We both laughed then I smiled at her.
Me" Hahaha whatever, I'm going back inside. Thank you for watching them"

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