A little Thotish behavior

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Chapter 3

Being in love is beautiful, especially when you love someone who loves you just as much.
" I miss you"
In a blink of an eye it was a week before Christmas and Khathu was back home in Venda. Two weeks before his wedding.
Khathu" Do you want to visit me for the weekend?"
Me" How will you pull that off"
Khathu" Hahaha should I book for you? Please say yes. I miss you too"
" If you come here, I want to show you where I grew up"
Me" I can visit, make it a girls trip then see you for a brief moment. I don't think you should be seen with me right before your wedding. It's disrespectful to your wife"
Khathu" You are right, that was selfish of me"
" I'll send you money instead then you book your tickets and I'll take care of accommodation"
Me" Just so we are clear; I'm bringing Thandile"
Khathu" I wouldn't expect anything less from you Zethu"
"I'll call you back, I'll do the transaction now. Bye"
Just like that the line was dead, I was so used to it now since he's been there. Yet I also appreciated how he managed to call me everyday. I decided to call Thandile.
"I am on my way, I stopped at Ultra to get us drinks"
She said
Me" Where are you now?"
Zethu" Literally five minutes away, I don't get why you are at Khathu's place. It's fucken far"
Me" Fridge is fully stocked"
Thandile" Fine, you win. See you soon"
I was also looking for a new place to stay, I was renting at a commune but now I found a job I can afford a bigger place. So I was camping at Khathu's place until I find what I like.
Me" Buzz me xa ufikile"
Thandile" I'm here, open the gate"
I buzzed her in the hung up, I went to open the door then ran to her.
"Hello Beautiful"
I grabbed the vodka from her.
Thandile" Where is lover boy?"
Me" Still in Thathe"
We both roared with laughter, we went inside and I closed the door.
Me" Should I make us margaritas?"
Thandile" It's either you are the best lay he has ever had or he really loves you, because you don't clean and you can't cook kodwa kuthwa Venda men love submissive women"
Me" Hahahaa ingenaphi?"
Thandile" I'm just trying to figure some things out"
"Can you even make margaritas?"
Me" I think you throw ice, dash and vodka in that blender"
Thandile" I love you but hay iyathethisa leyakho"
Me" I can clean, you said I don't clean"
"Fine, let's not make cocktails then"
Thandile" I know you can but you don't do it as often as you should"
"Make your cocktails, while I go through your chats looking for number yeli sangoma lakho"
I giggled, my phone vibrated, a bank notification.
Me" Speaking of Thathe, Khathu just sent money for us to go spend a weekend there. He will take care of accommodation"
Thandile" Be honest; umdlisile?"
Me" Voestek"
Thandile" Thixo! Now I get why he was warned about Xhosa women"
Me" Awuhambi hahahahaa"
Thandile" And miss the opportunity of seeing if Thathe is a real place? Usile"
" I am joining you"
Me" Need to inform my parents but I don't think kukho ingxaki"
Thandile" You told them he is getting married?"
Me" Nope"
"I don't know what's next for us, I don't want to think about it, I just love our little bubble"
Thandile" Yhoooo! Surely it's the sex. You once dumped someone for smiling at another girl but now you are committed to someone who is getting married. Natyana straight kule ndlu"
"You still using a condom?"
Me" Hahaha khandiyeke!"
"We do occasionally"
Thandile" Let's drink, ndithule ngoku"

