Friendship and AMG's

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Chapter 6

I have always planned my life, I planned my love story and what I want from a man. Yet that all disappeared the night I met Khathu, I realized that love is different for everyone else. My love for him confused everyone around me because the Xolisa they know would never be at home crying right now because the man she loves is getting married. I believe part of growing up is admitting that certain things change. You learn to adjust and also remember that not every fairytale will be the same.
" Xolisa!!!!!!!"
I ran to the door, and opened it, Thandile had a huge grin on her face.
Me" No"
Thandile" Well, it's not like you have a choice"
She pushed me aside and waltz inside.
" I love your new place, it suits you"
I moved out of Khathu's place at the beginning of the year. Nothing really changed because us, we spent Christmas with my family. It was awkward as hell but they ended up warming up to him. My parents were still on the fence with the whole polygamy thing but we dropped the subject because it was just unnecessary. He left for Venda on the 28th of December and I haven't seen  him since then. He called, but it wasn't the same on my side, but it felt like the more I tried push him away my heart just longed for his hugs and just for him to cuddle me and reassure me.
" I have work to do"
I said to her and she scoffed.
Thandile" You were crying. That's not work, let's just go"
Me" Undisaphi?"
Thandile" What if I told you we were invited to the drinking Olympics"
Me" Hahaha there's no such thing"
Thandile" Let's invent it"
She shrugged, then walked to my bedroom and I followed behind her.
" Shower and I'll pick something for you to wear. Siba and Ntlaka will meet us phambili.
Me" Can't I be sad in peace?"
Thandile" Over indoda?"
"Hay hay! Go shower and stop embarrassing me"

She really made me dress slutty and do my make up and hair. Literally no respect apha.
" I have a song that will cheer you up, we will do a video for your instagram later"
She said while we walking to the car.
Me" Can I at least hear this song"
Thandile" It's New Apartment by Ari Lennox"
She played it. I didn't want to show her I appreciate that she searched for a song that speaks about me buying my own place.
Me" Sounds fun, I'm in"
Thandile" Yes!!!! Zethu my love, mommy is proud"
I just laughed at her.
Me" Voestek hahaha"
Burna Boy's on the low came on and she put the volume even higher. I just decided to do a video for my whatsapp status. By the time we arrived at Ntlaka's place I was feeling a little better. Siba was already there, they were drinking and listening to music.

" Molweni emahuleni"
That's what Thandile said and we all laughed.
Siba" Sithi mos abo"
Ntlaka" What you not going to do is call me a hoe without acknowledging my alcoholism"
Thandiwe" Thixo! I am so uncultured. Excuse me"
We were all laughing
" Ndibulisile emahuleni nase manxileni hahahaa I don't discriminate"
Me" Ndicela la WAP to open my throat and thotish energy"
" Side chick juice hahahaa"
Ntlaka" Nika lomntana la Hennessey"
Me" Jesus sees the work you are doing for the broken"
Ntlaka" Sicenga izulu wethu"
We were all laughing, they played WAP and started twerking.
Me" We need to drop off the car at my place then uber"
Ntlaka" What are we doing?"
Thandile" Drinking Olympics. No plans just fun"
Siba" Say less"

I think I have said this before but I will say again; I love who I am when Thandile is around. Ntlaka and Siba are just added craziness. We arrived at my place and did the tik tok video for my apartment ndinxile ndinjalo. We requested an uber to Cubana.
" Bhuti, can we please play Megan Thee Stallion's Body?"
The uber driver laughed at us. But he allowed us to play the song anyway.
I said to Ntlaka and she giggled.
Ntlaka" Fana nje nam"
" I am however glad you are having fun. I was worried"
Me" I am fine wethu, it is what it is"
We all roared with laughter
"It it warri it is"
We said it unison, we arrived and tipped the driver for not being annoyed by us.
"Sisi give us your most expensive whiskey"
Siba said to the waitress and we all giggled.
Me" ignore her, can we please have 2 plates of nachos and 12 Savanna"
Thandile" And your cheapest bottle of vodka"

I don't remember the rest of the night but I woke up at McDonald's and my friends were still snoring. I got up and went to the loo, then went to order everyone coffee. I then went to wake them up.
Me" important ke la aesthetic kuthwa zintloni"
We all went out for breakfast, which seemed like a good idea at first but our clothes got us stares.
Me" My phone is off"
Ntlaka" I switched it off izolo when you wanted to drunk dial Khathu"
Me" Thank God"
We all went our separate ways after breakfast. And decided that going to the beach after we all shower would be fun. I switched on my phone and went straight to my whatsapp, there was nothing from Khathu. I made myself coffee took off my lashes, and cleaned yesterday's make up off. I ran to my phone when I heard it ring, I saw Khathu's name and beamed because I really missed him.
" Zethu wam"
I giggled
Me" Khathu"
Khathu" I miss you"
" I can't wait to see you"
Me" When?"
Khathu" I will be home next month. And we will lock ourselves in and watch your shows. Then I'll cook for you"
" Whatever we do, I just wanna be around you"
Me" I can't wait"
Khathu" Did you get my gift?"
Me" No, what did you get me?"
Khathu" Go outside, it should be there"
I quickly ran outside, and there was nothing out of the ordinary.
Me" What am I looking for?"
Khathu" It's navy and sleek"
Me"  You know I have a new place right?, I moved out of your home. There's nothing here"
He chuckled
Khathu" Girls with AMG's"
" I think that should be your caption, don't you?"
Me" Except I drive a vivo"
" Where's my gift?"
Khathu" wait"
He hung up and I stood there, I finally saw someone driving it and stopped right in front of me. Khathu called me and I picked up.
Khathu" I love you"
Me" OMG!!!!! What the hell???"
The guy stepped out and handed me the keys, I recognised his friend Bantu.
Bantu" Can I just lend your old car? I'll bring it back tomorrow"
I ran inside and went to fetch him the keys. He left and I called Khathu back.
Khathu" You love it?"
Me" I think more than I love you"
Khathu" Congratulations on your new home baby. I am proud of you"
" I'll call you later. Take your new baby for a spin"

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