The visit

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Chapter 16

I feel like Meredith Grey after Derek moved to Washington, I have been sleeping at Ntlaka's place and when her boyfriend is sleeping over, ndiye ku Siba or to Thandile's place. Their partners knew I was a constant in their relationships and sometimes in their beds. I bed hopped like a hoe for three weeks until I gathered the strength to go fetch my son. It was a quick in and out, landed, took a taxi because hiring a car would mean that I must return without my things. So I took a taxi, I started with Thili: Fetched him from creche and told them that I was just taking him not Shudu.
Then we went home, I still had my keys, I packed my things, loaded them in the car. Then packed his clothes and toys, everything in here was rotten so I threw away everything in the fridge and cleaned it because it didn't make sense to leave the place dirty. I made sure it was spotless then took my car keys, waved goodbye to what used to be my home.
He hates the car seat but akana choice, when I was buckling him up, I heard a car and I knew the creche called him or Rendani. I closed the door, and looked whose car it was. Thank the Lord it was only her because I don't think I can face him.
" You are kidnapping him"
She said
Me" Okay"
Rendani" Were you going to tell us"
Me" Khathu knows my plans, just like I told him I was planning on getting an annulment"
" Did your precious husband not tell you that I want to dissolve our marriage?"
Judging by her face, I guess he didn't.
Rendani" When did you speak to him?"
Me" Three weeks ago and I'm surprised he didn't share those news, since according to you; " I made your marriage stronger" I guess he is worried that without me your marriage will be weak"
"What did you say? 'Hectic' hahahaa. Bye Rendani, enjoy your life"


" How many sticks"
Thandile asked, we were all gathered around my bathroom.
Siba" She is on her 5th one, we are about to try another brand"
Ntlaka" We had 1 negative and 10 positives, there's no way I'm spending more money on pregnancy tests. Dude! You are pregnant"
" My lunch break is over and I'm starving, do you have any food here?"
Thandile" Hahaha uyathyafisa kanjani"
Me" I have pizza, and there's some juice but it's warm"
Ntlaka" We will round up later? I have a meeting"
Me" Yes, bring some agriculture"
Siba" I'm out too, I'll bring a cheese board, please order and I'll go fetch it"
" I love you ladies, see you later"
Thandile" I'll buy wine, is that cool with your Mbali?"
She looked confused
Me" Get sparkling wine too, I'll get braai meat. Later"
" I love you too"
They left, and it was now just Mbali and I.
" That was strange"
She said, we have been trying to build our friendship but sometimes I felt like she constantly found fault in everything.
Me" Hahaha they know my emotions are delayed, so we will all watch movies and eat until I cry. Today is Friday so they will sleep over"
Mbali" Isn't this the time where you call your husband?"
Me" No, now I have to arrange for my parents to take Thili and set up for the idiots that will sleep here. Finish my work and think"
" Not Khathu, not yet anyway"
Mbali" I won't be able to sleep here, I'll just see you some other time"
Me" Okay"
We hugged and she left, I was actually glad that she didn't know Khathu because she would have told him. The rest of my day was a breeze, I dropped off my Munchkin at my parents place then went to get this meat. I called Khathu while waiting.
" Zethu"
I closed my eyes fighting off the edge to tell him I miss him a lot.
Me" Hey, I hope I'm not interrupting anything"
Khathu" We can talk"
" I miss you"
Me" I have to be in Pretoria for two weeks, I'm bringing Thili with me, will you be able to fetch him there?"
He kept quiet for a good minute
" Khathu"
Khathu" I received the papers yesterday"
He cleared his throat
" Do what you want Xolisa. Please speak to Rendani about Thili. Is that all?"
Me" Okay"
" If that's what you want"
Khathu" Bye"
He ended the call and I screamed! I decided to call him back and he declined my call. So I sent a text;
" I am sorry for hurting you, those were never my intentions Khathu. We have a son together and I want to be civil with you, so let's talk, just us and you give me the papers then. I miss you too"


" Why can't you and Khathu stay married? You will stay here and he would be there. You visit that side when it's necessary, your entire relationship worked well kodwa y'all were in different provinces"
Ntlaka said, this is Day 2 of the sleep over weekend. We however decided to go out and have some food at The Coffee Stop.
Me" You guys agreed to not interfere"
Thandile" Hay ke sweetheart you know better than to think we would let you be a single mother kukho indoda that would move heaven and earth for you. Forget it"
Siba" You are both talking and no one is willing to listen. Maybe the outside influences were just too loud, and you were both not prepared for life outside your bubble"
" Also; I love you but hay I am tired of speaking about Khathu. You hoes are supposed to be planning Thandile's Home Affairs weekend".
Me" Voestek hahaha and I am excited for Home Affairs weekend"
She and her boyfriend are getting married at home affairs, then we all hangout for the weekend then send them off to Mozambique for their honeymoon.
Ntlaka" Look at us; Xoli is married, Siba is engaged, Thandile is getting married and I'm going to be a mother two months from now"
They got a surrogate because she couldn't get pregnant.
" To us!"
We paid the bill then went to get our nails done, Mbali didn't pitch and I decided against calling her more than three times. After retail therapy, Siba and Thandile they would cook for us.
" Whose car is that?"
I asked when I saw a Polo TSI on my drive way.
Ntlaka" I bet you all that's Khathu, CA and GP are most hired cars, that looks new"
Siba" You called him?"
Ntlaka" No, and I didn't tell Wes about the bun in the oven"
Thandile" It's him"
Me" Yazelaphi?"
Thandile" Find my friends"
" What's the plan?"
I tried to think but nothing came to mind.
Siba" Are you ready to speak to him?"
Me" No"
Siba" Then we are having a braai mtaka Bawo. Call your partners, I'll ask Sikho to bring 30 seconds and some more meat"
Ntlaka" I'll ask Kgaugelo to bring coal and more drinks"
Me" What if they have plans?"
Ntlaka" This is more important"
" Lets go buy some things for the braai"

By the time we returned from the store, Wes was also pulling up. He got out of the car, waiting for us to park.
" An impromptu braai?"
He asked then kissed Ntlaka's forehead. Siba went inside the the house, Kg and Sikho literally arrived at the same time, that's when I also went inside the house when everyone was here. I walked in and Khathu was chatting to Ntlaka and Kgaugelo.
" Braai stand is in the garage, I'll give you dishes for the meat"
I said, we looked at each other then I looked away. I avoided him, he eventually went outside to join the guys.
" Sana! Y'all really made this braai happen"
I said before taking the cooler box outside. The guys were talking about soccer or  cricket not really sure.
" There's vodka and Hennessey in there, some dash"
I said then put the thing down.
Khathu" Thank you"
Sikho" You can kiss her, we won't overreact"
Me" Hahaha you are so boring"
Khathu" We need more coal, wanna drive to shop with me?"
Me" Okay"
I went to tell the girls then we walked to the car in silence.
" I'll drive"
He ignored me then opened the door, got in the car.
Khathu" Were you going to tell me about your pregnancy?"
" The pregnancy tests are all over your bedroom floor. If I didn't come here today, would you have told me about this baby?"


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