He loves me

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Chapter 2

It was different with Khathu, he was different than most of the men I have been with before. He listened, affirmed, never tried to change me and make me what he wanted me to be. So being with him was easy, whatever it was us going out together with my friends he was there but never wanted to share the spotlight. For a good second I forgot he will soon be getting married because the last six months were just him and I enjoying each other's company.
" What are you making?"
I asked him, Sunday's are meant for cuddles, RnB, food and some great sex in between.
" Your favorite"
I got up and walked to the kitchen, he looked at me and smiled.
Me" Are you being serious?"
Khathu" Yes"
He kissed me
"Go brush your teeth"
I hit his shoulder and he chuckled then kissed me again.
Me" Rude"
He pulled me closer to him then kissed me again. We stopped and stared at each other.
Khathu" Ndi ani funa"
Me" What does that mean?"
He kissed my forehead
Khathu" Go take a bath hahaha"
I knew he was lying but I shrugged it off, then went to take a bath. After I was done, I wore his t-shirt and undies then went to join him in the kitchen.
" You abuse my clothes"
I giggled then went to sit on the bar stool.
"Babe, are you really making a potato casserole dish?"
He nodded
Khathu" We will have that with a steak and some red wine. Then we can watch those reality shows that you love"
Me" Is is too early for me to tell you how much I love you?"
" Or let me just show you"

Thandile once asked is it true what they say about Venda men and I think the smile on my face was the answer. There's a joke about how "blood ain't thicker than this dick" and I finally understand it. I was his, I didn't care about anything. Even the possibility of him moving back home didn't bother me so much because right now I was having the time of my life and that's all that mattered.
" I am going home for Christmas"
I think he saw the disappointment on my face because he pulled me closer to him.
Me" When are you coming back?"
Khathu" February after the wedding"
I nodded, I didn't really have much to say and if I dared to open my mouth I would probably cry.
I moved away from him then got out of bed.
Me" Quickly want to check on the food"
I grabbed the t-shirt I was wearing on my way out.
"You are being stupid"
I said to myself, because why was I crying when I've been practically dating him knowing very well that he is engaged to be married and I was stupid enough to fall in love with him. I heard footsteps and I quickly wiped my tears.
" Xolisa"
He hugged me from behind.
Me" I just wanted to be in this bubble a little longer"
Khathu" Doesn't change anything between us"
Me" It changes a lot and you know it"
Khathu" Let's not discuss this today"
"Today is about putting a smile on your face. I am sorry for upsetting you"
I turned around and we kissed, he then gave me a hug.
Me" Thank you"
I walked to the fridge to take out the steak.
Khathu" Ndi khou humbela pfarelo. Ndi a ni funa."
Me" You are so annoying because you know I don't understand your language"
Khathu" I'm sorry for upsetting you"
"Should I grill your steak or microwave?"
We both giggled, I don't know how to cook. I am the type to burn water, I usually just throw everything in the microwave. He likes mocking me about that.
Me" Whatever"
" Just not well done"
Khathu" Medium rare, I know"
Me" You are the best"
Khathu" I know and you are lucky to have me"
Me" Hahaha grow up"
He eventually dished up for us and then we sat down to watch Love is Blind.

There's something about having sex while the t.v. just plays and you cuddle with your man in between. His phone rang and he looked at the caller id. Then answered, I couldn't understand a word he was saying but he looked annoyed when he ended the call.
" My cousin is here and they want him to sleep here. He has an interview at the university tomorrow morning"
He said
Me" Here where?"
Khathu" At the airport, that was my father asking me to go fetch him"
Me" Okay, I'm going to my place"
Khathu" Why?"
" Get dressed and let's go"
Me" You really want your cousin to see me?"
Khathu" He won't tell anyone. Let's go"
I wore sweatpants and a bra, then wore the t-shirt I was wearing earlier.
Me" I'm not wearing shoes, I won't get out of the car"
Khathu" You are so weird"
I drove us to the airport, his cousin didn't say much just kept to himself in the car. Khathu introduced us.
Khathu" Tendani, this is Xolisa"
He said something to him and he nodded.
" Lets go to Spar"
I drove to Spar, Khathu went in and I was left with the cousin. Ndaqonda no, I replied to messages on whatsapp and went through my Facebook. He returned and we went to his place.
Khathu" Babe should I dish up for you or you are good?"
The cousin looked shocked, and I think Khathu noticed.
Me" He made a potato casserole and it's amazing"
Tendani" You cook?"
Khathu" Hahaha yes"
Me" Doesn't he usually cook?"
Tendani" His father would have a heart attack if he'd come here and see Khathu cook while you watch t.v."
Khathu" Hahaha he isn't exaggerating, but she can't cook and I can, plus I don't mind doing it for her"
Tendani" Who are you? Hahaha"
Me" Babe, sit, I'll dish. Don't want your cousin telling your father this"
Tendani" No one would believe me anyway"
I actually got to know Khathi better that night. His cousin and I seemed to get along, I went to washed the dishes giving them their privacy. He walked in the kitchen and stood at the door, I turned around and looked at him.
" He thinks you are awesome"
He said and I chuckled because him using the word awesome was just weird.
Khathu" I love you. I kept on saying it in TshiVenda because I thought you were not where I am but I think you love me too"
Me" I love you too. A lot more than I should seeing that you are about to marry someone else"
Khathu" Don't do that, focus on us right now. Forget the outside world"
" Let's not plan the future, let's just live in the now"

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