Our love

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Chapter 18

This chapter of my love is called: The love I deserve.

"If he wants to, he will" probably the most accurate line in the world. Khathu was doing exactly that, he wanted us to stay married and he never missed a beat. After Pretoria I was worried that he will change when he goes back home and I go to PE, that didn't happen instead our love was just before than before. He called, we texted, he visited or we would meet somewhere. Thili and I in the space of three months have been in so many places, we went to Mpumalanga, Cape town and Johannesburg just the three of us. Now that I'm almost seven months in my pregnancy we decided to stop with the travelling and I should rest.
" You are still bringing Shudu right?"
I asked him, Thili was turning 3 and I wanted Shudu to be around for that.
Khathu" And Rendani"
Me" I know, your mother lands soon, and I have to mentally prepare myself for that"
He chuckled
" I don't get why she took an earlier flight"
Khathu" Because Thili is her grandson and she wants to help out with the party. You'll be fine baby, I promise you"
Me" I love you, and I'll see you later"
I was nervous about them coming here but I don't think anything will happen but one can never be too sure. Thili was the first to see her because he ran to her and gave her a big hug. My son loves his grandmother, that's why I invited her because she was evil to me and not him. I refused to use my son to fight my battles.
" Hello Mama"
I said before helping her with her bags
MIL" Hello Huli, usaphila?"
I was shocked to hear her speak any Nguni language and I think she saw my face.
" I was once a student and my roommate was Xhosa"
Me" Okay hahaha"
Thili" Let's take Khulu to the beach Mommy"
Me" Not today, nditshilo kuwe"
" My mother is cooking for us at home, I hope that's fine with you Mama"
MIL" No problem Hulisani"
My house is 5 minutes away from the airport but the way my son was chatting up his grandmother it felt like I was driving to Johannesburg. We stopped at the garage to get some juice and coke.
" Ndo neta"
Thili said and I rolled my eyes, Khathu has been teaching us basic words.
Me" His father started teaching him words so he can communicate with his sister"
We arrived at the house, I saw my sister's car and I smiled. We got out and went inside, it's the first she is seeing my house. She probably thinks her son bought it for me.
" Your home is beautiful"
She said while looking at my garden
Me" It's hard to take care of it now, Pea makes hard for me to bend over and when I do it's hard to get up"
" I'm thinking of getting someone to look after it"
MIL" I will do it for you, I don't mind"
" Why are you calling him Pea?"
Me" It might be a boy, why is everyone so sure it's a boy"
" I called him Pea because she was once as small as a Pea"
We went inside, my mother hugged us, I left them to go pee.
" Go to Granny boy"
I said to my son who always feels the need to accompany me to the toilet.
Thili" No, please Mommy"
Me" Okay"
I flushed then went straight to bed because my feet were killing me.


I opened my eyes and looked around, it was dark outside then took my phone to check the time. 19:36 p.m. I really took a long nap. Getting out of bed to take a shower before going to join everyone was a great plan but executing it? I don't think I can. Instead I just wore a long dress and uggies, then went to join everyone.
" Sleeping beauty"
My father said, I giggled then greeted everyone. I went to greet my father in law then went outside to Thili's room so I can see Shudu. She gave me a hug, she spoke gibberish English and TshiVenda just like Thili, I giggled then left them alone.
" Hello Hulisani"
I turned around and smiled at him.
Me" Hello Khathu"
We both giggled and then hugged.
" How was your flight?"
Khathu" Great, my father just couldn't wait to land so he can see the beautiful Port Elizabeth"
" I have a feeling he will convince his wife to make this a holiday for them"
Me" You told them my parents place is a street away from the beach?"
Khathu" Your father did while you were sleeping, and the place is to go to the beach on Sunday"
Me" We have a swimming pool right here"
He kissed my forehead
Khathu" They want the ocean my love"
" You were sleeping so peacefully, who woke you up?"
Me" My bladder"
We both chuckled
" Where is Rendani?"
Khathu" She is preparing the guest room for my parents"
Me" I made the sleeping arrangements and your mother was fine, what changed?"
Khathu" I don't think she knew that"
Me" Your parents take the granny flat, then you two take the guestroom, Thili and Shudu will sleep in Thili's room I got an extra bed and Sofia bedding that she loves. My parents are sleeping in their house, and I will sleep with Khazimla"
Khathu" I'll tell her"
Me" Please, Thandeka did everything this morning, she's a guest there's no need for her to be preparing rooms"
Khathu" I'll speak to her"
" You should eat"
Me" Hahaha you know after this baby comes out I will have to gym like crazy because of this weight gain"
Khathu" We will gym together"
Me" Hahaha I will hold you to that"
Khathu" Did they deliver the stroller?"
Me" Nothing has been delivered yet"
Me" I will laugh at you when this baby comes out and it's a girl"
Khathu" It's a boy, I know"
Me" Pea please disappoint his arrogant ass"
Khathu" Rude"


The following morning I thought I would be the first to wake up but I was wrong. Rendani and my mother in law were already in the kitchen preparing breakfast.
" Good Morning"
I said walking towards them, they both mumbled something that was supposed to be "Good Morning".
Me" Do you need any help?"
Rendani" We are good, thank you"
Me" Okay, I have to go fetch Thili's cake and run some errands. Do you need anything from the shops?"
MIL" Yes, I want to make my salad, I will sms you the ingredients"
Me" Let me go bath then get going"
I swear to God I am enjoying my pregnancy, love it when Pea kicks at the sound of her father's voice or when Thili speaks to her.
" Zethu"
The door opened and Khathu stood there staring at me.
Me" I know right? I want another one after Pea"
Khathu" Pregnancy looks good on you"
" However I think after Pea you won't want another baby, I know you"
Me" You are wrong"
" I was thinking of asking Ntlaka to get the cake then I go get your mother's things. I'm lazy to drive"
Khathu" What does she need?"
Me" Ingredients for her famous salad, is it really famous?"
He chuckled
Khathu" Hahaha don't start"
" Ask Rendani to accompany you, I don't think she would mind"
Me" Don't do that, she was there and she didn't offer to tag along. Now you'll make it seem like I reported her to you"
Khathu" Then what? Because you can't go alone"
Me" I am not, your father is coming with, he wanted to see my billboard and I am surprised he even remembered that"
Khathu" Since when are you best friends with my father?"
Me" Since he told me that you'd be an idiot if you let me go"
We both laughed
" I'm kidding, I just needed his advice on something and we ended up chatting about other things"
Khathu" You told my father about our problems?"
Me" No you idiot, I asked him if Pea is a girl, will it be okay if I name her after your grandmother and its a boy then after your great grandfather"
" And also if I could give birth that side with their trusted midwife"
Khathu" Are you serious?"
Me" Yes, we married, you gave me the opportunity to stay here even though you didn't want to and I am mending fences with your family. I love you Khathu, I know we not perfect but I love making you smile and I knew this would"
Khathu" I love you! I don't think I say this enough. Thank you"

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