The lows and wars

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Chapter 20

" Khathu?"
I whispered while holding his hand, he wasn't moving.
" Will he ever wake up?"
I asked the doctor, it has been the strangest 48 hours. Two policemen came to my house to tell me khathu, he was involved in a head on collision. He was rushed to hospital, I didn't even take a second to think. I just took my children and drove to the hospital. I called his parents, and  then Rendani. I remember running in and being told he is in surgery, the nurses offering to take the kids. Me pacing up and down just waiting for the news, his family arrived and they had questions that I couldn't answer. I think Rendani arrived hours after everyone and she too had questions. I just went into my own bubble and ignored everyone until he was out of surgery. It felt like the doctors were clueless, they came out of surgery and told us it went well. All we had to do was wait. His heart also gave us a scare, so we were basically dealing with his brain and heart.
" There hasn't been any Neurologic deficits, we will monitor him and just continue waiting"
One of the doctors replied.
Rendani" Will he ever wake up?"
"You said yesterday he can't breathe on his own, is that how it will always be?"
Me" They said for now!"
Rendani" If you take him off the ventilator will he be able to breathe on his own?"
Doctor" It's too soon to tell"
" As I said, we are monitoring him and doing our best"


A week went by and he seemed to be getting worse by the day.
" You are torturing him for your own selfish reasons. He suffered a stroke Xolisa, he will never be the same again"
Rendani said, they wanted to take him off the ventilator and she believed that death was better than this.
Me" I will fight you on this! You are not killing my husband!"
Rendani" He is my husband too! And this isn't what Khathu would want!"
Me" He told you that? He honestly told you that if he ever lands in hospital you must kill him? I refuse to believe that"
Rendani" See this? This was me just being decent, I have the final say. I am his wife"
Me" And so am I, and for my husband, trust and believe ndaku bhuqhela oGqirha nezi caka. You want war? Then you've got it"
" Ndiyakubona awundazi"
Rendani" You will lose in any court"
Me" I guess I'll see you there"
She went back to his room and closed the door, I took out my phone to call Wes.
" Hey, is everything fine?"
He asked
Me" I need a lawyer, Rendani wants to kill Khathu and I refuse to let that happen"
" Do I have any rights as his second wife?"
Wes" Did she sign anything prior to you getting married to Khathu?"
Me" Yes, she had to sign something saying she is fine with him taking a second wife"
" I am sure Khathu kept copies"
Wes" You registered at Home Affairs?"
Me" Yes, we followed every procedure before getting married"
"I have everything at my house, your wife has my keys"
Wes" Can I quickly make a call then I'll get back to you. I am not that well versed in Customary Law, I want to consult someone then I'll get back to you"
Me" I am sorry to drag you into this"
Wes" I'll call you back"
I also needed to pump and feed my son, they were both in a hotel with parents. So I just drove there because I also needed to sleep, I have barely slept and it was starting to get to me. My phone rang and it was Wes.
" You have a case, since  there is no Will, and the marriage is registered in terms of the Recognition of Customary Marriages Act, and is a valid polygamous marriage, all wives will be treated equally and will inherit in terms of the Intestate Succession Act.  This means that all wives who have been validly married in terms of Customary Law, as set out in the Recognition of Customary Marriages Act, and where the first wife has consented to a subsequent marriage, will qualify as wives and will share from the husband’s estate and whatever happens to the husband should there ever be a need"
" I am sure she already knew this too, I will file on your behalf as soon as I arrive there tomorrow"
Me" You are taking my case?"
Wes" My wife would kill me if I don't hahahaa jokes Lisa, but I'll sort this out for you"
Me" We will discuss payment tomorrow?"
Wes" Yes, just rest for now"
Me" Thank you Wesley"
Wes" Anything for you and Khathu".
Walking into that hotel room and seeing my children, I think that's when it hit me. There's absolutely no way I can do this without Khathu. I went to take a shower and cry until I couldn't anymore. Then I prayed, even that didn't seem enough.
" Please let him wake up. I am not ready to lose him...."

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