A little love

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Chapter 17

Someone call the academy!!! Khathu and I are pulling Oscar worthy performances. We are killing 30 seconds together like he didn't threaten to take my son away, I am preparing a plate for him like I didn't tell him to fuck off. Everyone around us was confused because we played charades and beat everyone like he didn't suggest I get an abortion. Call the academy! My husband and I are so in sync with each other like we are not separated and we are confusing everyone. Let us get our flowers! We deserve an Oscar nomination for the best actor and actress in the most pretentious couple category.
" We should get going, this was fun. We should do it again"
Wes said, and I nodded then gave him a hug.
Khathu" Soon man, and I'll call you Monday to chat about that deal"
They were the last couple to leave, we walked them to the car. Waved goodbye, after they left Khathu's smile disappeared and we walked to the house. I was right behind him.
" You should probably go to a hotel or something"
I said
Khathu" I'm not doing that, this is my house too. Do you want me to get technical?"
Me" Then stay in your house, however I am going"
Khathu" You really think I will let you drive at this time"
Me" I don't care what you think! You said you wish you never met me. So I am giving you your space"
Khathu" We both said things"
Me" And I don't want to fight anymore Khathu, so let me go before we say more things that we will both regret"
Khathu" We are still married right?"
Me" Did you sign the papers?"
Khathu" No"
" Can we talk Xolisa? No more running, just talk to me and I'll listen. You will do the same when it's my turn, and if we can't find an amicable solution then I'll sign those papers"


I have always listened to Olivia Rodrigo's Drivers license and cried myself to sleep. It was the perfect song for my heartbreak, I related to the lyrics. The last three months have been shitty, Khathu and I got married, separated and I got pregnant. I really thought that was it for us but I guess I was wrong, turns out all we had to do was talk. It felt like old times, he listened to everything I had to say. It was a safe space to share my fears and he did the same, we spoke about everything. We slept with his arms wrapped around me, in the morning he made us breakfast then we went to fetch our son. We spent our Sunday at Addo Elephant Park, while we were playing music on our way home, Driver's license came on and I giggled.
" This was my 'i hate him' song and it really made me feel everything"
I said to him and he just raised his eyebrow, he was quiet, I guess he was listening to the song.
" Wow"
That's all he said after the song ended.
Me" Hahaha I love you that much"
Khathu" I love you too babe, I hope you never listen to this song and cry about the pain that I caused you"
Me" Yea me too, I made an appointment for Tuesday to see what's up with Pea"
" Will you still be here?"
Khathu" Pea?"
Me" The fetus"
Khathu" Please don't call my baby that"
Me" Pea, will you be around?"
Khathu" Yea, need to make some calls first"
"When are you leaving for Pretoria?"
Me" After my appointment, are you taking Thili with you?"
Khathu" I'll ask my mother if you are fine with that and then we just spend the two weeks there together"
I didn't see that one coming, actually I didn't expect any of this. Today has been so weird, we were happy and I was just waiting for someone to snatch it away.
Me" Okay"
" You can ask your mother but Khathu, she isn't allowed to teach Thili TshiVenda. We will decide how to raise our son, not our parents"
Khathu" I'll speak to her"
Me" Thank you"

After putting Thili to sleep we actually had sex, I couldn't believe how great it felt. I missed him, he missed me and I didn't want this to end. Even when we cuddled in bed I just wanted us to stay like this forever and never let the outside world interfere.
" I am about to take a photo of you for my instagram"
He was looking at me and I loved the way he looked it me. I captioned it; My favorite fairytale is our love story.

The following day I woke up and he wasn't next to me, I decided to check my phone and just like predicted our whatsapp group had messages.
Ntlaka" Booking a table at Ocean Basket for 1 p.m."
Siba" I can't, I have a meeting, please make it breakfast"
Thandile" How's 10 a.m. for everyone?"
Ntlaka" 10 is fine"
Siba" Usual place?"
Ntlaka" Yes"
Me" I'll be there, just woke up so might be late, just order my omelette and salad"
Ntlaka" Alright"
I went to take a shower then got dress in  black ripped jeans and a white t-shirt, then wore my off white Jordan sneakers. I didn't bother with my hair just wore a bucket hair and took my bag then ran out of the room.
" Going out for breakfast with the girls, should I take Thili with me?"
I said to Khathu, he was busy on his laptop.
Khathu" Good Morning"
" Nope, I'll go with him, visiting some old friends"
Me" Okay, but call me if he gets bored because after breakfast I'm coming straight here to pack"
" The lady that cleans will be here soon, so don't be alarmed"
Khathu" Okay, enjoy your breakfast date"
" I love you"
Me" I love you too Mr Rabali"
" Just to show my love, I'll go shopping for somethings you'll want to take off"
He chuckled
Khathu" Go woman before I change my mind and make love to you"
I looked at him then smiled
" I love you more, in case you've ever wondered"

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