We took a flight to Polokwane and drove the rest of the way, the struggle was real. Gps kept on not working, telkom doing what it did best. So I called my ndoda kakhona.
Me" Babe, we are stuck again. So we will stop for food and wait for telkom to work"
Khathu" It's getting late Lisa"
Me" We estimate we will be there before 6, we took so long because of the sight seeing"
Khathu" I can't wait to hold you, fuck, I just want to caress your skin until you fall asleep on my chest. I miss your smell. Get here already Lisa"
I have never experienced a love like this before, he makes me feel things I never knew were there and I know he will hurt me but I think it's worth it. He is what I want.
Me" Did you get the video I sent to you this morning?"
I sent him a video of myself masturbating, I have never done anything like this but for him I was comfortable doing things that were out of my comfort zone.
Khathu" You made me fall in love with you even harder and I didn't even think that was possible"
Me" Hahaha will you be able to come see me tonight?"
Khathu" I am not sure but I will try, but Saturday I will definitely spend some time with you"
" I booked you separate rooms"
Me" That's fine, I'll speak to you later"
Khathu" Greet Thandile for me"
Me" I will. Bye"
It was my turn to drive again, I told Thandile about the separate rooms thing.
Thandile" Yes! We are still planning on going out tomorrow right?"
Me" Yes, we are tourists. I am ready for the adventure"
"We are only 30 minutes away"

We arrived at 2Ten hotel and checked in, I don't know what I was expecting but this place was beautiful. We went to Thandile's room first and her view was a swimming pool and mountains. I died a little inside.
Thandile" Shower take a young nap then see what their night life is like?"
Me" Are you driving?"
Thandile" Asoze!, I am sure they have uber or cabs"
Me" I'll ask Khathu. See you 3 hours from now?"
Thandile" Sounds like a plan"
I went to my room, it was two doors down from her room. I settled in then called Khathu but it went straight to voicemail. I sent the text on whatsapp but it was one tick. I took a shower, then wore my pyjamas and called my mother.
Me" Hey Mom"
Mama" Nifikile?"
Me" Ewe, I'll take pictures of the place kusasa. It's so beautiful. How are you?"
Mama" Andidinwe, but your father and I are going to a braai"
" Xoli, umbuzile lo mfana ke?"
Me" Mama, Khathu and I have been dating for 7 months"
Mama" So if he has two wives uzothini? You know it's a possibility"
Me" No I don't, and andizobuza lonto"
Mama" Awuzo thandana ne ndoda enabafazi Xolisa. You will ask him"
Me"He is only 27 years old, why would he have two wives"
Mama" Then you won't have a problem with asking"
" This is for your own benefit"
Me" I know but I don't want to ruin my relationship. I am content"
Mama" Okay Xolisa"
Me" I love you Mom, please greet Tata for me"
Mama" I love you too"
I wanted to cry after that call because deep down inside I knew this all along. My parents would freak out if they knew Khathu is getting married, even if he believed in polygamy my parents would never allow that. His parents don't even like Xhosa people, so we are basically doomed. I wanted him to hold me and tell me everything will be fine but his phone was still off. Which meant he was with her, they were probably doing things. I couldn't fight the tears, I let them fall. Finally went to wash my face, then did my wig, and after that did my make up. I decided to wear bum shorts and an oversized shirt, then wore knee high boots and took my jacket. I decided to leave my phone behind because I would want to call Khathu and that will ruin my night.
" Shit!!!!!!!!"
That's what Thandile said when she saw me and I just shrugged. She was wearing a tight short black dress and strapless heels. Did her hair in a long ponytail, she looked fucken amazing.
Me" Sanaa! What waist?????"
Thandile" They have uber chiiiiile!"
" I googled some night clubs and they have news cafe, it's better than nothing"
We took an uber to News cafe, the place was semi packed, at least we were not over dressed. We ordered and had some fun, we ended up asking the locals kumnadi kuphi. We went to some kasi place and it was epic, we requested our uber a little after 1 a.m.

" Set your alarm for 7 a.m. so we can take a short left"
I said to Thandile, she nodded before going to her room. I went to mine and got the shock of my life when I saw Khathu.
Me" Why are you here?"
Khathu" I tried calling you and you were not picking up, so I came looking for you"
" What are you wearing? Are you drunk?"
He looked annoyed at me and I was confused because we didn't have plans.
Me" I am tipsy and I'm wearing my clothes. I've worn this before, you've seen me wearing this"
He got up and walked towards me, I couldn't miss the disappointment on his face.
Khathu" This is different. We are not in PE, I just thought you'd understand that"
Me" I don't get what I did wrong"
Khathu" Yeka. Goodnight Xolisa"

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