Khathu wam

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Chapter 9

Who do you call when you want to appear on I didn't know I was pregnant?. I hate that I carried a baby for 9 months and I didn't know, I think what I hate the most is that I didn't get a chance to bond with the baby. Now he is here and I am worried about all the alcohol I had while pregnant, this has been a bittersweet moment for me. I held him in my arms and I cried, I couldn't stop crying because the idea of harming this beautiful human being just didn't go down well with me. Khathu and I still haven't decided on the name, I think we were still shocked. It's been three days and all we agreed on was the child taking his surname, that made my parents livid! While we were dealing with that his parents came to the hospital and DEMANDED that Khathu's grandmother examines the child to see if he was really Khathu's child. My parents flat out refused, because Khathu and I were not married, meaning even he wasn't even allowed to see the child until damages were paid. Drama. Khathu tried speaking to my Dad but he insisted that tradition will be respected. Day 3 and Khathu and I were just annoyed by everyone.
Khathu" Can I at least drive them home?"
Dad" Khathu, I like you and uyayazi nawe. I am not doing this to spite you, but you are married and surely you understand our reservations"
Khathu" I don't, I told you about my plans and before we knew about the baby I had sent the letter asking you to let me marry your daughter. You wanted me to respect your tradition and I did, but now you don't want me to see my own son. How is that fair?"
Me" Tata"
" What Khathu's family did was wrong but he had nothing to do with that"
Dad" Xolisa"
Mama" Yiyeke ka Xoli, let them go home bonke"
" Please myeni wam"
He eventually nodded
Dad" Hambani"
" I'll call you later today"


After spending three weeks with my parents, I was ready to go back to my place. I appreciated their help but I also missed my own space. Khathu paid the damages and his parents were allowed to see our child, I think his mother and gran were disappointed that Khathu was my child's father. They were cold towards me, his father was much kinder and my parents warmed up to him. The drama was still there but they paused it. I am quite glad because it was getting on my nerves. I forgot to mention we decided to name him Thilivhali Camagu Rabali.
Khathu" I hope you love everything"
Me" I just want to sleep and then I'll criticize everything later"
Khathu" Rude!"
We both giggled, he returned this morning he was gone for two weeks. I was happy to see him, I actually missed him. He told me how he to apologize to his in laws for me and also tell his wife what happened. The drama was hanging over heads, especially when I told him I don't want to get married. I just wasn't sure if I am mentally ready for this whole thing.
Khathu" I missed you"
He was staring at me and I smiled, I missed him too.
Me" I love you"
"I thought I should remind you"
He reached for my hand then caressed it.
Khathu" I love you too"
We arrived at my place, he took Thili and I walked behind them.
Khathu" Open the door"
Me" I thought you would"
Khathu" Hahaha open"
I opened and breathed a sigh of relief when I realized it wasn't those surprise parties.
Me" Are you planning on putting him down?"
Khathu" Nope"
I took a photo of them, then went to make his bottle. And dished up for Khathu, my mother dished in containers for us. So I just transferred to a plate.
" Msapha then you eat while I feed him"
Khathu" Or you feed the both of us"
I giggled
" Was just an idea"
Me" Just give me my son tuu"
Khathu" Hahaha, fine"

Later that day we were cuddling in bed and he was sharing childhood stories.
Khathu" You'll see the place"
Me"' I don't want to move"
"I meant it when I said that"
Khathu" Even if we get married?"
Me" I will never share a house with your other wife"
Khathu" You won't"
"She will have her own house and you will have your own"
Me" No"
" I don't want to do it"
Khathu" How about you visit for a month and if you still don't feel comfortable then I drop the subject"
" Try"
Me" Okay"
Khathu" I'll get someone to furnish the house that way it will have everything you need"
Me" How many wives do you want?"
Khathu" You will be the last one"
" I don't want anymore wives"
Me" I will get jealous of her"
"I know I will"
Khathu" You won't, you are just thinking the worst"
"You will be fine"
Me" Your mother hates me and I'm sure she will hate me too"
Khathu" Nope, she isn't like that. You'll see"
" However she is the total opposite of you"
Me" Njani?"
Khathu" You'll see"
Me" Prettier?"
He laughed
Khathu" You are both beautiful"
Me" Is she a housewife?"
Khathu" No, she is an attorney and she specializes in mining and the environment"
Well, Ntlaka once said Venda people are educated so this didn't shock me.
Me" Hahaha noba your family will be disappointed at my job description then"
Khathu" Haha my father still doesn't understand it. He thinks you paint on walls"
Me" Hahaha God! My parents finally understood my work when I pointed out my work on a billboard"
Khathu" Hahaha I won't lie, when you told me you were a graphic designer I was disappointed and then when you wanted to branch out to being an art director that's when I saw your passion"
" I am proud of you"
Me" You know that won't make me move to Venda"
We both laughed
Khathu" I know, I just want you to know that I love you Xolisa and I want to be with you. Even if it means you being here and me there, then we make arrangements. I just want to be with you"
" Marry me and I promise you will be happy for the rest of your life"

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