life and death

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Chapter 19

"Xolisa is now eight months pregnant"
I giggled after saying that, I have been doing a pregnancy vlog. I never got to experience any of these moments during my first pregnancy, I don't want to lie I am filled with glee when it comes to this pregnancy. Thili is just as excited about the new sibling, he is obsessed with the idea of seeing my ball and what it will look like.
" Your father is missing out, he is busy snoring as always"
I walked to the bed and woke Khathu up.
Me" It's photoshoot day!"
" We are all ready and you are sleeping, you should be ashamed"
He stared at me then closed his eyes.
" I barely slept because of you"
He murmured
Me" Babe, we are not going to be late for this. You'll sleep when we return"
Khathu" Can I meet you there?"
Me" Do you like having sex with me?"
He chuckled
Khathu" I'll take a quick shower"
Me" Hay thank you mntu wam"
Khathu" Evil and I'll get you back for this"
Me" Hurry up Ndoda"
Khathu" Hahaha join me?"
Me" No time, I need to do my hair and make up"


Yesterday was everything I imagined, I did justice to the photo shoot. Yes, Rendani and Shudu were included. Afterwards we went to visit Khathu's parents, his mother cooked for everyone. I did the dishes, then went straight to the couch to take a nap.
" Mama lo mntana ufuna ntoni?"
Thili asked while rubbing my belly, he loves it when the baby kicks and when it's not kicking he thinks there's something wrong.
Me" Ufuna ulala"
He giggled
Thili" Ndimvuse?"
Me" No"
" Khabe umyeka"
Thili" Okay ke"
My plans of sleeping were not happening, between the pain and cramps in my stomach, my son also wanted my attention.
" You are not coming out, I need you to stay in there"
I said while massaging my stomach
" Mommy needs you to wait two more weeks"
I added then got up because Thili wanted me to play with him.
Thili" Mommy, uyeza?"
Me" This is as fast as I can walk"
" Did you ask your Dad to play with you?"
Thili" Nope"
"I want you"
I watched him run around the yard, passed the ball and kicked it back and forth.
" Give mommy two more weeks"
I said again, this morning I pretend today might be the day because of the cramps. They were different from the false labor pains.
" Thili get Mama number two"
I couldn't move, the pain was just unbearable and I didn't want Thili to see the blood on my dress.


Muhali Nkosi Rabali

I gave birth to a healthy baby boy, after being in labor for 10 hours. Khathu was right I don't want another baby anytime soon.
" Hey boy boy"
He was yawning and I swear I fell in love with him even more.
Thili" Cela ubona"
It's been 3 days I'm sure the suspense has been killing Thili.
Me" Meet your little brother"
Thili" Umbi mos lomntana"
I giggled
Me" Hahaha awufuni umbaba?"
Thili" Nope"
" Bye Mommy"
Me" Hahaha bye Thili"
Just like that he was gone, Shudu and I were in love with our new family member. She literally watched him sleep. Unlike that big head of mine, Shudu loved being a big sister.
" Let's ask your mother if you can sleep here"
I said to her before calling Rendani.
Me" Hey, sorry to interrupt you, but can Shudu sleep here?"
Rendani" No, I am taking her to my parents house. She already knows this"
Me" Why? I don't understand because Thili is here and they play together, so why are you separating them?"
Rendani" What I do with my daughter is none of your business"
" Her cousins are visiting and she is going there"
Me" But why can't the cousins come here? What happens to Thili because he doesn't know anyone here and he barely speaks the language"
" I don't understand why you would do this"
I didn't start crying because she was punishing my son but because I would never do that to her. Doesn't matter how angry I am, I'd never punish Shudu just to hurt her.
Rendani" That's not my problem"
" Are we done?"
Me" Okay"
A shift in energy and me crying is probably why Muhali started crying too.
" Can I just ask you something?"
Rendani" What?"
Me" Is Thilivhali invited to this trip?"
She kept quiet, I ended the call and went to pick my son up.


The last two weeks have been interesting to me, Khathu's mother helped me out more than I had expected. She took Thili during the day and he'd return late, I'd play with him while Muhali slept. Khathu would take him to work with him if his mother is busy, I never told him that Rendani intentionally left Thili behind. Yho, I don't have the energy and I told myself their marriage has nothing to do with me. I focus on my side of things and let God take care of the rest.
" Let me see him one last time"
Thandile said, finally showing off my bundle to everyone.
Me" He looks like his father sana"
Thandile" Yho! Hearts will be broken apha"
"Akasemhle mani. Uthini uBig brother?"
Me" Hahaha doesn't care, just complains about the noise"
" He is partly annoyed that my ball turned into a baby. Yabona ke lo part just annoys him"
Thandile" Hahaha and umanyoko?"
Me" Cima"
Thandile" Yintoni ngoku?"
Me" Drama sana! Mother in law disappointed by her prized possession. Kaloku by traditional caba, she is supposed to be here but she left to visit her family. Thathiyane nomntana"
" And she keeps on talking shit ngaye kum, I don't even engage in the slander, I just nod and let her talk. And andizingeni because it has nothing to do with me"
Thandile" Hahaha uyafutha uMamakho"
Me" Hay voestek"
" Hahaha it was bound to happen wethu, she tried so hard to be okay with this. Didn't lash out or anything just accepted what was said and that's it. At some point it was bound to happen"
Thandile" Uyadyola wethu uRendani, and I am happy for her"
Me" I doubt it"
Thandile" I can be you money, she is having an affair. There's no way she wouldn't be, Khathu is occupied with you, mntana is with her parents and yena she is with her man. I stan a queen"
Me" Nope, she loves Khathu way too much"
Thandile" And Khathu loved her but he still gave chased you, fell in love with you, married you and fathered two of your children. Who happened to be boys, while she is the first wife and has a girl. These things matter kubo, and she needs all that frustration out. Estratweni is where you get dick that will give you clarity"
Me" If someone else was saying this, I'd agree but it's you. You've been with the same guy since varsity"
" Your dating experience is limited"
Thandile" Fine. But you owe me a 1000rand"
Me" For what?"
Thandile" For when she gets caught, we made a bet"
There was a loud knock on my door, I walked to the door while listening to this idiot telling me more of her Rendani theories.
Me" I'll call you back, there's two police officers apha"

" Hello, are you Mrs Rabali?"
I nodded
" Please take a seat Mam', it's about your husband"

To be continued...

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