Meet Mrs Rabali the 2nd

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Chapter 11

I can definitely say with so much confidence that my dating history doesn't inspire anyone. I don't have the best track record with men, I don't always admit this but most men just used me for sex and those that didn't just never knew what to do with my love. I have been hurt and humiliated, I have loved someone who wasn't ready for the love I had to give. I guess we really kiss frogs before getting to the Prince but no one speaks about the damage that happens to you while you seek your "happily ever after". I am however grateful that I met Khathu after I fell in love with myself again, after I stopped thinking that I needed a man to validate my worth, after I stopped feeling like I didn't deserve love and happiness. He met me after I was hurt by a man who can't love, but fought to be okay again and give love another chance. And 4 years later we are still together, not bad for a relationship that started in a parking lot because of a kiss that tastes like stale beer and Steers barbeque sauce. The last four years were not without any drama, it was expected he did warn me about his family and their fear for Xhosa women. I think however the biggest challenge was accepting that he was also betting married to someone else. We had our surprise baby Thili and they have their daughter Shudu. Have Rendandi and I met?, yes but once, when we took Thili to meet everyone. We however couldn't stay because Khathu's mother and were so rude that we decided to just go.
" Good Mornting!!!"
Nhlaka shouted as she walked in with Siba behind her.
Thandile" Sweetheart!!"
Siba" Makoti, phakama Mkam baku bone"
I got up and they started ululating, and singing wedding songs.
Thandile" Zethu! Uyatshata namhlanje"
Me" Guys! It's happening!"
We all screamed then laughter broke out, everyone in this room, I appreciate them for their friendship and love.
Me" I love you guys"
" We have champagne, vodka, a cheese platter and some orange juice. I have agriculture (mint leaves, lemons and strawberries) for Ntlaka"
Ntlaka" Please don't move, who else will take care of me like this?"
"You are the only bitch I respect in this house"
We all laughed
Me" I'll be gone for six months then return, Khathu knows I don't want to live in Venda"
Siba" Surely marriage changes that"
Me" No, his family hates me and there's no way I will do that to myself"
Thandile" Nothing baffles me more than them hating you because you are Xhosa"
Me" Let's not go there, today is supposed to be a good day"
Siba" Why are we getting drunk before the wedding?"
Me" Don't get drunk, this is confidence juice for when I walk down that aisle"
Siba" Say less, I'll mix your drink"
" Let's make a toast"
Ntlaka" To love and happiness"
Me" And to a great wedding weekend"

I plan on getting married once, so no expense spared. We were having an outdoor wedding at a winery in Franschhoek. Everything looked just perfect, my mother tried to changed my mind about the black bridesmaid dresses but I didn't budge. They looked perfect, just like I rejected Khathu's first wife Rendani being my maid of honor. She was just a guest, Thandile was my maid of honor then Siba, Ntlaka and my sister Khazimla were my bridesmaid.

When I walked down the aisle with Major's Why I love you, the tears shimmering in my eyes because of the lyrics. Khathu was really the one for me and I wouldn't have had this any other way.
"I love you and I am proud of you"
My Dad said to me before handing me to Khathu.
" You are so perfect"
I went for the soft glam look I had the night we met, my hair was in a fishtail French bun. My dress had such a long train (picture attached). This was my dream wedding.
Me" I love you"
We kissed the preacher cleared his throat and everyone laughed.
Preacher" Save some for the honeymoon"
The rest of the ceremony, I was in tears actually we both were. We left for our wedding photos and then went back to the reception. I went for a dress change, we danced to Ami Faku's Ubuhle Bakho.
Khathu" Did I mention you look beautiful?"
Me" Yes, but you can tell me again"
Khathu" I love you Mrs Rabali"
Me" I love you too Mr Rabali"

We had one day of rest and we were off to Venda, we arrived this morning and we were running around like headless chickens.
Mama" Masanzeni, everyone needs to finish up before they get here"
Today I had on an IsiXhosa inspired gown and a doek. Everyone looked flawless in their Xhosa traditional clothes.
Ntlaka" You are really just sitting on our necks"
Me" I decided to go big or go home"
Finally it was time for us to go, they were singing while I was covered by a blanket.
Siba" Pray"
Me" Please"
We didn't get any hassles at the gate surprisingly enough. Tradition hiccups along the way, so we started with ours. We did the gifting ceremony, my friends shared stories about Khathu and I. We got advice from the elders. Then Rendani got up to speak, I could see my people having mini discussions.
" We would like to welcome Xolisa to our family.."
Honestly I wasn't listening to her, I was just shocked by her beauty. Her smile, the way her eyes sparkled when she spoke, she was either a great actress or she really didn't mind me getting married to her husband.

My Aunt and I had to follow them to the house, Khathu's family the women took me to a room then gave me advice. Rendani kept on translating any aunt kept on tugging my dress, I am telling you she should be the face of strength and grace.
"Bazoku vasa?"
We were both shocked by that part, stripped naked and got in the water. Khathu's mother and Rendani bathed me as if that wasn't uncomfortable they applied lotion on me and then dressed me in new traditional clothes. Khathu's sister Anzani gave the name Hulisani.
Aunt" Xoli, bathi uzohamba with Rendani and go see your new home"
Me" Why her?"
Aunt" She is your sister now, just follow her. Ntlaka and I will be staying with you the entire week, this however is done by the both of you"
Me" I want to see my mother"
" Please"
I think the reality was sinking in, the idea of being alone with her and listening to her teach me things about the family really didn't sit well with me.
Aunt" I'll get her, just go with her Xoli. It's time for you to also play your part. You wanted to marry Khathu, well she is part of that. You three are a family now, your children and this is your home. You fought for this Xolisa, now go out there and play your part"

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